Best places to live in fort myers fl

What are the safest areas in Fort Myers Florida?

Here are five safe, affordable suburbs for living in Fort Myers!.
Fort Myers Beach..

Is Fort Myers Fl a good place to live?

This Florida Gulf Coast city is a great place to live, thanks to its budget-friendly housing, excellent weather, beach access, incredible restaurants, and more. Check out these 17 things to know about living in Fort Myers!

What are the pros and cons of living in Fort Myers Florida?

For quick reference, here's our list of living in Fort Myers pros and cons:.
Nice weather..
Lots of outdoor activities..
Beautiful beaches..
Charming and historic downtown..
Plenty of entertainment options..
Affordable cost of living..
Low taxes..
Centrally located..

Where is the best place to live in Lee County Florida?

Fort Myers is one of the best cities in Lee County, Florida, because you'll find a little bit of everything there. Most people who live in Fort Myers generally prefer to rent their homes rather than purchasing their own property.


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