App to see who unfollowed me on instagram

The INSIDER Summary: 

• Instagram makes it hard to see who unfollows you.
• The app Followers+ has made it easy for users to find out.
• They reveal who unfollows you and when they do it.
You can also see how many users you follow that don't follow you back.

The world knew almost immediately when model Bella Hadid unfollowed superstar Selena Gomez due to some scandalous celebrity gossip. But with paparazzi ignoring our every move, it can be hard for regular people to see who unfollowed us and why.

But recently, I found out there's an app that solves this problem. 

Followers+, by Tappple, was introduced to me by a hipper, more in-touch friend, and now that I've used it, there's no turning back. The way it works is by gathering all the mathematics and data behind your pictures, hashtags, and — most importantly — followers. 

And yes, it tells you who unfollowed you. Here's how it works:

The front page of the app looks like the stock exchange.

  Amy Daire/INSIDER

At the very top, your most recent post is highlighted along with how many likes and comments it got and a percentage that represents how well it did compared to your other posts. It also shows a graph that details how well your last seven posts have done and has a continuous scroll showing your rises, falls, and total engagements. 

With a small scroll, you get to the good stuff. Sections like "New Followers," "Lost Followers," and "Blocking Me" contain all the juicy details.

  Amy Daire/INSIDER

In each section you can see the name, picture, and handle of the users in question. "Lost Followers" lists users by when they stopped following you. Other sections are just rolling lists of users. 

I found the most treacherous section to be "Not Following Me Back." 


The "Not Following Me Back" section leads you to the aptly named "Unrequited" page, which reveals everyone who isn't returning the favor.  


If you decide to click into this page, beware: You will find people you thought were following you, and it has the potential to ruin friendships. 

If you're lucky, this page will mostly consist of companies, celebrities, and Insta-famous accounts with hundreds of thousands of followers. Just don't be surprised if you catch a few of your besties on this list!

This page also shows you how many times these not-followers have liked your pictures. 


This could mean that they were once following you and unfollowed you before you downloaded the app or that they've never followed you, but have kept a close eye. 

Once you've gotten over that, the most useful tool is the "Lost Followers" section. 


You'll be able to see who unfollowed you and when they did. You can also slapback by easily unfollowing them on this app as well, which will surely keep your Follower to Following ratio up to par. 

If a user deletes their account they will also show up in this section. 


In other sections of the app, you can also see which days and hours have proved most successful for posting on your page, optimize your next uploads, and if you're willing to shell out some bucks, see who has deleted comments or unliked your pictures.

On the downside, this app is neither endorsed nor supported by Instagram, so there's a risk it could be deleted.

For now, it works just fine with an overall four-star review in the app store. There have been some claims in the "poor reviews" section that it lies about people unfollowing you, but that hasn't happened to me yet. If that scares you away, there's always the old-fashioned, click-and-scroll method to fall back on. 

App to see who unfollowed me on instagram




is one of the biggest photo-sharing platforms and has over one billion monthly active users. It is similar to Twitter in the way that you can follow users and allow users to follow you.

If you have set your profile to private, only users that follow you can view the photos and videos shared by you. You get a notification when someone requests to follow you on Instagram and you can either accept or decline the request. To protect user privacy, Instagram does not notify you if someone has unfollowed you.

If you want to know who has unfollowed you on Instagram, there are two ways to do this – manually or use a third-party app.

How to check who unfollowed you on Instagram

Manual method

  • The first thing you can do is go to your profile and click on ‘Followers’.
  • You can then search a name to check if they are following you or not.
  • Another method is to go to the person’s profile and click on ‘Following’.
  • You can then search for your name to check if they are following you or not.

It may not always be practicable to go for the manual method. If you have many followers, it may not be easy to find out who unfollowed you by this method.


FollowMeter is an analytics app that helps you analyze your Instagram account.

  • Install FollowMeter for you Android or iOS device.
  • Open the app and log in using your Instagram account.
  • Once the app finishes analyzing your account, you will have access to a lot of information.
  • To find out who unfollowed you, click on the first tab at the bottom left corner.
  • Now, click on ‘Unfollowers’.
  • You can also find out who does not follow you by clicking on ‘Not following you back’.
  • To find out people that follow you, but whom you do not follow back, click on ‘You are not following back’.

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