Glycolic acid peel for stretch marks before and after

Stretch marks are often a souvenir left behind from pregnancy or weight gain. These lines frequently appear on the hips, buttocks and stomach and can make a woman self-conscious about wearing certain types of clothing. The good news is the appearance of stretch marks can be significantly reduced with an appropriate chemical peel treatment offered at New Visage.

About Stretch Marks
Stretch marks, also known as striae, are a type of scarring that occurs below the surface of the skin. These marks begin as red or purple lines that typically fade to white over time. In addition to weight gain and pregnancy, stretch marks can also be brought on through the growth spurts of puberty, body building or hormone replacement therapy. While these lines do not signify a serious medical issue, they can be a significant cosmetic concern.

Since stretch marks originate below the skin’s surface, there is no way to remove these marks completely. However chemical peels can effectively diminish their appearance, while creating a smoother, softer surface to the skin. At the same time, chemical peels will effectively address other skin concerns like wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and other shallow imperfections that keep you from looking and feeling your best.

The Chemical Peel Process
Chemical peels work by removing the outer layer of skin cells, leaving smoother, softer skin behind. At the same time, these treatments stimulate the body’s own healing process, compelling the body to produce more collagen to support the underlying skin structure. Depending on the depth of the peel, these treatments can be temporary or provide results that are long lasting. Temporary results can also be maintained by repeating the peel treatment at regular intervals.

A TCA peel contains the active ingredient trichloroacetic acid and is often the peel recommended for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. This peel must be carefully monitored by a skin care specialist experienced in administering these types of treatments. The peel usually takes less than one hour to complete and recovery time is much shorter than it is for deeper phenol peels. However, the results of a TCA chemical peel can still be quite dramatic and long lasting, compared to lighter peels using alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxyl acids.

At New Visage, we offer the Obagi Blue Peel, which uses a combination of TCA and a blue base to slow down the penetration of the chemicals. This special formulation allows us to customize your treatment to your specific needs and desired outcome. To learn more about the Obagi Blue Peel, or other options in stretch mark treatment, contact New Visage at 252-808-2NEW.

Stretch marks are the result of damage to a skin layer called the dermis. They occur when skin is stretched more rapidly than it can become accustomed to. Stretch marks are most commonly seen during and after pregnancy, but can also occur in the teen years during growth spurts and for a variety of other medically-related reasons. No matter what you've heard, no amount of cocoa butter will render you immune to the possibility of stretch marks; anyone can get them, and once they've carved their signature striations into your skin, they're here to stay. Or are they?
To a significant extend, there's really no absolute cure for stretch marks. Many people find that their dark appearance fades over time, but depending on the severity of the marks, they'll likely continue to catch your eye in the mirror from time to time.

No matter why you have stretch marks, you're probably here because you're searching for a solution. The good news is, there are treatments you can undergo to reduce the appearance of your scarred skin more quickly and significantly than waiting for the natural passage of time. Whether your stretch marks are located on your belly, hips, thighs or butt, they have one thing in common: they affect the collagen and elastic connective tissues within the dermis. Because the dermis is protected by the outermost layer of skin - naturally called the epidermis, it's difficult to find adequately penetrating products to minimize the appearance of stretch marks.

Great news:
Chemical peels remove the outermost layers of skin and have the ability to penetrate your dermis to stimulate collagen production. Not only do chemical peels instantly reveal brighter and newer skin that's less irregular in appearance, they keep working cumulatively over time.
That's why, when using a stretch mark for chemical peels (or any other scar such as acne scarring), it's important to continue the treatment regularly until you have finished your bottle. Your purchase will be shipped with a complete set of instructions.

We carry a variety of chemical peels to address a wide range of skin issues, from everyday blemishes and imperfections to stretch marks and acne scars. Our TCA peels contain our strongest formula and are capable of addressing the widest range of problematic skin.
A TCA peel consists of trichloroacetic acid. Trichloroacetic acid is stronger than lactic acid, glycolic acid of salycilic acid. A TCA peel will combat deep wrinkles, sun damage and scars.

Although a TCA peel is safe to use in the concentrations at which we offer it, we do not recommend trichloroacetic acid for beginners. If you're not familiar with chemical peels, starting with a low-level peel, such as a glycolic peel, will allow you to familiarize yourself with the peeling process. If you are an experienced peeler looking for lasting results, try the 25% TCA peel. This is the strongest peel we carry and results are guaranteed.

Because chemical peels reveal deeper layers of skin, it's vital that any exposed areas be adequately shielded from UV rays - even on cloudy days. If your stretch marks or scars are located where UV rays can reach them, cover them with sunscreen, clothing or an umbrella.

No matter which chemical peel treatment you choose, your new skin will be more delicate and require additional protection for months to come. Ensure lasting results by protecting yourself daily with a broad-spectrum sunblock.

If you're prone to abnormal scarring, you are likely not a candidate for chemical peels. Please refer to our complete list of chemical peel precautions.

Can glycolic acid get rid of stretch marks?

Glycolic acid peels stimulate collagen production in the skin, and have been found to be effective for treating white stretch marks (striae alba).

What percentage of glycolic acid is effective for stretch marks?

Glycolic acid peels work on stretch marks from the inside out by stimulating collagen production. One study found that combinations of 20 percent glycolic acid with . 05 percent tretinoin or 10 percent L-ascorbic acid were both effective at improving the appearance of stretch marks.

Can I do a chemical peel on my stretch marks?

Generally, speaking, two of the best chemical peels for stretch marks are a TCA skin peel or a Glycolic skin peel. Either of these peels will work to fade and diminish stretch marks. However, it's important to note that stretch marks (and scarring in general) represent a permanent textural change to the skin.

How long does glycolic acid take to work?

It can take 4-6 consistent applications of an at-home glycolic acid product or professional chemical peels over the course of 1 to 2 months before you begin to see visible improvements. You may see positive signs earlier, but remember consistency is key for maximum results. Results will not happen overnight.


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