Do seventh day adventists celebrate christmas and birthdays

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∙ 10y ago

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Seventh Day Adventists do celebrate birthdays.

Thats Jehovah Witnesses that do not celebrate birthdays.
Seventh-Day Adventist celebrate birhtdays as happily as evryone else but they don't drink alchohol.

Wiki User

∙ 10y ago

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Q: Why don't Seventh Day adventists celebrate birthdays?

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Ham cutters on Christmas Eve with more ham on Christmas Day and plenty of beers has been the tradition of many Bajans every year. However, for Seventh-day Adventists, their Christmas traditions are not quite the same.

As most may already be aware, Seventh-day Adventists do not eat pork, so eating it at Christmas is not even part of the equation. Many Barbadians may think that this is strange since eating ham during this time is a tradition that has been a part of our culture for decades. However, for those who are of the Adventist faith, some may have never even experienced what pork tastes like.

Many Christians love this time of the year to talk about the baby Jesus and to showcase their Christmas plays at church. Even though Seventh-day Adventists sing “Away in a Manger” and “Go Tell it on the Mountain”, around that time of year, they aren’t big participators in the Christian Christmas spirit. For them, it is not evidenced that Jesus was born on December 25 so they refrain from being caught up in the commercial aspect of Christmas. However, they still celebrate the birth of Jesus.

If you ever pass a Seventh-Day Adventist’s home at Christmas time, most likely you won’t see lights draped over the house or a Christmas tree displayed inside. Despite this fact, many still share and receive gifts from family and friends during the holiday season.

Seventh-day Adventists still engage in the one Christmas tradition that is international; Christmas lunch. Whether they eat with church members who they refer to as church family or with relatives, this is one Christmas tradition that is not ignored.

Another tradition that is not a major part of the Seventh-day Adventist Christmas routine is major house cleaning. This isn't to say that houses aren't cleaned around this time of year but for the most part, curtains aren't changed and new furniture isn't put into homes. 

Then comes Christmas Day. Seventh-day Adventists do not go to church on Christmas. It is simply another day of the week. They don't awake from their slumber to have an early church service as other denominations do. Unless December 25 happens to be a Saturday, then the only activity for Seventh-day Adventists is meeting with friends and family for lunch. 

How do you and your family celebrate Christmas?

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Wondering whether your Adventist classmate or coworker keeps the same holidays you do? Perhaps you want to include them in some festivities, but you also want to respect their beliefs. Thus, you’re unsure of how to navigate the holiday question. Will they accept your invitation to the office Christmas party?

Well, here’s the inside scoop!

Although some religious groups don’t celebrate holidays, Seventh-day Adventists typically do, including major holidays like Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. They spend these days in a way that reflects biblical principles and family values.

Let’s look at what holidays Adventists celebrate and how they celebrate them. We’ll cover:

  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Birthdays
  • Thanksgiving
  • Halloween
  • New Year’s Day
  • Patriotic holidays

Let’s get started!

What holidays do Adventists celebrate?

Most Adventists keep major national and patriotic holidays. However, some might choose to avoid certain ones because they feel they conflict with their beliefs, priorities, or opinions. They might not have an issue with the holiday as a whole but may only observe certain aspects of it. For example, they might go to an Easter pageant but refrain from Easter egg hunts.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church doesn’t have an official statement about celebrating holidays. The Bible is also silent on this point, given that most modern holidays didn’t exist back then. It’s likely that it doesn’t address holidays directly because they don’t present a moral issue.

In other words, it’s not a sin to keep or disregard holidays. Instead, we follow our consciences and the principles found in the Bible to make these decisions.

We believe that all are free to decide for themselves what holidays to keep.

Unlike some Christian denominations, we don’t have our own religious holidays either.

And we don’t observe Hebrew religious festivals or holy feasts like Passover. This is because these occasions were specific to Mosaic law—meaning they were designed for the Israelite nation in the Old Testament (Exodus 12:43–49) and were connected with the system of animal sacrifices (Numbers 9:6–7). These sacrifices ultimately pointed forward to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Now that Jesus has died and resurrected to fulfill these symbols, Christians don’t need to sacrifice animals or keep the feasts.

