A company buys pens at the rate of 5.50

A company buys pens at the rate of $5.50 per box for the first 10 boxes, $4.50 per box for the next 10 boxes, and $3.50 per box for any additional boxes. how many boxes of pens can be bought for $177.00?


A company buys pens at the rate of 5.50


Grade 12 ยท 2021-07-15

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A company buys pens at the rate of $5.50 per box for the first 10 boxes, $4.50 per box for the next 10 boxes, and $3.50 per box for any additional boxes. how many boxes of pens can be bought for $177.00?

A company buys pens at the rate of 5.50



So it is really easy to solve firstly we can see how much does the first 10 boxes make which makes around 55$ obviously. Secondly 45$ for the next 10 boxes.

So for now we can simply calculate that we have spent around 100$ which means 20 boxes. The remaining money le is 77$ so we can buy 77/3.5 = 22 only 22 boxes with that money. Hence a total of 42 boxes.

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A company buys pens at the rate of 5.50

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Video Transcript

For this exercise, we have 221 equal to 7.5 times 10 Plus 5.5 times 10 plus 3.5 X. So we know there's 20 plus x boxes and 221 is going to equal 75 plus 55 Plus 3.5 x. Thus to 21 -75 -55 equals 91 Divided by 3.5 equals 26, So 20 plus 26 is equal to 46. And that's the solution to this exercise.

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A company buys pens at the rate of 5.50

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Question 758202: Please help me solve this word problem: a company buys pens at the rate of $6.50 per box for the first 10 boxes, $5.50 per box
for the next 10 boxes, and $4.50 per box for any additional boxes. how many boxes of pens can
be bought for $183.00? Thank you.

Answer by lwsshak3(11628)
A company buys pens at the rate of 5.50
A company buys pens at the rate of 5.50
A company buys pens at the rate of 5.50
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Please help me solve this word problem: a company buys pens at the rate of $6.50 per box for the first 10 boxes, $5.50 per box
for the next 10 boxes, and $4.50 per box for any additional boxes. how many boxes of pens can
be bought for $183.00?
let x=number of boxes of pens which can be bought for $183.
number of boxes of pens which can be bought for $183=34