How long after taking ibuprofen can you take excedrin migraine


<font color=blue>I routinely walk into 1 certain w

  • #1

I'm doing some searches online and haven't found what I'm looking for, so I wanted to check here since you can find anything on the DIS.

DH has got a killer headache going on. He's thinking that it's a migraine (not 100% sure, as he has only had one of those before, but the symptoms are very similar). He just took 800 mg of Ibuprofin about 45 minutes ago, but it isn't doing much. I'm going to run out and get him some Excedrin Migraine to see if that helps any. The question is - how long does he need to wait before he can have some of the Excedrin?



<font color=red>I luv my chickens!<br><font color=

  • #2

Go ahead and take it ASAP. The combo isn't going to hurt him just this once. I wouldn't do it all the time but once isn't going to kill him. Try to eat something before taking the Exedrin Migraine, it can be nasty on an empty stomach.

  • #3

The bad news is that if he has a full blown migraine going on, there's not much over-the-counter pain reliever is going to do. They can sometimes be useful in preventing the headaches from reaching that stage. But once you get there, your best course of action is usually to get away from sensory information (i.e. dark quiet room) and wait it out.

Of course, everyone and every headache is different. So it's worth trying. But if he's already got 800mg of Ibuprofin in him, it's unlikely Excedrin Migraine is going to do more (other than a possible placebo effect - so don't necessarily tell him this). Excedrin Migraine isn't some wonder drug - it's aspirin + Tylenol + caffeine. You can always try just getting him some caffeine.

Best of luck to both of you. These are evil beasts. Even if drugs can't help at this point, a loving wife is sure nice to have.

  • #4

Make him go lay down in a dark, cool, quiet room. Put an ice pack on his head and tell him to try to go to sleep. That will usually nip a migraine in the bud(along with some ibuprofen.) I would be leery of taking Excedrin Migraine on top of 800mg of ibuprofen. I believe Excedrin has aspirin in it and the combination can really tear up your stomach.

  • #5

Have him eat something to buffer his tummy and take the Excedrin. All excedrin migraine is is acetominaphen and caffeine.

  • #6

excedrin migraine is aspirin, Tylenol and caffeine. I would not take the excedrin right away, but it would be ok to have Tylenol and a coke or mountain dew.


<font color=blue>I routinely walk into 1 certain w

  • #7

Thanks for the quick responses! I've got a cool washcloth on his head and over his eyes and he's reclining back in his chair. (He won't lay down - he tried that earlier and said it made his head hurt worse).

I haven't run out for the Excedrin yet - I did call a local pharmacist and he said pretty much the same thing ya'll did: the Excedrin probably won't do a whole lot for him that 800 mg of Ibuprofin can't. The Excedrin recommendation came from a family member that has fairly regular migraines and swears by it as the best OTC med for that kind of thing.

I will pick some up for him when I run out to get dinner, though. If there's a possibility it can help him, I want to get it for him.

Thanks again


The pharmacist also recommended waiting to take anything else for at least 2-3 hours.

  • #8

I have actually asked my physician about's ok to take the Excedrin after you've taken the ibuprofen if the ibu isn't working. But like I said, EAT something.

  • #9

Give him something with caffeine - Pepsi or Coke (NOT a diet one!) to sip.

I would wait 2 hours and give him 2 Excedrin Migraine tablets.

If he never gets headaches and this one is severe then I would send him to the ER just to make sure it isn't something more serious than "just" a headache.

Hope he feels better soon.


<font color=red> Considers naming first-born Coca-

  • #10

I take them together all the time. I get migraines (this combo doesn't work for a true migraine for me- I have Rx meds for that), but I also get mean tension headaches, and 2 excedrins plus 2 ibuprof. tablets usually knocks it out pretty quick.

They are different meds, so it's ok to take them together, but just follow the advice on the bottles for each med about dosing timetables, so you don't take too much of one or the other. Hope his head feels better quick!