That doesn’t stop us from enjoying modern holidays and cultural traditions, though.

So what is it that guides Adventists’ approach to holidays?

Even though the Bible doesn’t mention modern holidays, it gives us valuable principles to apply. It outlines behaviors and beliefs we should avoid (greed, spiritualism, etc.), and explains what attitudes we should strive toward (generosity, joy, thankfulness, etc.).

In the end, keeping holidays comes down to how it impacts:

  • Our beliefs
  • Our behavior
  • Our treatment of others

This is important because these areas affect our relationship with Christ and our influence on others. Our greatest desire is that every holiday we keep would draw us closer to Him and show His love.

Let’s dive into the specifics of each holiday and how Adventists apply this principle in celebrating them.


Like most families, the majority of Adventists celebrate Christmas. But unlike most, we don’t make it a special day to go to church (unless Christmas happens to fall on a Saturday, in which case we’d be going to church anyway).

Around Christmastime, pastors usually preach a message about the birth of Jesus. And church members often look for ways to serve the community. They might do this through food or toy drives or other types of community service.

Some Adventists—like some Christians in other denominations—don’t keep mainstream Christmas traditions because they’re concerned about their origins. Or they may also be concerned about falling into the greed and selfishness this holiday can inadvertently stir up.

Even so, few can deny that Christmas is a wonderful time to share the gospel!

For example, churches might put on a special Christmas program or concert during the month of December. This event gives church members an opportunity to invite their friends, family, and neighbors to church.

Although Jesus Christ wasn’t born on December 25th, Adventists take this holiday to reflect on His birth and what it means for us.1 It’s a time to be thankful and joyful and spend time with family—all of which uplift Christian principles.


Easter is another holiday most Adventists celebrate because it commemorates Jesus’ resurrection—a central theme in Adventism and Christianity. Though we celebrate the resurrection throughout the year, Easter is a great time to commemorate what Jesus did for us and share that with others.

Around Easter time, the pastor might preach a sermon about the resurrection. Churches may also organize outreach events like special worship services, music programs, or Easter plays.

As with Christmas, some Adventists are concerned about the origins of Easter and may avoid it for that reason. Others feel that people put more emphasis on the commercial aspects of the holiday than the resurrection of Jesus.

But each family celebrates differently and can choose their focus. They might eat dinner together, hold Easter egg hunts, or watch movies about Jesus.

In whatever way they celebrate, Adventists emphasize values such as being with family, remembering the promise of eternal life through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and telling others about this hope of the gospel.


Birthdays are a great way for Adventist churches to show they care about their members. They might list members’ birthdays in their announcements or sing “Happy Birthday” to them during a fellowship meal after church.

Some make the personal decision not to celebrate birthdays—perhaps because they don’t want the limelight on themselves or their children.

But the vast majority take birthdays for what they are—opportunities to celebrate life.

Whether we hold a party or simply open presents and eat cake with family, birthdays can be a way to thank God for another year of life and look back at how He’s helped us grow through the past year.


Thanksgiving is widely accepted by North American Adventists, and pastors take it as an occasion to preach about the Christian principles of generosity, thankfulness, and contentment. Some churches have a food drive to ensure that everyone in the community can enjoy a happy Thanksgiving.

The main difference between a typical Thanksgiving celebration and an Adventist one is that many Adventists forego the turkey for vegetarian options.

During their tasty meal of choice, Adventist families might reflect on what they’re grateful for. They may go around the table and have each family member share.

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to remember God as the giver of every good gift.


Many Adventists might avoid Halloween because of its origins in spiritualism and communication with the dead.

Unlike many other holidays, Halloween, which comes from the Celtic celebration of the dead, still has this spiritualistic aspect.2 The Celts would wear frightening masks to ward off evil spirits—hence, the tradition of dressing up.3

These traditions present some biblical concerns for Adventists.

