Calculus enhanced webassign multi term access card

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by Cengage Learning

Printed Access Code, 1 Pages, Published 2013

ISBN-10: 1-285-85826-3        / 1285858263

ISBN-13: 978-1-285-85826-5 / 9781285858265

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How long does WebAssign multi

When a student purchases Cengage Unlimited, they get the option of a 4-month, 1-year or 2-year plan. The cost includes access to all Cengage eTextbooks and online learning platforms such as WebAssign when adopted with a Cengage or OER title.

How do I get my WebAssign access code for free?

You may access the course for free for 14 days from the first day of the semester. Go to and click I Have a Class Key. Enter in the class key your instructor gave you and verify your class. Either create an account or log in if you already have an account.

What is a WebAssign access card?

A code that verifies purchase of a specific digital product such as course access or a Cengage Unlimited subscription. The access code might be included with a textbook purchase or purchased from a bookstore or other retailer.

What does multi

Multi-term access, sometimes called "Lifetime of Edition", is access for more than one term to courses using the same textbook edition. Multi-term access allows you to take a multi-term course like Calculus or to retake a course if needed with no additional charge.


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