Can i drink milk after a tooth extraction

Are you looking forward to having oral surgery? If yes, you probably wonder about post-surgery care and what to eat after your oral surgery. Your post-surgery diet plays a crucial role in making it a success. In other words, knowing which foods to eat after oral surgery is vital for a quick and smooth recovery. For this purpose, our Katy Cypress Oral Surgery experts are here to answer your question about the post-surgery diet. Let’s get started!

Why Following Post-Surgery Diet Is Necessary?

We understand that hearty meals are tempting for most of us. But after oral surgery, like wisdom tooth removal, dentists and oral surgeons highly recommend eating only soft foods for the first few days. The primary purpose behind it is to prevent damage to your teeth, gums, and other dental work. Moreover, eating only softs foods – as suggested by your oral surgeon – reduces irritation in the surgical area. That’s why it is necessary to eat soft foods after oral surgery. But don’t worry; we have some great options for a soft food diet after your surgery. With them, you can soothe your taste buds while staying on the road to a quick recovery!

Which Foods You Can Eat After Oral Surgery?

You can eat creamy or dairy foods after your oral surgery since they don’t require any chewing. Foods like ice cream, yogurt, eggs, and smoothies are easy to eat after your oral surgery.

Soft, juicy fruits don’t really require much chewing. These foods are generally the best type of foods you can eat after dental surgery. Moreover, they are good for your teeth and overall health because of all the nutrition they offer. These fruits include banana, applesauce, mangoes, and peach. You can also add a fruit smoothie to your post-surgery diet.

Carbs are necessary for a healthy, balanced diet. Various options, like cheese, thin pasta, and pancakes, can be a good carbohydrate source. You can also include oatmeal, rice pudding, and wheat cream to your diet. But ensure these meals don’t require too much chewing. This is because hard-to-chew foods can cause irritation to your wound.

Vegetables should never be neglected even after an oral surgery. But add only soft veggies to your diet plan for the first few days. You can use juicy or mashed cauliflower served at room temperature along with other soft vegetable options. But just make sure the less chewing it requires, the better it is for your quick recovery.

Now that you know what foods you can eat after oral surgery, there are some foods that you must avoid. This is because these foods can possibly irritate your surgical site and prolong your recovery time. Therefore, you should know which foods to avoid until you completely recover from your oral surgery.

Foods not to eat after oral surgery includes:

  • Acidic or spicy foods, which can irritate your wound
  • Alcohol: as it can affect certain medications adversely
  • Seeds, popcorns, chips, nuts, and other hard-to-chew food items that can stick in the surgical area.

Furthermore, if you smoke, you should avoid tobacco consumption for at least 72 hours following your oral surgery. This is because tobacco can severely damage your surgical site, cause infection, and prolong healing time.

Gradual Return to Your Normal Diet

After taking good care of your oral health following your surgery, your oral surgeon will let you know when it’s the right time to return to your regular diet. You can then start adding chips, cereals, etc. But make sure that is gradual. The time to start your regular diet again varies from case to case and the type of oral surgery you had. Talk to our dentists at Katy Cypress Oral Surgery for more details. Call us at 281-667-0607.

There is a ton of information on what to do BEFORE your wisdom teeth removal surgery but what about after? Here we will go through some basic post operative care so that you feel at ease once the surgery is over.

After your wisdom teeth are removed you will need to bite down on gauze at the extraction sites so that direct pressure will allow clotting and use a cold compress/ice packet to help reduce any swelling. We try our best to keep you from looking like a chipmunk!

Once the clots are formed these are like band-aids to the bone and will allow for faster healing. Since we want these “band-aids” to stay you should not do anything to dislodge them. We recommend not drinking through straws and no smoking for at least 7 days after surgery. This negative pressure can actually pull out the blood clots that are present and cause what is known as a dry socket. These can be very painful and usually occur within the first 3 days after surgery if you get one at all. The best way to avoid getting a dry socket is to follow the instructions provided.

Dry sockets occur when the bone and nerve are exposed

and a blood clot has been dislodged after an extraction.


  • Do not drink sodas or anything acidic (orange juice, lemonade, etc.) for the first 7 days after surgery
  • Do not drink through straws, smoke, or vape for the first 7 days after surgery
  • Do not eat hard or crunchy foods
  • Do not do anything to disturb the area – avoid rubbing your tongue over the site(s)
  • Do not do any heavy squishing or spitting for the first 3 days after surgery
  • Do not exercise vigorously for approximately 3 days after your surgery – Consult your doctor for more individualized answers.


  • Stay well hydrated! Water is the perfect drink of choice after surgery since most people will become dehydrated without realizing it.
  • Gatorade, Juice (non-acidic), and Milk are also good options
  • Immediately following surgery we recommend cool soft foods: Ice-cream, Jello, Pudding, Applesauce, Yogurt, Protein shakes or Milkshakes (no straws!).
  • The week following surgery we recommend softer foods: Mashed potatoes, Soups, Stews, Macaroni and Cheese, Noodles, shredded or chopped meat and vegetables.
  • Based on your healing process you can resume normal habits as soon as you feel ready but our recommendation is if something hurts then back up.
  • If food gets caught in the areas please lightly swish with warm salt water to dislodge but do not go fishing for it!

To discuss proper use of pain medications after your surgery please call our offices to discuss each case individually. If you ever have a question or concern that we have not addressed please contact us!

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Why can't I drink milk after tooth extraction?

Avoid milk products (shakes and yogurt) for the first day if you had sedation. Milk products can cause nausea following sedation. Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, but do not drink through a straw for at least 5-7 days.

Does milk help after tooth extraction?

No dairy products That is why it is also recommended to avoid dairy products after dental surgery. The acid bacteria contained in yoghurt, cheese and the like can lead to inflammation and thus hinder healing. In addition, milk impairs the effect of antibiotics, which are often prescribed after dental surgery.

What can I drink after tooth extraction?

You should drink plenty of water after your tooth extraction to keep the extraction site clear and prevent infection. Remember to not drink through a straw, though, since the sucking motion can disturb the extraction site.

Can I drink cold milk after wisdom teeth removal?

Gatorade, Juice (non-acidic), and Milk are also good options. Immediately following surgery we recommend cool soft foods: Ice-cream, Jello, Pudding, Applesauce, Yogurt, Protein shakes or Milkshakes (no straws!).


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