For one, the Bible warns against spiritualism and communication with the dead (Leviticus 20:6). Practices such as dressing up as dead figures, frightening people, and glorifying the occult don’t harmonize well with this principle.

Halloween also encourages the belief that the dead are conscious, though the Bible teaches the dead are unconscious and unable to interact with the living (Ecclesiastes 9:5).

Even so, some Adventists have found ways to safely enjoy Halloween and divert the focus to creativity, the autumn weather, tasty treats, and time with friends and family. Some may also use this day to reach out and share about Jesus—for example, passing out treats and little booklets of Bible stories for children.

But what about the majority who avoid Halloween altogether?

You don’t have to worry about them missing out!

Adventists often hold alternative events, such as fall festivals, on Halloween.

These festivals usually provide games, food, and fun for families. Children may dress up as their favorite characters from stories, rather than something scary or spiritualistic.

New Year’s Day

Adventists typically celebrate New Year’s Day, although we don’t emphasize it as much as Christmas.

While it’s easy to associate New Year’s Eve with wild parties, there are many enjoyable ways to ring in the new year that Adventists participate in. Usually, the whole point of parties is to get together with the people you care about, so that’s a common thing we do. We might play games, make some fun food, and stay up late to watch the ball drop in New York City. And don’t forget the sparkling grape juice (a tasty non-alcoholic drink)!

We might also create New Year’s resolutions.

Resolutions can be especially helpful because they encourage Christians to seek personal and spiritual improvement. These resolutions can vary from volunteering to deciding to go vegetarian. Although Christians are always trying to find ways to be more Christlike, this day can be a reminder to set positive goals and encourage one another.

Patriotic holidays

Adventists often participate in patriotic holidays too. In the United States, these holidays would include the Fourth of July and Memorial Day.

It wouldn’t be unusual to find Adventists watching fireworks or having a Memorial Day barbeque. The major difference is that the barbeque will probably include turkey hot dogs or vegetarian options (such as veggie links, veggie dogs, etc.) as opposed to your standard pork-based hot dogs.

Adventists in other countries also take part in their countries’ respective independence days and patriotic holidays. They might eat traditional food and partake in parades or picnics.

Whatever the occasion, Adventists use these holidays to be with family and reflect on the beauty, joy, and freedoms they find in their respective countries.

Biblical principles guide Adventists in holiday-keeping

Adventist church members have the freedom to follow their consciences in choosing which holidays to keep and which ones not to keep.

Because God gives us this freedom of choice, we give that same freedom to others instead of guilting them about what holidays to celebrate or avoid.

It’s a personal decision. And by asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and seeking to honor God through our application of the Bible’s principles (1 Corinthians 10:31), we can be sure we’ll make the right decision.

Even though there are no holidays specific to Adventism, there is one “holiday” that God has created for every person to enjoy.

The awesome part?

It takes place every week.

Check out “What Do Seventh-day Adventists Believe About the Sabbath?” to learn about this special weekly Sabbath God created all for us!

Do Seventh Day Adventists celebrate Christmas?

The Seventh-day Adventist Christmas worship service is much the same as any other Sabbath day service, with traditional hymns, Scripture reading, testimonial and a sermon.

What holidays do Seventh

Seventh-day Adventists do not celebrate Christmas or other religious festivals throughout the calendar year as holy feasts established by God. The only period in time Adventists celebrate as holy is the weekly Sabbath (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset).

What do 7th Day Adventists celebrate?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is an Adventist Protestant Christian denomination which is distinguished by its observance of Saturday, the seventh day of the week in the Christian (Gregorian) and the Hebrew calendar, as the Sabbath, and its emphasis on the imminent Second Coming (advent) of Jesus Christ.

Do 7th Day Adventists celebrate Halloween?

The innocence of simple traditions. As Adventists, we have always been taught that Halloween should be avoided and ignored at all costs.


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