Can you grind coffee in a vitamix

If you enjoy coffee, you should be familiar with the various methods of grinding it so that you never have to go without a cup in the morning.

Grinding coffee beans before brewing improves the preservation of the coffee's natural flavors and ensures that it remains fresher for longer.

Can you grind coffee in a vitamix

It helps to keep coffee from becoming stale or bland over time. If you do not have access to a coffee grinder, you can achieve a similar result by blending the ingredients in your blender.

A Vitamix blender is capable of grinding coffee without a doubt. Which blade and container combination to use in order to achieve the best result for your specific needs.

The Dry Grains Container was created with grains, cereal, coffee, and bread dough in mind. While the conventional or wet container is appropriate for dry ingredients, the Dry Grains Container is more efficient and effective. The Dry Grains Container operated more quickly and consistently. Furthermore, cleanup was more systematic.

Connect the container of dry grains to the Vitamix and add the coffee beans. Select Variable Speed 1 and increase the speed gradually to Variable 8. Grind for ten seconds or until desired fineness is achieved (between ten and twenty seconds for Coarse grind and between ten and twenty seconds for Espresso grind), then turn off the grinder. You can even brew iced coffee in your Vitamix.

While the conventional or wet container is appropriate for dry ingredients, the Dry Grains Container is more efficient and effective. If you only use the Vitamix to grind flour or other dry ingredients on a rare occasion and are not interested in using it for bread making, you can probably get away with just the standard wet container.

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By: Douglas

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OCM ( was started in 2007 with the first webpage about coffee machines. And for a number of years, we focused on helping people find their desired coffee machine (we still are helping folks with that! So, if you are looking for coffee machines for office or restaurants - check out the link). 

In 2010, we started getting enquiries on restaurant marketing and we start to help food and beverage brands with their marketing. Below are campaigns and events that we have done over the years: 

OCM's campaigns: F&B Marketing Ideas by OCM 

OCM's Events: F&B Industry events by or with OCM

Check out this restaurant marketing guide to learn more about the many campaigns and companies we have worked with. 

Since then, we have also created many marketing workshops and classes for the F&B industry. Many of these modules are still running in tertiary institutions such as Temasek Polytechnic Skillsfuture Academy and also ITE College East COC classes, below are some snippets of our lectures and workshops: 

OCM’s F&B workshops: Food and Beverage Marketing Lectures | Workshops - click to watch classes on customer journey map, JTBD and more. 

So, if you are looking for industry practitioners to help you scale your coffee or F&B businesses, do drop us a message or book an appointment. Do also check out our various social media platforms on regular F&B and coffee market updates: 

For regular coffee (F&B) related videos: OCM Youtube

For Daily Coffee Inspiration (fun coffee content): OCM IG

For insights into the coffee (F&B) industry: OCM LinkedIN 

PS: For the coffee lovers, we continue to share coffee articles (and videos) and have also started a free coffee class section (with free online coffee training supported by coffee partners).

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Can you grind coffee in a vitamix

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Can you grind coffee in a vitamix


Can you use a blender to grind coffee beans?

ABSOLUTELY! If you have the right blender.

Grinding coffee beans can not only be enjoyable, but a relatively simple affair with a Vitamix, Blendtec, Nutribullet, Ninja or other power blender capable of blending dry goods.

There’s no need to have or purchase a specific coffee grinder, yet ANOTHER appliance to clutter up the kitchen!

You control the consistency, so make it for your preferred brewing method to get the best flavor possible!

Whether you want a french press style grind or an espresso grind, you can grind as coarse,  medium, or fine (Turkish) as you wish by length of time and power you use to grind with your blender.

Do you grind your coffee beans in your blender? Let us know, plus share your rating of this post in the comments! 🙂

Can you grind coffee in a vitamix

Can you grind coffee in a vitamix

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Can you grind coffee in a vitamix

How To Grind Coffee Beans

Blender Babes

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Course Grinding


  • 1/4 to 3 cups whole coffee beans


  • Note: Instructions are for 2 cups of coffee beans. If grinding less or more, decrease or increase the time by a few seconds.

  • Place coffee beans in the jar

  • Blendtec: Press the SPEED UP Button to Speed 4. Grind to desired degree of fineness (about 10 for COURSE and 15 sec for ESPRESSO) then press any button to stop machine.

  • Vitamix: Use special dry grains jar. Select VARIABLE, speed 1. Turn on machine and quickly increase speed to Variable 8. Grind to desired degree of fineness (between 10 seconds for COURSE grind and 20 seconds for ESPRESSO grind) then turn off.

  • All done! Enjoy!! Now take a photo, rate it, and share your accomplishments! 🙂 Tag @BlenderBabes & #BlenderBabes

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!


Coffee was declared illegal 3 different times throughout history. Considering it’s the second most traded commodity in the world, with over 500 billion cups consumed every year, obviously people weren’t having that!

Coffee has a long history of being blamed for many ills, however newer studies have shown it may have health benefits, such as protecting against Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and liver cancer.

Coffee can also help shed those extra pounds too!  Of course, as they say “Everything in Moderation.”

Can you grind coffee in regular Vitamix?

Here's a simple three-step process to grind coffee beans in your Vitamix. To coarsely grind coffee beans in a Vitamix machine, attach the dry grains container and add the coffee beans. Select Variable Speed 1 and turn the machine on slowly, increasing the speed to Variable 8. Grind the coffee beans for 10 seconds.

Is it okay to grind coffee in a blender?

Yes, you can use a blender to grind coffee beans. When using a blender, not all of the coffee grounds will be the same size. But some blenders have a grind or pulse setting which works great. Don't grind the beans for more than 30 seconds; blending creates heat, which may cook the beans.

Can I grind coffee in my Nutribullet?

Grinding coffee in a Nutribullet is possible if you do it correctly. Depending on your machine, you must remove the typical extractor blades and replace them with milling blades. The coffee beans are less likely to get stuck with the milling blade since it only has two prongs instead of four.

Can you grind coffee in a Ninja blender?

The answer is yes! Ninja blenders are powerful enough to grind coffee beans quickly and evenly. Just add your beans to the blender and pulse until they reach the desired consistency.