How do you say concussion in spanish

How do you say concussion in Spanish?

concussion in Spanish it is said conmoción cerebral, concusión.

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Sentences containing concussion in Spanish

Concussions are common, particularly if you play a contact sport such as football

Other forms of sentences containing concussion where this translation can be applied

  • concussions
  • concussion

Similar phrases to concussion in spanish

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Las pruebas neuropsicológicas han comenzado a usarse con más frecuencia después de una conmoción cerebral.

An 8-year-old girl suffered a concussion while playing soccer.

Una niña de 8 años de edad sufrió una conmoción cerebral mientras que jugaba fútbol.

The following are emergency symptoms of a concussion.

Los siguientes son síntomas de emergencia de una conmoción cerebral.

Each individual is certified and has completed a concussion awareness course.

Cada individuo está certificado y ha completado un curso de concientización sobre conmoción cerebral.

A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. man, dog, house).


a. la conmoción cerebral

(f) means that a noun is feminine. Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).

UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/kənˈkʌʃən/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/kənˈkʌʃən/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(kən kush′ən)

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Any of the athletes who suffered a concussion during the season took the test again within three days of the concussion.

[...] atletas que sufri� una conmoci�n cerebral durante la temporada tom� la prueba de nuevo a los tres d�as de la conmoci�n.

[...] and coaches that a concussion can occur even if the [...]

child did not lose consciousness.

Giza advierte a los padres y entrenadores

[...] que puede ocurrir una conmoci�n cerebral aunque el [...]

ni�o no pierda el conocimiento.

[...] particularly important if you've had a concussion.

Tomarte tiempo para recuperarte es especialmente importante

[...] si has sufrido una conmoci�n cerebral.

Lots of athletes try to come back too

[...] quickly after getting a concussion - because they can't [...]

see an injury, they think they're OK to play.

Muchos deportistas intentan volver a competir

[...] despu�s de sufrir una conmoci�n cerebral; como no pueden [...]

ver ninguna lesi�n, creen que est�n bien para jugar.

Anything that makes the brain bounce around and against the

[...] side of the skull can cause a concussion.

Cualquier cosa que haga que el cerebro rebote contra el

[...] cr�neo puede provocar conmoci�n cerebral.

Concussion complicated by bleeding [...]

or brain damage must be treated in a hospital.

Una conmoci�n cerebral complicada [...]

con sangrado o da�o cerebral se debe tratar en un hospital.

Galina Kozlova was brought to the neurosurgery department


of Yoshkar-Ola City Hospital with

[...] cranial damage and a concussion, as well as damage [...]

to her sight resulting from the use of nerve gas in the attack.

Galina Kozlova fue ingresada en el


departamento de neurocirug�a del hospital

[...] de la capital con conmoci�n cerebral y lesiones [...]

craneales, as� como con da�os en la


vista debido al uso de gas nervioso durante el ataque.

Yes - he went on in Romanian - but only after he'd been so badly beaten

[...] about the head that he suffered a concussion.

S� - comenz� a explicar en rumano- pero no hasta que le hab�an golpeado tanto

[...] en la cabeza que sufri� una conmoci�n cerebral.

Concussion occurs often when players try to head the ball and miss and collide with another player or a goal post," Roberts adds.

Las contusiones se presentan cuando los jugadores tratan de cabecear el bal�n, lo pierden y chocan uno con otro o con el poste de la porter�a," a�ade Roberts.

A concussion is a type of internal [...]

head injury that is caused by a significant blow to the head and results in a temporary


loss of normal brain function.

La concusi�n es un tipo de herida [...]

interna causada por un golpe fuerte en la cabeza que tiene como consecuencia la p�rdida


temporal de las funciones cerebrales normales.

The severity of a brain injury can range from a mild concussion to a severe injury that results in coma or even death.

La gravedad de una lesi�n cerebral puede variar entre una concusi�n leve y una lesi�n grave que produce como resultado un coma o incluso la muerte.

Are there any lasting effects to a concussion?

�Existen efectos a largo plazo por causa de una concusi�n?

But several injuries and a concussion sidelined the star [...]

for stretches during the regular season, limiting him to just 455


yards of offense and two touchdowns.

Pero varias lesiones y una conmoci�n cerebral relegaron [...]

a la estrella al banquillo durante la temporada regular, limit�ndole


a tan s�lo 455 yardas en ataque y dos touchdowns.

After a severe concussion, you may not [...]

be able to return to play for a month.

