How do you say chicken nuggets in french

English - French Dictionary:

The definition of expression "chicken nuggets":

small pieces of chicken which have been breaded and cooked

We have found the following french words and translations for "chicken nuggets":

chicken nuggets (plural noun)

nuggets de poulet

So, this is how you say "chicken nuggets" in french.

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Tags: chicken nuggets, nuggets de poulet, nuggets de poulet, English - French Dictionary, English, French, translation, online dictionary English

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"chicken nuggets": examples and translations in context

Because they ran out of chicken nuggets. Une femme a appelé le 9-1-1 parce qu'ils n'avaient plus de chicken nuggets.
And rediscovering the chicken nuggets and fish fritters. Et en redécouvrant les nuggets de poulets et les accras de poisson.
These chicken nuggets are cooked to perfection. Ces nuggets sont cuits à la perfection.
There's only five chicken nuggets in here. Il n'y a que cinq nuggets de poulets ici.
I stole one of your chicken nuggets. Je t'ai volé un de tes nuggets de poulets.
I have chicken nuggets in the freezer. J'ai des nuggets au congélateur.

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chicken nuggets

      npl   nuggets    mpl   de poulet  
→ ... chicken nuggets, chips and beans        

Translation English - French Collins Dictionary  

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"chicken nugget": examples and translations in context

They stabbed a chicken nugget with a sharpie. Ils ont planté le Nugget avec un couteau.
Well, they did that whole article on the guy Who found the chicken nugget shaped like texas. Ils ont fait un article sur le type qui a trouvé un nuggets de la forme du Texas.
Am I the only one who thinks it looks like a chicken nugget? On dirait un nugget, non ?
Applications: Pop corn, Biscuit, Oily Foods, French Fries, Chicken Nugget, Food Tray, Donut Box, Take Away Box, etc. Utilisations: Sachets de Pop corn, Emballages pour biscuits, Nourritures grasses, Cornets de frites, Chicken Nugget, Plateaux-repas, Sachets de Donuts, Emballages de vente à emporter, etc.
Chicken nugget on the floor! Des nuggets sur le sol !

What do French call chicken?

chicken → poulet, froussard, trouillard, poule.

What is pizza in French translation?

pizza noun I popped a pizza in the oven. J'ai mis une pizza au four.

What is hamburger in French?

hamburger meat viande f hachée.

Why do they call it chicken nuggets?

The origins of chicken nuggets The first versions of the chicken nuggets appeared during the California Gold Rush in 1850. A century later, chicken nuggets were presented in the world of gastronomy, getting their name thanks to the surprising resemblance of shape and color with real gold nuggets.


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