30 day plank challenge before and after photos

The 30-day plank challenge uses on 1 exercise every day. The minutes and hours spent for the exercise will gradually increase as the days go by building up your core slowly but surely while making it easy to complete the challenge till the final day.

30 day plank challenge before and after photos

You will only be doing each exercise for a certain amount of time during the day to ensure that you don’t over-do it. But if you feel you can repeat the day’s challenge more than once, you are free to do so. Remember though that you may find it more difficult to maintain multiple repetitions as the days accumulate.

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Last update on 2017-09-05 PST - Details

How to Plank Correctly

Planks are done by holding the trunk of your body above the ground or surface in straight position. There are several variations to this move including one-legged plank, forearm plank, push-up plank and those that integrate cardio elements.

This is not just a strengthening exercise, and it includes movement and balance elements as well.

Benefits of Plank Exercise

Planks can help the body:

  • Stand tall and upright with great posture.
  • Improve athleticism and balance.
  • Easily do every day actions such as carrying a box or getting up from bed.
  • Prevent the occurrence of osteoarthritis and joint and muscular aches.
  • Maintain good metabolism and digestion.

If you want to acquire six-pack abs, you can do crunches, sit-ups, and other abdominal exercises together with the planks.

The bottom line here is that planks are a fantastic way of building up your core muscles and making it strong. If you complement it with other exercises routines, you can have a more dynamic and complete conditioning program.

Meet the challenge with caution though and consider your body’s limitations to avoid getting injured.

Check out these 30 day plank challenge before and after photos to get a better perspective of its results:

30 day plank challenge before and after photos

“Doing a month-long plank challenge gave me new respect for fitness professionals. I got just a small glimpse into how much effort, and time it takes to achieve and maintain core muscles like that. I do feel stronger and more stable in my day-to-day activities, like hauling kids around or when I’m trying to bring multiple hampers full of laundry up and down the stairs.” – Megan Zander

30 day plank challenge before and after photos

“This challenge served as a good test of my perseverance, and made me realize I’m more stubborn and determined than I thought and I was happy with the results.” - Binosusume Machin

30 day plank challenge before and after photos

30 – Day Plank Challenge Before and After Photo from shaneeandkimiseworkout.

30 day plank challenge before and after photos

30 – Day Plank Challenge Before and After Photo from shaneeandkimiseworkout.

30 day plank challenge before and after photos

30 Day Plank Challenge Results Before and After Photos from Jennifer Homes.

30 day plank challenge before and after photos

30 Day Plank Challenge Results Before and After Photos from Jennifer Homes.

30 day plank challenge before and after photos

“I’m officially one month into my workout and nutrition gig. I can feel my cardio base getting stronger, less bodily jiggle when I do jumping jacks and such, and most of my junk food cravings have ceased.” - TripleCrazy

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What happens when you do a plank every day for a whole month? That's exactly what I wanted to find out...

Normally I just run three or four times a week and let my muscles fall by the wayside - but I knew that building strength makes for better running and better overall health. So in December 2020 I joined a gym, excited to work on my strength training.

I only managed three gym sessions before the UK's third national lockdown began in January, and suddenly I was faced with only my living room and bodyweight to help me build up strength. 

In search of a challenge to keep me motivated, I decided to try planking everyday for a month to see what would happen. 

The plank is one of the best workouts for abs. It’s simple, effective, and requires no equipment and barely any space. Plus, as long as your form is correct – keeping your back straight and glutes squeezed – the plank can develop core strength which, according to Harvard University, leads to good posture, less back pain, and better balance and stability.   

Nupur Trivedi loves all things relating to fitness, health and nutrition and manages to keep on top all three while travelling the globe. While she maintains her fitness around the world she also enjoys taking on new physical challenges, writing up how she found them and sharing the results - good or bad.

My plank-every-day challenge approach

In the first two weeks of my plank challenge, I did a standard low plank resting on my forearms (see Fit&Well's how to do a plank guide for more details). I started out doing it for 60 seconds, and tried adding a few more seconds each time. The longest time I did the plank this way was 80 seconds. 

After two weeks I decided to shake it up by attempting Lilly Sabri's five-minute plank challenge video on YouTube. Involving  nearly 10 different plank variations performed without breaks over five minutes, it was intense to say the least!

Here’s what happened after trying both approaches over a month… 

I experienced DOMS - and not just in my abs

After about four days of planking for at least 60 seconds every day, I started to feel delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which left me reaching for my best foam roller to help with recovery and let me know the daily exercise was working its magic. 