<font color=darkorchid>Well ahhh, I got poked with

  • #11

I do this combo a lot as well . I am a frequent migraine sufferer as well. I have an RX for IMITREX, but since I only get 9 a month I try to save them for the really bad ones. If I feel a mild migraine coming on I do the motrin/excedrin Migraine combo. Most of the time that will knock out the headache. I know if it doesnt work, then I pop an IMITREX, that ALWAYS works.


<font color=darkorchid>I sucked my thumb up with t

  • #12

My DH has suffered from migraines most of his life. He takes the Excederin but he swears by vanilla milkshakes. I didn't believe him until I got one of my occasional migraines. It really works. It has to be a real milkshake made with ice cream, but there is a property in the vanilla bean that works. I also drink a huge cup of coffee and the combination works every time for me. I don't like to take any meds if I can avoid them.


<font color=blue>Sure sister's cat is as big as a

  • #13

If you read the ingreidents on Excedrin & Excedrin Migrane they are the same. Just compared them yesterday when I was buying.


<font color=brown>R.I.P. Possibly Un-PC Tag, R.I.P

  • #14

I take them together all the time. I get migraines (this combo doesn't work for a true migraine for me- I have Rx meds for that), but I also get mean tension headaches, and 2 excedrins plus 2 ibuprof. tablets usually knocks it out pretty quick.

They are different meds, so it's ok to take them together, but just follow the advice on the bottles for each med about dosing timetables, so you don't take too much of one or the other. Hope his head feels better quick!

Yes - I'm a pill mixer too. A pain killing cocktail, if you will.

  • #15

I have suffered with Migraines since I was 12..Put the ice pack BEHIND the neck and head for the best result...


<font color=blue>DIS Veteran<br><font color=green>

  • #16

I know people do it and most will not have a problem with mixing aspirin and ibuprofen but for some it could be deadly. Not to mention the gastric effects.

"Patients with high cardiovascular risk who took a combination of aspirin and ibuprofen were nine times more likely to suffer from a heart attack. Published in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, the study suggests that ibuprofen gets in the way of aspirin's blood thinning characteristics."


  • #17

I also find that the medication works best if taken at the earliest onset of the headache. If I wait too long, the migraine just has to run its course.

  • #19

Migraines are usually only on one side of the head, and they normally throb. They are also usually preceded by slight vision changes, most commonly seeing grey- and-white-type patterns (cracked ice, wavy lines, etc.) Nausea is also a common side-effect.

Sleeping it off is usually pretty effective if it is full-blown, but you have to be able to get to sleep. Since sinus headaches also tend to be on one side, taking an antihistamine and decongestant mix can be helpful in terms of getting to sleep and warding off nausea, with the added bonus that if the headache is really a sinus headache, those meds will help eliminate it. In this case you would want an antihistamine such as Benedryl that will encourage sleep; you don't want to go with non-drowsy formulas.

I agree that if you get a really horrendous headache out of the blue when it isn't a pattern, then you need to have it checked out by a doctor ASAP. It might not be worth heading to the ER if the person is lucid and can still speak, but at very least, make an appointment for an office visit in the near future.

Can I take Excedrin Migraine after ibuprofen?

We don't typically recommend taking ibuprofen with Excedrin Migraine. That's because ibuprofen and the aspirin in Excedrin Migraine are both the same type of drug: NSAIDs.

Can I take Excedrin 5 hours after ibuprofen?

If you need additional pain relief, you can combine aspirin, naproxen, or ibuprofen with acetaminophen. However, do not take aspirin, naproxen, or ibuprofen within 8-12 hours of each other. Also, watch out for pain medications that might be included in combination products such as those used for cough and cold.

How long do you have to wait to take ibuprofen after taking Excedrin?

Take ibuprofen at least 8 hours before or at least 2 hours after your aspirin dose. Do not increase your daily dose of aspirin or change the way you take aspirin/other medications without your doctor's approval.


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