Exercises to stretch the plantar fascia and achilles tendon

Medically Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on November 12, 2020

Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that affects the bottom of the foot, mostly around the heel or the arch. When the ligament that connects your heel and toes (plantar fascia) becomes too tight, it can cause small tears and pain.

Another name for plantar fasciitis is heel spur pain, since most of the pain is under the heel. Most people who experience plantar fasciitis notice it in the morning when they first step out of bed or when they stand up after sitting for a while. Usually, the pain and discomfort subside after you start moving around.

Heel spur pain is a result of plantar fasciitis, but performing exercises that target this area can help relieve the pain. Exercises for plantar fasciitis, along with shoe inserts, resting, icing, and avoiding activities that make the pain worse usually help alleviate the discomfort and inflammation.

Exercises to Help Plantar Fasciitis

You can get pain relief for plantar fasciitis through stretches and exercises that strengthen this area of the foot. By loosening the plantar fascia ligament, you can help prevent further stress and inflammation that causes foot pain.

Toe Curls with a Towel

The first exercise for pain relief for plantar fasciitis you can try is toe curls with a towel.

Step 1: Put a small towel on the floor, and sit in a chair so that your feet are over the towel.

Step 2: Using your affected foot, scrunch your toes onto the towel and try to pull it toward you.

Step 3: Relax your toes and let the towel go. Repeat this motion 10 times, once or twice daily.

Gastrocnemius Stretch

One of the best stretches for plantar fasciitis is the gastrocnemius stretch. This stretch is very simple and can be done anywhere with a wall to support you.

Step 1: Stand facing the wall, place your hands on it, and stretch your affected leg back. Both of your feet should be planted on the ground facing the wall. Your unaffected leg should be bent at the knee.

Step 2: Lean toward the wall so that you feel a stretch in the calf muscle of your back leg.

Step 3: Hold this pose for 30 seconds and then relax. Repeat it six times a day.

Tennis Ball Roll

For this exercise, you’ll need a tennis ball or another small ball of similar size. If you don’t have a ball handy, you can use a water bottle or other cylindrical object instead.

Step 1: Sit in a chair and place the ball under your affected foot.

Step 2: Roll the ball back and forth under the arch of your foot so that you can stretch out the plantar fascia ligament.

Step 3: Continue rolling for three to five minutes. You can do this stretch twice a day.

Toe Extension

The toe extension is one of the easiest stretches for plantar fasciitis since you can do it anywhere at any time.

Step 1: Sit on the floor or on a chair with the affected leg crossed over the unaffected leg.

Step 2: Hold your toes with your fingers of one hand and bend your toes and ankle up as far as you can. You want to feel a stretch in your calf and the arch of your foot.

Step 3: Use your free hand to massage the arch of your foot.

Step 4: Hold this for 10 seconds and then relax. Continue this pattern for two or three minutes, two to four times a day.

Plantar Fascia Stretch on a Step

For this stretch, you need to stand somewhere with a step.

Step 1: Stand on a step and keep your unaffected foot flat. Slide the affected foot back until the ball of the foot is resting on the edge of the step.

Step 2: Lower the heel of the affected foot down toward the floor until you feel a stretch in the calf and the arch of the foot.

Step 3: Hold this stretch for 30 seconds. You can repeat this exercise four to six times a day.

Safety Considerations

These exercises are for pain relief for plantar fasciitis and should not cause you further pain. If any of the exercises for plantar fasciitis are causing you more pain or discomfort, you should stop and talk to your doctor.

To help with pain and inflammation, you can ice your foot after stretching. You can also take an ibuprofen or naproxen 30 minutes before exercise, to help ensure you get the most pain relief from these healthy stretches.

People with plantar fasciitis may find that foot stretches and exercises help by relieving pain, improving muscle strength, and promoting flexibility in the foot.

The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue connecting the heel to the toes. Overuse, strain, and injury can cause inflammation in this tissue, which can be painful. This condition is called plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis can cause a deep, stabbing pain in the heel. It often occurs in people with excess body weight, but it can also occur as an overuse injury in runners. The pain is usually most severe in the mornings or after standing for extended periods.

A few simple stretches can reduce tension in the foot and calf. In doing so, they can provide both rapid pain relief and a steady improvement in symptoms over time.

Keep reading to learn which stretches and exercises can relieve plantar fasciitis pain and how to perform them.

Muscle tightness in the feet and calves can make plantar fasciitis worse. Loosening the calf muscles can relieve the pain. People can try performing a calf stretch, which involves the following steps:

  • Lean the hands against a wall.
  • Straighten the knee of the affected leg and bend the other knee in front.
  • Keep both feet flat on the ground.
  • Hold the stretch for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the stretch 2–3 times.

