George jones the grand tour lyrics

Step right up, come on in
If you'd like to take the grand tour
Of a lonely house that once was home sweet home
I have nothing here to sell you,
Just some things that I will tell you
Some things I know will chill you to the bone.

Over there, sits the chair
Where she'd bring the paper to me
And sit down on my knee
And whisper oh, I love you
But now she's gone forever
And this old house will never
Be the same without the love
That we once knew.

Straight ahead, that's the bed
Where we'd lay in love together
And Lord knows we had a good thing going here
See her picture on the table
Don't it look like she'd be able
Just to touch me and say good morning dear.

There's her rings, all her things
And her clothes are in the closet
Like she left them
When she tore my world apart.

As you leave you'll see the nursery,
Oh, she left me without mercy
Taking nothing but
Our baby and my heart.

Step right up, come on in...


The Grand Tour lyrics and chords

The Grand Tour song lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

The Grand Tour lyrics and chords are here for your personal use only, this is a fantastic George Jones song to pick and sing. Browse this web site for many more classic country song lyrics and chord.


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The Grand Tour
recorded by George Jones
written by
Norro Wilson, Carmol Taylor, George Richey

Step right up  come on in  if you'd like to take the grand tour
     C                                     G      
Of a lonely house that once was home sweet home 
I have nothing here to sell you just some things that I will tell you 
    A7                                   D7    
Some things I know will chill you to the bone
Over there sits the chair where she'd bring the paper to me
        C                                G            
And sit down on my knee and whisper oh I love you 
D7                             G                   C      
But now she's gone forever and this old house will never
       G                D7                G    
Be the same without the love that we once knew
Straight ahead that's the bed where we lay and love together
    C                                    G      
And lord knows we had a good thing going here 
See her picture on the table don't it look like she'd be able
     A7                               D7      
Just to touch me and say good morning dear 
There's her rings all her things and her cloths are in the closet
          C                                    G     
Just like she left them when she tore my world apart
       D7                                   G               C
As you leave you'll see the nursery  oh she left me without mercy
       G               D7          G     
Taking nothing but our baby and my heart
Step right up come on in


If you want to change the "Key" on any song, click here for the easiest way possible. Copy and paste lyrics and chords to the key changer, select the key you want, then click the button "Click Here". If the lyrics are in a long line, first paste to Microsoft Word or a similar word processor, then recopy and paste to key changer. This software was developed by John Logue.    

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Who originally sang the grand tour?

"The Grand Tour" is a song made famous by country music singer George Jones. Originally released in 1974, the song was the title track to his album released that year. The song became Jones' sixth No.

Who else sang the grand tour?

Chart Performance of Aaron Neville He was the only artist who released a rendition of “The Grand Tour” and he made it enter the Billboard chart. Neville's version reached number thirty-eight on the country chart.