50 is 20 of what number


50 is 20 of what number

Hint: To find \[20\% \] of \[20\] is equal to \[50\% \] of what number, we have to first find what is \[20\% \] of \[20\]. A percentage is a number expressed as a fraction of \[100\% \]. We will assume that the unknown number is \[x\]. Then we will find \[50\% \] of \[x\] then we will equate it to the value we got by calculating \[20\% \] of to find the value of \[x\].

Complete step-by-step answer:
As we know, if there is a number say \[a\] and we have asked to find \[m\% \] of \[a\]. Then it is equal to \[\dfrac{m}{{100}} \times a\].
In the same way, \[20\% \] of \[20\] will be the following:
\[ \Rightarrow \dfrac{{20}}{{100}} \times 20 = 4\]
Let us assume that the unknown number is \[x\].
Now, we have to find \[50\% \] of \[x\] in the same way we calculated \[20\% \] of \[20\].
It will be the following:
\[ \Rightarrow \dfrac{{50}}{{100}} \times x = \dfrac{{50x}}{{100}}\]
Now, we will equate \[20\% \] of \[20\] and \[50\% \] of \[x\] as it is already mentioned in the question that they are equal.
We have \[20\% \] of \[20\] as \[4\] and \[50\% \] of \[x\] as \[\dfrac{{50x}}{{100}}\].
On equating \[50\% \] of \[x\] and \[20\% \] of \[20\], we get
\[ \Rightarrow \dfrac{{50x}}{{100}} = 4\]
On simplifying the left hand side of the above equation we get
\[ \Rightarrow \dfrac{x}{2} = 4\]
Multiplying \[2\] on both the sides of the equation, we get
\[ \Rightarrow x = 8\]
Hence, we get the unknown number \[x\] as \[8\].
Therefore, \[20\% \] of \[20\] is equal to \[50\% \] of \[8\].
So, the correct answer is “ \[8\]”.

Note: A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of \[100\]. It is often denoted using the percent sign i.e., \['\% '\] . Whenever we face such type of problem of finding the percentage of a given number then we need to know that \[p\] percent of \[q\] can be written as \[\dfrac{p}{{100}} \times q\].

A percent is a ratio of a number expressed out of 100.

Answer: 20 percent of 50 is 10.

Let's find 20 percent of 50.


20 percent of 50 can be written as 20% × 50

= 20/100 × 50

= 10

Thus, 20 percent of 50 is 10.

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Find the number which is equivalent to 20% of 50Percentage: A percentage is a number that represents a fraction of 100.Formula: x percent of y=x100×y20 percent of 50 is,20 %of50=20100×50⇒20%of50 =0.2×50⇒20%of50=10Hence, 20% of 50 is 10.

1 Answer

50 is 20 of what number

ali ergin

Mar 13, 2016




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50 is 20 of what number

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Online Calculators > Math Calculators

50 is 20% of What Number? - 50 is 20% of 250. 100% of 250 is 250, therefore 20 percent of 250 equals 50. To learn how to solve 50 is 20 percent of what number, see the step by step instructions below.

50 is 20 Percent of What Number?


Formula = Number x 100
= 50 x 100
= 250

Following shows the steps on how to derive this formula and find out 20% of what number is 50.
Step 1: If 20% of a number is 50, then what is 100% of that number? Setup the equation.

= Y

Step 2: Solve for Y
Using cross multiplication of two fractions, we get
20Y = 50 x 100
20Y = 5000

Y = 5000
= 250

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