Placing a round object under the foot and rolling it back and forward can loosen the foot muscles. People can use a rolling pin, golf ball, or specialized foam roller for this exercise. Many sports stores and online retailers sell foam foot rollers.

Another option is to try using a frozen bottle of water for arch rolls. This technique may be particularly beneficial because the cold surface of the bottle may help reduce inflammation.

This simple exercise stretches the foot:

  • Sit tall on a chair.
  • Place a ball or another rollable object under the foot.
  • Roll the object back and forward for 2 minutes.

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A person may also be able to relieve muscle tightness in the plantar fascia using a seated foot stretch. They can perform this exercise by following these steps:

  • Sit on a chair and cross the injured heel over the opposite leg.
  • Pull the toes toward the shin to create tension in the arch of the foot.
  • Place the other hand on the bottom of the foot to feel for tension in the plantar fascia.
  • Hold for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat 2–3 times.

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Curling a hand towel or washcloth with the toes can stretch the foot and calf muscles. People may find it beneficial to do these stretches before walking or completing any other morning tasks. The exercise involves the following steps:

  • Sit on a chair with both feet flat and a small towel in front of the feet.
  • Grasp the center of the towel with the toes.
  • Curl the towel toward the heels.
  • Relax the foot and repeat 5 times.

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Picking up a marble with the toes will flex and stretch the foot muscles. A person can try the following:

  • Sit on a chair with the knees bent and the feet flat on the floor.
  • Place a handful of marbles on the floor.
  • Pick up one marble at a time by curling the toes.
  • Repeat 20 times.

People can use several home remedies to reduce the inflammation and pain of plantar fasciitis:

The RICE method

When the pain first appears, it is important to rest the injured foot. First aid for a foot injury typically involves the RICE method:

  • R: Rest the painful area for a few days.
  • I: Ice the area for 20 minutes at a time to relieve inflammation.
  • C: Compress the area with a soft wrap to reduce swelling.
  • E: Elevate the area by putting the foot on a few pillows.

Anti-inflammatory medication

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, reduce both pain and inflammation. It is important to take this medication according to the instructions on the package or a doctor’s advice.

Some people find that a few weeks of NSAID treatment improves their symptoms.

Shoe inserts

Shoe inserts provide the arch of the foot with additional support. Inserts limit stress on the plantar fascia and may be especially helpful for people who spend much of the day on their feet. Soft, supportive arch inserts can work as well.

People who are interested in this option can contact a podiatrist, a doctor who specializes in foot health, for more information.

Ice massage

Some people find that massaging the injured foot with ice helps relieve foot pain. The best approach is to focus on massaging the arch of the foot around the injured area.

Plantar fasciitis is relatively common, affecting 7–10% of the population. Doctors do not fully understand why some people get this injury and others do not.

However, known risk factors for plantar fasciitis include:

  • standing for long periods
  • walking or running for exercise
  • having tight calf muscles
  • having excess body weight
  • having pes cavus, a condition that causes increased arch height

Plantar fasciitis usually resolves within 6–18 months without medical treatment.

However, for some people, plantar fasciitis becomes a chronic condition. Symptoms may improve and then appear again, or the pain may remain consistent for a year or longer. A 2018 study suggests that people who have previously had the condition are more likely to have it again.

Plantar fasciitis is an overuse injury that is common in runners and people with excess body weight. It occurs when the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue, becomes inflamed and painful.

People can usually manage plantar fasciitis at home with stretches, rest, ice, and NSAIDs. If the symptoms persist, it is advisable to contact a doctor.

How do you stretch your plantar fascia?

Top: While sitting, grasp your toes and gently pull them toward you until you feel a stretch in the arch of your foot. Right: Stand as shown, with your back leg straight and heel down. Move your hips forward until you feel a stretch in your calf. Switch legs and repeat.

Can tight Achilles cause plantar fasciitis?

As mentioned above, restricted range of motion through the calf muscles is one of the most common causes of plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. The tightness increases the pulling sensation through the Achilles tendon and furthermore increases the pulling of the heel bone away from the plantar fascia.

Are Achilles tendon and plantar fascia connected?

The Achilles tendon also attaches to the plantar fascia. If the calf muscles that attach to the Achilles tendon are tight, the ankle becomes less flexible, and the plantar fascia also tightens. Frequently, the pain is noticed after getting up in the morning or after standing after long periods of sitting.

How do you stretch plantar fascia and Achilles and calf muscles?

Stretch your calves.
Stand an arm's length from a wall..
Place your right foot behind your left..
Slowly and gently bend your left leg forward..
Keep your right knee straight and your right heel on the ground..
Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds and release. ... .
Reverse the position of your legs, and repeat..


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