How much avocado can a diabetic eat

California Avocados are a delicious fruit and their nutrient-dense profile makes them a smart addition for anyone with (or without!) diabetes.


Eating a diabetes-friendly diet is often perceived to be a challenge, but rest assured you don’t have to sacrifice flavor and satisfaction when creating an eating plan that will help contribute to your healthful eating pattern, a key component of diabetes health management.

A Healthful Eating Pattern

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends a healthful eating pattern as a key component in managing diabetes, with meals and snacks that emphasize nutrient-dense foods in appropriate portion sizes. As a nutrient-dense fruit, California Avocados are a natural food choice for a healthful eating pattern, a key component of a diabetes eating plan and here’s why:

Good fats

A 1 oz. serving of avocados (1/5 of a medium avocado) offers good mono-and polyunsaturated fats. People with diabetes are at risk for heart disease. Limiting saturated fat and including good fats in your diet is an important part of a sensible eating plan. For example, when preparing foods, replace sources of saturated fat with good fats like those in avocados as well as nuts, olives and canola oil.

Dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is not broken down (digested) by the body, so it does not raise blood sugar levels. Keeping blood sugar levels constant is an ideal goal as part of a diabetes control plan. A 1-oz. serving of avocados provides 8% of the Daily Value for dietary fiber


During digestion, carbohydrates from food break down into glucose (sugar) in the body and they have the greatest impact on blood sugar levels. A 1-oz. serving of avocados has three grams of carbohydrate (1% of the Daily Value) making it a delicious food solution if you’re counting carbohydrates in meals and snacks

Sodium and Cholesterol-Free

Avocados are naturally sodium and cholesterol free, two dietary components of which to be mindful of as part of a diabetes diet

Avocado Recipes for Diabetics

Include these flavorful dishes featuring California Avocados as part of your healthful eating pattern, a key component in a diabetes eating plan:

California Avocado and Roasted Asparagus Salad

(Diabetic Exchange List Information: 4 fat, 2 vegetable)

Grilled Chicken with California Avocado

(Diabetic Exchange List Information: 2 fat,0.25 fruit, 1.5 meat

Do you have any favorite recipes that you prepare for yourself or others that must follow a diabetes diet? We’d love to hear about how you incorporate avocados. Let us know in the comments below.

Diabetes dietary guidelines were recently changed to recommend 1/5 (2 Tbsp. or 1 oz.) of an avocado per serving rather than 1/8. Last updated in 1995, the newly revised Exchange Lists for Meal Planning is published by the American Diabetes Association and American Dietetic Association1. This new 1/5 of an avocado serving size is now consistent with the serving size set by the Food and Drug Administration for nutrition labels.

Diabetes is a condition whereby the body does not make enough insulin or use it properly. Without insulin, the body cannot utilize food for energy. People with diabetes have high blood glucose levels and many have high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

The Exchange Lists are a way for people with diabetes to plan healthy meals. The Exchange system divides foods into categories - carbohydrates (starches, fruits, milk, vegetables and other carbohydrates), proteins and fats - and gives a guide of how much of each category should be eaten each day. The Exchange Lists are available through a registered dietitian or diabetes educator.

While the new dietary guidelines warn that total fat intake should be limited, people with diabetes are encouraged to replace saturated fats with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Avocados are the only fruit that provides this fat, known to lower artery-clogging LDL cholesterol and raise heart-healthy HDL cholesterol. In addition, recent American Diabetes Association findings present evidence that a diet high in monounsaturated fat can improve glucose tolerance and may also reduce insulin resistance allowing for better control of the disease.2

"I'm delighted to see that the American Diabetes Association is following the serving size on the FDA nutrition label by listing a larger portion of this nutritious fruit for people with diabetes," explains Karen Duester, a registered dietitian and president of the Food Consulting Company. "The new serving size equals about three avocado slices - just enough to top a salad or to spread on toast."

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California avocados are nutrient dense, versatile and a delicious part of a healthful diet. While avocados may be best known for their monounsaturated fat, they contain other important nutrients beneficial to a healthy food program for people with diabetes.

Ounce for ounce, California avocados contain more protein, fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, folate, thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin than any other of the 20 most commonly eaten fruits. They are naturally cholesterol and sodium free and serve as a healthier alternative to butter, sour cream and other dips and spreads. For more nutrition information and meal planning ideas, visit //

1. Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, 2003 by the American Diabetes Association, Inc., and the American Dietetic Association.

2. Evidence-Based Nutrition Principles and Recommendations for the Treatment and Prevention of Diabetes and Related Complications. Annual Review of Diabetes 2002, American Diabetes Association, pages 70-120, January 2002.

California Avocado Commission

Can diabetics eat avocado everyday?

It won't cause spikes in blood sugar They discovered that avocados do not significantly impact blood sugar levels. Part of what makes avocados a good choice for people with diabetes is that, although they are low in carbs, they are high in fiber. Many other high-fiber foods may still spike blood sugar levels.

Does avocado bring down blood sugar?

Avocados, which are rich in healthy unsaturated fatty acids, micronutrients, and fiber, have been shown to improve post-meal blood glucose and insulin concentrations.


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