A parachutists speed during a freefall reaches

A parachutist's rate during a free fall reaches 80

 meters per second. What is this rate in feet per second? At this rate, how many feet will the parachutist fall during 20

 seconds of free fall? In your computations, assume that 1

 meter is equal to 3.3

 feet. Do not round your answers.

Answer & Explanation

A parachutists speed during a freefall reaches
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Algebra ->  Finance -> SOLUTION: A parachutist's rate during a free fall reaches 153 miles per hour. What is this rate in feet per second? At this rate, how many feet will the parachutist fall during 10 se      Log On

A parachutist's rate during a free fall reaches 50 meters per second. What is this rate in reet per secand? At this rate, how mony feet will the caraghutist fall during 5 seconds of free fall? In your computations, assume that 1 meter is equal to 3.3 reet. Do not round your aviswers.


A parachutists speed during a freefall reaches


Grade 9 · 2021-04-22

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A parachutist's rate during a free fall reaches A parachutist's rate during a free fall reaches 50 - Gauthmath meters per second. What is this rate in reet per secand? At this rate, how mony feet will the caraghutist fall during 5 seconds of free fall? In your computations, assume that 1 meter is equal to 3.3 reet. Do not round your aviswers.

A parachutists speed during a freefall reaches


Grade 9 · 2021-04-22



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A parachutist's rate during a free fall reaches 50 meters per second. What is this rate in feet per second? At this rate, how many feet will the parachutist fall during 20 seconds of free fall?

Speed, Distance, and Time:

If a moving body's speed remains constant irrespective of position and time, we use the following equation to relate distance, time, and speed.

$$v = \dfrac{d}{t} $$


  • The speed is v, the distance is d, and t is the time

If the speed changes from time to time, we use the kinematic equations of motion to relate all the quantities (that are mentioned above).

Answer and Explanation: 1

Given Data:

  • The given speed is: {eq}v = 50\;{\rm{m/s}} {/eq}
  • The time is: {eq}t = 20\;{\rm{s}} {/eq}

Convert the unit of the speed using the suitable conversion factor.

$$\begin{align*} v &= 50\;{\rm{m/s}}\\[0.3cm] &= 50\;{\rm{m/s}}\left( {\dfrac{{1\;{\rm{ft}}}}{{0.3048\;{\rm{m}}}}} \right)\\[0.3cm] &= 164.041994751\;{\rm{ft/s}}\\[0.3cm] &\simeq 164\;{\rm{ft/s}} \end{align*} $$

Thus, the speed in feet per second is {eq}\boldsymbol{164\;{\rm{ft/s}}}. {/eq}

Write the expression for the distance covered during the indicated time.

$$d = v \times t $$

Substitute the known values.

$$\begin{align*} d &= \left( {164\;{\rm{ft/s}}} \right) \times \left( {20\;{\rm{s}}} \right)\\[0.3cm] &= 3280\;{\rm{ft}} \end{align*} $$

Thus, it falls {eq}\boldsymbol{3280\;{\rm{ft}}} {/eq} during 20 seconds of free fall.

Learn more about this topic:

A parachutists speed during a freefall reaches

Distance, Time & Average Speed: Practice Problems


Chapter 1 / Lesson 3

Distance is the measure in a straight line of how far something has traveled, and can be used to calculate speed when time is also known. Learn the equation used to calculate average speed through a set of practice problems.

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