55 gallon drum vegetable oil

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UltraSource UltraPro White Mineral Oil - 55 Gallon Drum - Food Grade

UltraPro Food Grade White Oils are colorless, odorless, and tasteless mixtures of saturated paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons. Our food grade white oils are chemically, and biologically stable, and do not support bacterial growth. UltraPro Food Grade White Oils contain vitamin E, a natural antioxidant to protect quality during handling and storage.

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Download a free copy of the USDA report on Bulk Vegetable Oil Commodity Requirements now.

So here’s a problem I’m running into – where do I get the vegetable oil I’ll need to run the car and will it be cheaper than gas?

Finding a bulk vegetable oil distributor is difficult. I’ve called the local McDonald’s/Burger King/Wendy’s restaurants and the managers there have been surprisingly helpful. I was very surprised that they not only gave me the names of their suppliers (and in some cases their phone numbers), but not one of them asked me what I was doing. I was prepared to lay out my whole story so they wouldn’t feel uncomfortable that they were helping their competition, but none seemed to care!

Armed with the contact information from the fast food joints, I called around but none of the suppliers has called me back. Granted, I was doing my shopping on Memorial Day which might not have been the smartest move…

In the meantime, I’ve been looking at the local grocery stores as a last resort. I also joined both Costco and Sam’s Club (for unrelated reasons) so I looked into those as well. If you’re going cross country in your greasecar and aren’t planning on filling your trunk with a supply of oil, here’s what you can expect to pay in my area:

Albertsons has a “Club pack” of soybean oil – 128 fl oz (1 gallon) for 6.29. That’s $6.29/gallon.

Sam’s Club has a 1.25 gallon jug of Wessson vegetable oil for $5.09. That works out to $4.07/gallon.

Finally, the listing that has me most intrigued is also at Sam’s Club – a 35 pound jug of clear frying oil for $13.97. Based on some quick internet research, I’ve found that rapeseed oil weighs about 7.6 pounds per gallon. Assuming the same for the fryer oil, the jug contains about 4.6 gallons of oil. That works out to just over $3/gallon. Edit: Here’s some post-publication research on how much vegetabel oil weighs.

The $3/gallon figure doesn’t quite measure up to today’s gas prices, but keep the following in mind:

  • Gas will be going over $3/gallon in the next year. Drivers in Amsterdam and other parts of Europe already pay well over $6/gallon.
  • This pricing is based off of local store shelf prices, not bulk retailers. Buying in bulk has the potential to bring the price down dramatically (more on that to come).
  • Vegetable oil is a renewable resource as opposed to petroleum of which there is a finite amount. While we can expect petroleum prices to rise as the sources deplete, it’s possible that prices for vegetable oil will decrease as it becomes a more mainstream fuel alternative – increased production efficiency, distribution refinement, etc.
  • Finally, wouldn’t you rather pay American farmers for vegetable oil than Arab sheiks for petroleum? Dependence on foreign oil is slowing diplomatic gains for America across the board. I won’t bore you with the politics, but take a moment to think on the big scale what would happen if the price of a barrel of crude wasn’t all we heard about on the news.

My apologies for the rant. If you hear of a good source of veggie oil, please let me know.


Collections: Swiss Oils

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A perfect replacement for Vascomill 22!!!

SterlingCool-VG22 Technical Data Sheet

SterlingCool-VG22 is a premium swiss cutting oil formulated with vegetable oil technology and a unique combination of lubricity additives. SterlingCool-VG22 exhibits excellent boundary lubrication for the most demanding machining applications without the use of chlorine. With a viscosity of 22, it is an excellent product for use in Swiss style CNC turning machines equipped with high pressure delivery systems. SterlingCool-VG22 is formulated exceptionally clean and has a bright and clear appearance which achieves exceptional visibility. It is a low foaming product making this fluid ideal for high pressure coolant delivery systems.  SterlingCool-VG22 is recommended for both ferrous and non-ferrous materials and is an excellent choice for aluminum and brass.

• High Flash Point, Safer to Use
• Low Mist/Smoke levels
• Extremely Clean
• Multi Metal/Can be used on all metals
• Excellent heat dissipation
• Greater Penetration for micro-parts

How much does a 55 gallon drum of cooking oil weigh?

The drum is measured in 55 US gallons, which is equivalent to 45.8 Imperial gallons or 208 liters. A 55 gallon drum is heavy and needs to be accounted for when transporting oil. A steel drum weighs about 40 lbs, a plastic drum around 20 lbs, and a fiber drum about 15 lbs.

Why is an oil barrel 55 gallons?

The barrels finally changed in 1905, when Nellie Bly patented the steel drum still used today. Bly designed her barrels to carry more oil, 55 gallons, and to leak less. Her invention also caused the barrel's meaning to separate from its physical reality.

What are the main source of cooking oil?

There are a wide variety of cooking oils from plant sources such as olive oil, palm oil, soybean oil, canola oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil, peanut oil and other vegetable oils, as well as animal-based oils like butter and lard. Oil can be flavored with aromatic foodstuffs such as herbs, chillies or garlic.

What's canola oil made of?

Canola oil is oil made from crushed canola seeds. One of the best oils for heart health, canola oil has less saturated fat than any other oil commonly used in the U.S. Cutting down on saturated fats helps cut your cholesterol levels.


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