Harry potter fanfiction gringotts inheritance test wbwl

On a street full of various buildings of different shapes and sizes, a 7 year old boy was walking down the alley, making sure not to bump into anyone as he walked, admiring all of the various colours, sounds and smells

He walked through the whole alley but didn't enter any of the stores, just kept on walking until he reached the end of the long street, or 'alley'.

In front of him was a marble, polished white building with the words 'Gringotts' imprinted in gold above the building.

The boy calmly walked through the building where there was a few wizards and witches scattered about and approached one of the goblins.

"Excuse me?"

The goblin didn't respond and kept on stamping some unknown papers.

The boy just waited until the goblin was done and didn't interrupt, he'd read one of the books in the Potter family that talked about goblins and he knew that interrupting them would only cause them to be disrespectful and unhelpful.

After 30 seconds of stamping random places of paper, the goblin finally looked over the till and stared at the boy.

"What are you here for, wizard?"

"I'd like to take an inheritance test."

"and what is your name?"


"Full name?"

He hesitated for a few seconds.. "Harry.. Potter"

The goblin raised an eyebrow at this, "very well, please follow me"

The goblin stepped down from his till after closing it down and signalled for the boy to follow him.

After walking through random, plain corridors for over 5 tedious minutes, they finally reached a room where the goblin, who's name was revealed to be Rotfang, signalled for the boy to sit on one of the chairs, where Rotfang disappeared into another door.

After a few minutes of waiting, Rotfang came out holding a bowl and a knife and sat on the other side of the desk.

"Cut your finger and allow 7 drops of blood into the bowl, no more and no less, it will reveal all families that you are entitled to."

The boy did so after a little hesitation when cutting his fingers, but not making a sound from the pain.

After a few seconds, the blood disappeared and a piece of parchment appeared. Rotfang took the parchment and handed it to the boy.

It read:

Heir Apparent of Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter

Heir Presumptive of Most Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin

Heir Presumptive of Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

Heir Presumptive of Most Ancient House of Lightbolt.

"Um.. sir, what does this mean?"

"Could you be more specific?"

"Well, it says 'Apparent' and 'Presumptive'"

"If you're an Heir Apparent of a House then that means you cannot be replaced even if another heir is born, if you are the Heir Presumptive of a House, then this means you have the most eligible claim so far but if somebody more suitable appears then you will lose the 'Heir' status.

"Oh, I see.. I didn't know I was related to Slytherin.. or Black.. and I have never heard of Lightbolt before."

"You aren't related to Slytherin by blood, the House of Slytherin blood died with the Gaunts, which means you are Slytherin by magic.. or by right of conquest. As for Black, that would be your Godfather, Sirius Orion Black who made you his heir when you were born, if Sirius Orion Black is to have children or change the heir, then you will no longer be the Heir of Black. As for House of Lightbolt, I am not sure myself, Mr Potter."

"I thought Sirius Black was disowned from his family?"

"There was an attempt to disown him by Miss Walburga Black, however, the decision was rescinded by the then Lord Black, Mr Potter."

"Oh, I see. Also, please don't call me that sir, I'd like to change my name, if I can."

"Hang on a moment." With that, Rotfang left the office and returned 10 minutes later holding paperwork.

"Mr Potter, to legally change your name you must either reach the age of Majority, become emancipated or your parents/guardian must do it for you."

"Due to you being the last remaining Heir of at least one 'Ancient and Noble' House, you are able to be emancipated as of now, this includes becoming Lord Lightbolt and Lord Slytherin, however, you will not be allowed to vote in any Wizengamot meetings due to your age. You are, however, allowed to sign magical contracts without the consent of a guardian."

"That's great, so can I change my name?"

"I have the paperwork here Mr Potter, all you have to do is fill this space with the name that you want to be known as."

"Then, I suppose i'll change my name to... Lightbolt.. Harry Lightbolt, I've never heard of that family before and it sounds cool"

"Very well Mr Lightbolt, is that all the business you're here for?"

"Well, sir, I was wondering if I had any money that I can use, I'm kind of on my own at the moment and I don't want to stay in Britain for long, I want to travel and explore the world. I was wondering if you had a disguise so people can't tell i'm 7 years old too."

"You have plenty of money in any one of your vaults Mr Lightbolt, and I can help you with an enchanted necklace that can change your appearance.. for a fee of course."

"Then, I'd like to go to my vaults.. and buy that necklace."

After a nauseating trip deep into gringotts caverns, which Harry enjoyed very much, they reached a huge, sturdy looking metal door.

Rotfang said, "This is the vault of Lightbolt, you must cut your thumb and place on that pedestal" while pointing towards a pedestal just outside of the vault on the left.

Harry grumbled about everything needing blood but took the dagger from Rotfang and placed his blood covered thumb into the space in the pedestal.

His thumb healed straight after due to the knives enchantments but it didn't stop the pain.

The pedestal sunk into the ground and a few seconds later the vault door slowly opened making a loud, deep rumbling sounds as it did.

Walking in, Harry had a look of awe on his face. Even though Lightbolt didn't have enough money or achievements to qualify as 'Noble', there were still mounds of gold coins all over the place but what was really amazing was the wall long bookshelf full of old and rare looking books.

A smile came to his face as he realised he was free to do whatever the hell he wanted and nobody was there to till him he couldn't.

--- 1 day later ---

Harry was holding a small, shrunken trunk that contained all of the books from the Lightbolt vaults, and a few books from the Slytherin vault.. mainly some basic parseltongue books that hadn't been taken as the previous Lords of Slytherin had already taken most of the possessions leaving only a few books and jewels.

He was still a little sore from all of the shopping he did yesterday, after getting the necklace of disguise for 50 galleons, he went on a massive shopping spree across Diagon Alley where he bought a broom, a kneazle, most of the books in Flourish and Blotts, multiple sets of high-quality robes, 3 different ice-creams from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and all of the stuff that would usually be listed for Hogwarts such as potion supplies and equipment.

He also bought dragon hide armour that were filled with enchantments like re-sizing, auto-cleaning and other useful charms. All of this was contained within a huge trunk that had 7 different room-sized compartments that had a training room, a potions room, a living/common room, a kitchen, a bedroom, and 2 other rooms that weren't really in use yet.

This all cost a huge amount but he decided that it was a new start to his life and he had a huge amount of money so why not use it.

He named his Kneazle 'Bolt' because he thought the name sounded cool.

He had greenish-blue eyes and was mostly black with white paws.

It was time to learn all the magic he can and explore the world! He would read every books in the world and become more powerful than everyone. As Lord Slytherin, he must go to Hogwarts as he is magically bound to go as is every Lord of one of the founders houses, if he refuses to attend then he'll lose his magic, not that he was all that bothered by it, he'd get stronger, and he'd show them just how much better he was than his spoilt little brother.


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