Surprisingly, I felt the DOMS in some unexpected places, like down the side of my torso and just below my shoulders. 

Before I began the plank challenge, I thought the exercise would mostly target my abs – AKA my six pack muscles. But the beauty of the plank is that this super simple move works a range of different muscles at the same time, including the glutes, core (including abs and obliques), shoulders, and back.  

Different variations can target different muscles too, and personal trainer Tess Glynne-Jones (opens in new tab) suggests choosing a variation that’s best suited to your goals.

“A conventional low plank will be targeting the majority of your midsection. A side plank will be working the obliques a little harder. A side plank star will be getting your glutes more involved and a Copenhagen side plank is seriously challenging those abductors.” 

My shoulder strength let me down

Try as I might over multiple attempts, I wasn’t able to complete the whole five minute plank challenge without taking breaks. Some days I didn’t even attempt the commando variation because I knew the difficulty that was in store for me. But it wasn’t my core that was quivering in fear at the exercises – it was my arms that were struggling to hold me up. 

Tess says this is a common issue that can be helped by working on shoulder stability and strength. 

“Have a play with your push and pull movements that require a little more shoulder stability than others, such as renegade rows and dumbbell bench press." Check out our pick of the best adjustable dumbbells to get started at home. 

She adds: "Incorporate overhead work like windmills, Turkish get-ups, and overhead marches to challenge the shoulder and core stability even more and develop the strength required for planking.” 

I became more aware of my core when running

My running form wasn’t bad before I started the plank challenge, but after doing it for a couple of weeks there was a discernible difference. A strong core makes for better, more efficient running by allowing you to main good form for longer. 

I noticed that as my core slowly grew stronger, my running posture became stronger too. I felt more confident as I ran and also achieved some great times and distances. While I can’t attribute it all to the planks, I have no doubt they played a part.    

I didn't see any changes in ab definition

Okay, I wasn’t expecting that I would suddenly have a six pack by the end of the month, but I did have some hope I’d see definition in my abs. And I did, maybe, first thing in the morning - when the light was just right and I was flexing at a certain angle!

But in reality this plank challenge didn’t give me washboard abs. To achieve that, I'd likely need to build other core exercises into my workouts, such as crunches, Pilates abs workouts and routines incorporating the best ab rollers.

However, my body does feel stronger so I know it’s been effective, and at the end of the day that’s what’s most important.    

Plank challenge: final thoughts

Even though I didn’t manage to plank every day over the month, I’ve noticed some benefits from trying this challenge. Most notably, my running form feels stronger and more confident. 

I haven’t seen any other tangible benefits of the plank, like ab definition or bigger muscles, but I know that building a stronger core will contribute to my body’s overall health and wellbeing. 

The plank is a simple, quick, and versatile move that offers a range of benefits, so while I likely won’t continue doing it daily, it’s definitely an exercise I’ll incorporate into my workout routine regularly, alongside other core-strengthening exercises.

Nupur is a freelance journalist who covers travel, lifestyle, health, fitness, and nutrition. She has previously written for titles including Stylist, Where London, London Planner, Vacations & Travel, and Hey Gents. A keen runner with a fondness for running tourism, she loves knocking back a few early morning miles whenever she visits somewhere new and has clocked up distances in the UK, Germany, Italy, Australia, Japan, and Vietnam. An avid believer in the idea of food as medicine, she can often be found researching new ingredients to include in nutritious plant-based meals. When she’s not doing any of the above, Nupur is usually curled up on the couch trying her hand at a new crochet project.

Is the 30 day plank Challenge effective?

30-day plank challenge Planks work to strengthen your core, meaning you'll see improvements with your posture as well as being able to see improvement with back pain if you have it.

How long does it take to see results from doing planks?

How long do you need to hold a plank to get results? According to research by professor and spine specialist Stuart McGill, Ph. D., you only need to hold a plank for 10 seconds to work the core and see results.

What will happen if I do plank for 30 days?

By increasing the amount of time you hold your plank each day, your body will build up endurance. Endurance is important for increasing physical stamina and strengthening and toning your muscles. The plank challenge alone won't give you a six-pack, though. Try to increase your exercise endurance in other ways, too.

How many planks should I do a day to see results?

Plank two to four times a week. Increase your time in increments of five to 10 seconds. Once you can hold your position for more than a minute, progress to a new movement, like reaching overhead while planking.