Can you smoke after getting a cavity filled



JoinedJun 8, 2013Messages101

  • #1

hello, today i had two needles (for numbing) and two cavities filled. when is it safe to start smoking up again? (im worried more about the needle spots getting infected)

Can you smoke after getting a cavity filled


Bluelight Crew

JoinedMar 2, 2008Messages5,885Location So.MD

  • #2

Safe? I can't say definitively.

I do know you're not risking much by smoking after dental anesthesia and fillings. I'd think as soon as the fillings were dry/set it'd be okay to inhale some burning plant matter... The big issue with smoking after dental work revolves around having teeth pulled.

If I were in your shoes, GGooDD, I seriously wouldn't worry about it. Burn one or two or three or twenty, I doubt it'll have any significant effect on a cavity filling.

Can you smoke after getting a cavity filled



  • #3

I asked my dentist this last time, he said not to worry about it and continue smoking as usual.

  • #4

I've had a lot of dental work done and I've been smoking for years. Just wait until the numbness wears off and you'll be fine. If you're particularly worried about infection, you could always use a rinse like Listerine after smoking in an attempt to ward off bacteria.

  • #5

The only time you have to be worried about smoking after dental work is when you have teeth pulled or oral surgery. If you smoke after having a tooth pulled (or drink with a straw for that matter) you are likely to cause the clot to come out of the hole where the tooth was pulled causing a dry socket. I have it happen many times and it can be pretty painful and prolong the healing process. It has nothing to do with causing infections.

*edit* well this and smoking causes issues with healing anywhere on the body in general. Smoking cigarettes causes a depletion of vitamin C in your body which is essential for the healing process. If you smoke you should always take a vitamin Csupplement to aid in the healing process after any surgery or injury.



JoinedJun 8, 2013Messages101

  • #6

thank you all very much for the replies, all very helpful, my numbness has worn off now, and i just sparked a jay

  • #7

hi i'v just had a fairly large filling... does anyonie know if its safe to smoke bongs as i dont really smoke jays? Any feed back would be great

Can you smoke after getting a cavity filled


Bluelight Crew

JoinedMar 2, 2008Messages5,885Location So.MD

  • #8

hi i'v just had a fairly large filling... does anyonie know if its safe to smoke bongs as i dont really smoke jays? Any feed back would be great

Smoking with a filling is A-OK.

It's when you get teeth pulled that you have to be wary. I've never had it but it sounds like causing a dry socket can be quite the bitch to have to deal with.

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Can you smoke after getting a cavity filled

Can you smoke after getting a cavity filled

  1. Espire Dental
  2. Dental Hygiene
  3. I Just Got a Filling. What Now?

Can you smoke after getting a cavity filled

Posted: November 15th, 2021 Category:

Getting a filling is one thing, but what happens when you leave the dental office? Get tips on keeping your mouth healthy beyond the dentist’s chair.

We all know that maintaining oral health is important, but despite that, very few people escape needing tooth fillings at some point in their lives — particularly in childhood. Tooth decay caused by cavities is extremely common. Luckily, the process of getting a filling is simple and, with the help of local anesthetic, often entirely pain-free! 

As with any medical or dental procedure, the process isn’t over when you walk out the door. While you will be able to go back to your normal routine right away, there might be some habits that you need to change to prevent issues from occurring. 

What Happens When You Get a Filling?

Whether it’s your first time getting a filling or your tenth time, the process is always the same. Before you begin, you and your dentist first have to decide on the type of filling you’re going to get. There are four main types of tooth fillings to choose from: 

  • Gold fillings:Typically the most expensive filling material requiring multiple visits, gold fillings are made to order and cemented in place.
  • Amalgam fillings:Amalgam, or silver, fillings are relatively inexpensive and they are quite resistant to wear. Because of their dark color, amalgam fillings typically aren’t the best choice for highly visible areas, but they’re a good choice for teeth in the back of your mouth.
  • Composite fillings:These fillings, made of a composite resin, look more natural because they’re matched to the color of your teeth. Unfortunately, composite resins are less durable and can become stained just like teeth, so they don’t last as long as other types of fillings.
  • Porcelain fillings: These fillings, called inlays or onlays, are custom-made in a lab then bonded to your teeth. They’re matched to your tooth color and resist staining, but they are also as expensive as gold. 

