Can i send money from my venmo to my paypal

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Can you add money to your Venmo?

You can add money to your Venmo balance in the following ways: Tap the Manage balance option at the top right of your personal transactions feed Please enter the amount you want to add and click the Done button You can transfer money from any account you choose by selecting Next

How to deposit money in Venmo?

  • Go to the “You” tab by selecting the single person icon
  • Tap the Settings gear in the top right then tap “Direct Deposit”
  • Tap Show Account Number to get your Venmo account info along with the routing number that appears on the screen
  • Copy both numbers and use them to fill out your employer’s Direct Deposit form

How do you pay someone on Venmo?

  • Key in the amount you want to pay.
  • Give a name to the payment.
  • Tap “Pay.”
  • Choose to pay from either your Venmo balance or from a loaded default account.
  • Confirm your payment.


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