[...] grave es posible que usted no pueda regresar [...]

Head injuries which result in concussion often are associated [...]

with injury to the neck and spine.

[...] craneales que ocasionan conmoci�n cerebral a menudo est�n [...]

asociados con lesi�n al cuello y a la columna.

Concussion , the most common type [...]

of traumatic brain injury, in which the brain is shaken

La conmoci�n cerebral , que es el [...]

tipo de lesi�n cerebral traum�tica m�s com�n, en la cual se sacude el cerebro.

Each successive concussion takes more of a toll on players, and the HITS technology will help ensure that players have proper recovery time after sustaining impacts that may produce concussions.

Cada conmoci�n sucesiva aumenta la gravedad de su efecto en los jugadores, y la tecnolog�a HITS ayuda a asegurar que los jugadores dispongan del tiempo de recuperaci�n necesario despu�s de sufrir impactos que pueden causar conmociones cerebrales.

Roman Shvedov "without any reason went up to Benymin Wolf, asked him insulting questions about his external


appearance" and then hit him twice in

[...] the head, causing a concussion, and subsequently deliberately [...]

ripped up his clothes before


fleeing the scene, the court found.

La corte comprob� que Roman Shvedov "se acerc� a Benymin Wolf y sin ninguna raz�n le hizo preguntas insultantes acerca de su apariencia";


luego le golpe� dos veces en la

[...] cabeza, caus�ndole una conmoci�n cerebral, despu�s de [...]

lo cual, antes de huir de la escena,


le rasg� deliberadamente las ropas.

His own physician diagnosed a Grade III concussion and referred him for further evaluation by a neurologist and a psychiatrist.

Su m�dico diagnostic� una concusi�n de Grado III y le refiri� para luna evaluaci�n supletoria por un neur�logo y un psiquiatra.

Concussion as one of many potential factors in memory disorders is being studied throughout the medical community, including our own study on the long-term effects of concussions on retired players.

La conmoci�n cerebral como uno de los m�ltiples factores potenciales de los trastornos de la memoria est� siendo estudiada por toda la comunidad m�dica, incluido nuestro propio estudio sobre los efectos a largo plazo de las conmociones cerebrales sobre los jugadores [...]

[...] symptoms of a brain injury (concussion).

A continuaci�n hallar� una lista de s�ntomas comunes

[...] de una lesi�n cerebral (concusi�n).

If you fall, you can hit your head and get a concussion .

Si cae sobre su hombro, se va a separar mucho más fácil que un hombro protegido por hombreras y plástico.

The following symptoms suggest a more serious head

[...] injury -- other than a concussion or contusion -- and [...]

require emergency medical treatment

Los siguientes s�ntomas sugieren la


presencia de un traumatismo craneal m�s

[...] grave, distinto a la conmoci�n cerebral o a la contusi�n, [...]

y requiere tratamiento m�dico urgente.

Concussion symptoms that require [...]

immediate medical attention

S�ntomas de concusi�n que requieren [...]

atenci�n m�dica inmediata

Any athlete even suspected of suffering a concussion should be removed from the game or practice [...]

Cualquier atleta sospecha de padecer una concusi�n se debe sacar del deporte inmediatamente.

His concussion left him excruciatingly sensitive to sound, for which he required special noise-filtering earplugs.

La concusi�n le dej� agud�simamente sensitivo al sonido, por el cu�l �l requiri� especiales tapones de o�dos que filtran ruido .

Prior to this, fishes shall be

[...] anaesthetised by means of concussion, electrocution, carbon [...]

dioxide and, if need be, by natural


plant anaesthetics, tropical and subtropical fish and invertebrates also by using ice).

Previamente, los peces deber�n ser

[...] anestesiados (mediante conmoci�n, descarga el�ctrica, [...]

di�xido de carbono y si fuera necesario,


anest�sicos vegetales naturales, tambi�n con hielo para peces tropicales, subtropicales y invertrebrados).

How do you explain a concussion in Spanish?

See Google Translate's machine translation of 'concussion'. ... concussion..

What does concussed mean?

What Is a Concussion? A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.

How long does it take to heal from a concussion?

Most children with a concussion feel better within a couple of weeks. However for some, symptoms will last for a month or longer. Concussion symptoms may appear during the normal healing process or as your child gets back to their regular activities.

What is a contusion in Spanish?

moretón {m} contusion (also: bruise, haematoma)

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