How long is a cold sore contagious after using abreva

So, you have a cold sore. Maybe it's your first one, or perhaps these pesky blisters make reoccurring appearances. Either way, the virus that causes cold sores is highly contagious, and you may be wondering when you can return to normal activities — like using your favorite lip balm or kissing your baby niece. Once you understand what makes cold sores contagious, you can know when your chances of spreading the virus decrease.

Why Are Cold Sores Contagious?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). This common and highly contagious infection affects over 67 percent of the world's population under the age of 50, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Though most infections are asymptomatic, they can cause painful blisters or ulcers at the infection site.

Though HSV-1 is mainly transmitted through oral-to-oral contact by sores, saliva, and surfaces around the mouth, the virus can be indirectly spread by sharing utensils, lip balm, clothing, and other surfaces that come in contact with the virus. You can also spread the virus by touching your cold sore and then touching broken skin, eyes, or the genital areas.

How Long Are Cold Sores Contagious?

Cold sores are contagious from the moment you feel that first tingling until the scar completely disappears, a process that usually takes about 15 days. The Mayo Clinic notes that cold sores are most contagious when oozing blisters are present, but you can still transmit the virus even if there is no active sore.

To be safe and protect those you love, refrain from kissing or sharing contaminated items until all signs of the cold sore are gone. Be especially careful around babies and people with weakened immune systems — such as those with HIV, cancer, or severe burns — because they are at higher risk for complications from the virus.

How to Stop Cold Sores From Spreading

By practicing good hygiene and avoiding close contact, you can prevent your cold sore from infecting those you love. Just follow these steps:

  1. Keep hands-off. The only time you should touch a cold sore is when you apply a cream, no matter what stage the blister is. If you do touch it — accidentally or on purpose — immediately wash your hands.
  2. Don't kiss. The cold sore should not contact anyone, so no kissing, not even on the cheek. Also, abstain from oral sex because you can pass the HSV-1 virus and infect your partner's genitals.
  3. Don't share personal items. Avoid sharing utensils, cups, food, lip balms, creams, or anything else that might have come in contact with your cold sore.
  4. Change your toothbrush. Because the virus can live on your toothbrush for days and cause your lips to become reinfected, replace your toothbrush after the sore heals.
  5. Treat quickly. Take steps to heal your cold sore fast. Prescription medications can shorten the healing time, reducing the time when the cold sore is the most contagious.

You know how annoying a cold sore can be, so do your best not to share it with anyone else. Take these sensible precautions with your cold sore and increase the chances of keeping the infection to yourself.

Follow all directions on the product package, or use as directed by your doctor. Use this medication at the first signs of a cold sore (such as tingling, burning, redness, or a bump). Wash and dry your hands before applying the medication. Clean and dry the affected areas. Apply a thin layer of medication to completely cover the area of the cold sore or the area of tingling/itching/redness/swelling and rub in gently, usually 5 times a day every 3-4 hours, or as directed by your doctor. Wash your hands with soap and water after applying. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Apply to skin only. Do not apply this medication in or near the eyes since this medication can irritate the eyes. If you do get medication in your eyes, flush with plenty of water. Do not apply inside the mouth or nose.

Remove any cosmetics from the affected area before applying. You may apply cosmetics after applying but use a separate applicator (such as a disposable cotton swab) on infected areas to prevent spreading the infection. If you accidentally wipe off the medication, reapply as soon as possible.

Dosage is based on your medical condition, type of infection, and response to treatment. Do not use this drug more often or for longer than directed.

Use this medication regularly to get the most benefit from it. This medication works best when the amount of drug absorbed by the skin stays at a constant level. Use this drug at evenly spaced intervals. To help you remember, use it at the same times each day.

Cold sores (herpes) can spread easily. Docosanol does not prevent the spread of herpes. Avoid close physical contact with others (such as kissing) during an outbreak until the cold sores have completely healed. Also, try not to touch the cold sore, and wash your hands if you do touch the cold sore.

Stop using this medication and tell your doctor if your cold sores get worse or last for more than 10 days.

Does abreva make a cold sore less contagious?

Using a cold sore treatment such as Abreva® Cream to minimize your recovery time not only makes it easier for you to go about your life as normal, it also helps reduce the time you are at your most contagious, with visible blisters.

How long after a cold sore can you kiss?

In general, it's best to wait for three to four days after the cold sore scab disappears before you kiss someone or engage in oral sex. This is because the herpes virus can continue shedding in the late stages of a cold sore healing, even if there's no viral fluid present.

Can abreva heal a cold sore in 2 days?

ABREVA® PRODUCTS Abreva® can heal a cold sore in as few as 2½ days when used at the first sign. Nothing heals a cold sore faster. Dealing with a cold sore isn't fun but knowing what causes cold sores, how they spread and the best way to treat them will help you take charge and defend yourself against future outbreaks.

Is abreva effective after cold sore has formed?

Will Abreva® Cream help if I start to apply it after the blister has developed? Best results are seen when Abreva® Cream is used early in a cold sore episode. Once your cold sore has reached the stage of forming an ulcer or even a crust, then it may not be as effective in shortening healing time.


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