How does a brown recluse spider look

Facts about brown recluse spiders

We all know what a brown recluse spider is. Their reputation precedes them. We doubt we have to tell you that this spider is able to create a bite wound that has necrotic properties that can result in disfigurement. But the threat of these little spiders has been greatly exaggerated. While it is definitely a good idea to get a brown recluse spider bite looked at by a physician, there should be no reason to be immediately fearful. And, if you've seen a brown spider in your home, you don't need to panic. Brown recluse don't prefer to bite people. As long as you take precautions and call a pest control company, you have nothing to fear. Here are the steps you should take to protect yourself and your family. 

Properly Identify The Spider 

Not every brown spider that gets into homes is a brown recluse. If you see a brown spider, look for these identifying characteristics: 

  • Rusty brown color
  • ¼ to ½ an inch in length
  • Dark brown fiddle (violin) symbol on its lighter brown back
  • Visually hairless
  • A sleek abdomen that does not have the bloated roundness of other spiders.
  • An abdomen that is uniform in color. There is never a mixture of colors. But, since the skin of the brown recluse spider is slightly transparent, its normal cream-colored abdomen may appear dark brown, if it has eaten something that is dark colored.
  • 8 Legs that are uniform in color, like its body. There will be no bands or strips, and no spines or hairs to darken its light coloring 

Identify Signs Of Brown Recluse Spiders 

Since brown recluse spiders are reclusive, you're likely to see signs of this spider rather than actually see the spider. But the signs the brown recluse spider leaves behind aren't obvious. You're not going to see Halloween style webs associated with this one. These spiders have good eyesight and use their eyes to actively hunt, rather than build webs to catch their prey. When they build webs, their webs are most often used to retreat into when danger is present. You'll find them in hollow pockets and recesses, close to the floor. And, they will look more like a tangled mess than a spider's web. Be cautious if you see webbing like this. There could be a brown recluse hidden behind it. 

Take Precautions 

If you have identified a brown recluse spider in your home, or suspect that you are seeing signs of a brown recluse, take these precautions to prevent bites: 

  • Shake out shoes, clothing, towels, and other items before wearing them or using them. Brown recluse hide in holes and recesses.
  • Refrain from leaving clothing or towels on the floor until your spider problem has been addressed.
  • Pull covers and sheets down and inspect before you climb into bed. You are more likely to get a bite from this spider if you crawl into bed with it. Once you're in bed, it is much less likely that a brown recluse will get in with you.
  • Be cautious when opening any box that has been in storage. This is a spider that loves to get into boxes. 

Call A Pest Control Company 

Now that you've identified the problem and taken steps to protect yourself, it is time to call a professional. Spiders, like many pests, are difficult to get rid of without an education in modern pest management methods. And, unlike many other spider species, the brown recluse are spiders that prefer to establish themselves in human dwellings. When they do, they will also reproduce quickly. A single female can create up to five egg sacs, each containing 31-300 eggs that will hatch in about a month. 

If you're in our Tennessee pest control service area, reach out to All-American. Our experienced and highly trained pest control technicians can: 

  • Do a thorough treatment in basement and attic areas.
  • Apply an interior treatment at the base of your closets, around your furniture, around and behind your beds, and in other areas where these spiders rest.
  • Treat hard-to-get-at places, such as wall voids and crawl spaces.
  • Apply an exterior treatment and remove exterior spider webs. 

At All-American, we use only the most advanced methods and trusted EPA-approved materials to effectively and, most importantly, completely resolve brown recluse infestations. Don't take any chances with this spider, contact us today to set up an appointment for service and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Tennessee.   

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Where are brown recluse Most found?

They are often found living outdoors in debris and woodpiles, and hundreds or even thousands can be found in a single area. When indoors, brown recluses favor cardboard because it mimics rotting tree bark. They can also be found in boxes, clothing, shoes, tires, bedding, furniture and storage areas.

How rare is a brown recluse?

They are therefore extremely rare and localized. They are not found outdoors, and the risk of being bitten is virtually nonexistent. Brown recluse bites are commonly thought to cause large, necrotic lesions. While this can occur, they are rare.


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