Once you’ve picked your filling material, the dentist can get started. 

First, you’ll likely get local anesthesia to numb the area, just like you might for a tooth extraction. Then your dentist will likely use a drill to cut through the enamel to remove decay and shape the dentin (second layer of the tooth) to prepare it for the filling. They may put in a liner or base to protect the tooth’s pulp (which is where the nerves are). Depending on the type of filling material you’re getting, your dentist might first place a bonded filling. They will then place the final filling and harden it, sometimes using a bright light if it’s a composite resin. Finally, the dentist will finish by polishing to remove any sharp edges.

Recovering From a Filling: The Dos and Don’ts

While recovering from a filling is nowhere near as intense a process as recovering from a root canal or a tooth extraction, there are a number of steps you need to take to ensure a healthy mouth following a trip to the dental office. Here are some top tips for maintaining your dental health after a filling!

  • Be wary of the anesthetic:If you got local anesthetic for the procedure, it probably won’t wear off for a few hours after you leave the dental office. Since you won’t be able to feel any pain in the areas that were anesthetized, it’s important that you’re very careful to avoid hurting your gums, lips, tongue, or teeth. If possible, you may want to avoid eating until you regain normal feeling in your gums to avoid accidentally hurting yourself.
  • Bite into food carefully: You may experience tooth sensitivity following a filling. You should be careful biting into food after a filling as you determine what kind of sensitivity you’re experiencing. Plus, not every type of filling is set immediately, so it’s a good idea to avoid biting into harder foods (like carrots, croutons, and more) with that tooth — or even that side of your mouth — for a couple of days to support the healing process.
  • Don’t smoke: This may seem like a given (or like a needless thing to mention for the many non-smokers who get fillings every day), but tobacco use is just as bad for your dental health as it is for all your other types of health. No matter your smoking habits, using tobacco products or even cannabis can be dangerous after a filling. Not only does smoking while your mouth is still numb bring a risk of physical injury that includes burns, smoking any time after a filling can increase the chance of infection.

    The fact is, smoking weakens your body’s immune system. The result is that smokers get gum disease twice as often as non-smokers — and treatments for gum disease are not as effective for smokers as for non-smokers. That means that if you’re serious about your dental health, it’s time to ditch your smoking habit for good, whether or not you’re recovering from a filling.

  • Maintain good oral health:It can be hard to stick to your dental care habits, but if you’re serious about preventing future cavities and protecting your current fillings, it’s important that you make oral health a priority. Make sure you brush your teeth with toothpaste at least twice a day. You should also use mouthwash when possible and engage in regular flossing (at least once a day). After all, dentistry can only do so much. It’s important that you take care of your teeth too!

Start Prioritizing Your Dental Care Today

Getting a filling may be a simple and relatively pain-free process, but it’s best to avoid if at all possible. The best way to do that is by practicing good oral hygiene all year round — not just after a filling. Not only should you brush your teeth and floss regularly, it’s also important that you get a professional dental cleaning every six months. 

At Espire Dental in Norman, OK, our dentists are here to help you keep your teeth healthy and your mouth sparkling. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our team of talented specialists!

How long after a filling until I can smoke?

However, most dentists will recommend that patients wait at least an hour, or even a full day before smoking again as the gums and teeth can still be sensitive after placement of a dental filling.

Can smoking damage fillings?

Researchers found that male smokers also had a higher overall rate of dental filling loss. A genetic factor, an enzyme found in teeth, also was linked to an increase in filling failure. The researchers theorize that the enzyme is able to loosen the bond between the filling and a tooth.

Can you vape after getting a cavity filled?

I just had a crown or a filling. Can I still vape? If the procedure you had with your dentist is minimally invasive and involves little to no bleeding — you can vape.

What can you not do after getting a cavity filled?

It is best to avoid any hard, chewy, or sticky foods after a dental filling for up to two weeks. If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity you may also benefit from avoiding hot or cold drinks and foods. There is no need to wait to brush your teeth after a dental filling.