How much caffeine does 5 hour energy extra strength have

Sometimes we all need a little help when it comes to mustering up the energy we need to get through the day. A cup of coffee always seems to have our backs, but when we need a little more Caffeine, we reach for something stronger - like an energy shot.

But what exactly are these popular compact shots, and how much Caffeine is really in them? Keep reading to find out!

Energy Shots and Caffeine

Energy shots are a specialized kind of energy drink that contains a high dose of Caffeine in a small amount of liquid. Whereas most energy drinks are sold in colorful cans or bottles, energy shots are usually sold in compact 50ml bottles, making it easier than ever to get your fix of Caffeine in one single sip.

Caffeine is the most used drug in the world and comes from a number of different plant sources, such as coffee, tea, kola, cocoa, yerba mate, and guarana. It can also be artificially produced in a lab and added to drinks and medicines.

Tolerance to the effects of this popular stimulant varies greatly. In general, healthy adults are not considered to be at risk for adverse effects of Caffeine, as long as they limit their intake to 400 milligrams or less a day - about three to four cups of java.

Some of the most common negative side effects associated with too much Caffeine include:

  • Restlessness and shakiness

  • Jitters

  • Insomnia

  • Headaches

  • Dizziness

  • Rapid or abnormal heart rhythm

  • Anxiety

  • Dehydration

What is the Right Amount of Caffeine?

Energy shots provide a high dose of energy in a short time span. They can be taken just about anywhere and are extremely easy to consume. However, the truth is that many of the energy shots on the market contain an incredibly high dose of Caffeine, which can sometimes do more harm than good.

As we mentioned previously, the recommended Caffeine dose for a healthy adult should not exceed 400mg in a given day. That said, here are some of the most popular energy shots and their Caffeine content:

  • 10-Hour Energy Shot: 422 mg of Caffeine

  • 5-Hour Energy Extra strength: 230 mg of Caffeine

  • Rockstar Energy Shot: 229 mg of Caffeine

  • Starbucks Triple Shot Energy: 225 mg of Caffeine

So, how much Caffeine is there in an energy shot, you ask? The answer is: it varies.

Every single energy drink manufacturer is different. They use their own mixed bag of ingredients to create a unique product that claims to boost energy. Some energy shots have as little as 50 mg of caffeine, whereas others have as much as 500 mg of Caffeine.

Everyone is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all kind of answer when it boils down to what the right amount of Caffeine is, but we do know that according to the FDA, 400 mg or less a day is considered safe.

How Much is Too Much Caffeine?

Even though the FDA allotment allows for a few hundred milligrams of Caffeine in a day, it’s best not to take that all at once. As shown above, some energy shots can have up to 500mg of Caffeine in a single bottle—more than a whole day’s worth!

To make matters worse, the Caffeine that is commonly found in popular energy drinks is often made synthetically in a lab. Artificial Caffeine is absorbed by the body much faster than naturally occurring Caffeine, so the effects of a Caffeine “overdose” can come fast if precautions aren’t taken.

The positive effects of Caffeine include slightly increased heart rate (more oxygen to the brain), improved cognitive functions (better focus and memory), and the release of adrenaline (activating the muscles and central nervous system). As you consume more and more Caffeine, these effects increase, until they eventually become problematic…

Too much of anything is never a good thing, but this is especially true of Caffeine. Once your heart rate surpasses a certain threshold, the positive benefits of Caffeine consumption will wear off. Anxiety and distracted thoughts will set in, replacing the calm concentration of normal Caffeine use. Too much adrenaline will keep you awake much longer than intended, wreaking havoc on your mental state and keeping your brain a constant state of fight-or-flight.

If you are new to consuming this popular stimulant, or just want to avoid these nasty side effects, stick with energy shots containing organic Caffeine that comes from natural sources. Naturally occurring Caffeine can be used by the body for sustainable energy all day long. For example, Proper Wild’s Clean All Day Energy Shots are made with Organic Caffeine from green tea and contain zero grams of added sugar, no preservatives, and no artificial sweeteners.

3 Tips For Best Caffeine Use

Drink Plenty of Water

Caffeine is a natural diuretic. A good rule of thumb is to drink a full 8oz glass of H2O with every energy drink to make sure your body stays hydrated. Dehydration causes many of the Caffeine’s negative side effects, namely fatigue and a lack of concentration. If you notice yourself getting tired after drinking something with Caffeine, reach for more water.

Eat Healthy Carbs

Along with water, healthy carbohydrates are a great form of natural energy for the body. While standard café fare pairs Caffeine with sweet pastries and starchy bagels, a better combination employs fresh fruits and vegetables. For a healthier morning, enjoy a banana or a bowl of baby carrots with your energy shot instead of something sweet and processed.

Remember To Get Sleep

Sleep has amazing restorative properties. While the power of energy shots can easily fuel all-nighters, long periods of sleep deprivation are bad for the body. Best practices dictate getting a few extra hours of sleep after a late night. The grogginess from extra or irregular sleep can be alleviated with a clean, natural source of energy like green tea.


Popular energy shots these days are often loaded with an outstanding amount of Caffeine. In your state of extreme tiredness, an energy shot loaded with 500mg of Caffeine may sound like an appealing option, but the truth is that this is just way too much Caffeine for any healthy adult to have in one sitting. In addition, the synthetic Caffeine found in these popular energy drinks gets absorbed by the body much faster than naturally-occurring plant Caffeine - so the negative side effects of consuming 500mg of Caffeine all at once would be felt almost instantly.

Rather than chugging an energy shot that can potentially do more harm than good, try one of Proper Wild’s Clean All Day Energy Shots. With 2x more organic Caffeine than a shot of espresso and 15x more L-Theanine than a cup of green tea, Proper Wild’s energy shots provide the perfect balance of energy and focus with reduced jitters and no crash.

How much caffeine is in a 5 hour extra strength?

The highest amount per serving was 242 milligrams of caffeine in 5-Hour Energy Extra Strength. The lowest was in 5-Hour Energy Decaf, which despite the name carries 6 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

What's the difference between 5

Regular Strength 5-hour ENERGY® shots contain about as much caffeine as 8 ounces of the leading premium coffee. Extra Strength 5-hour ENERGY® shots contain about as much caffeine as 12 ounces of the leading premium coffee. What are the best times to take a 5-hour ENERGY® shot?

Does 5

The short answer is that 5-Hour Energy contains 230 mg in each 2-ounce bottle, while coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine in each 8-ounce cup. Therefore, 5-Hour Energy has quite a bit more caffeine than coffee.

Which 5

Caffeine levels in 5-hour Energy are: Decaf (6 mg), Original (215 mg), and Extra Strength (242 mg).

How many cups of coffee is a 5

It has the same amount of B-12 as the small size, and 230mg of caffeine. That's 30mg more than the shot, and about the amount of caffeine you'd find in two and a half cups of coffee, or a NoDoz caffeine pill. There's also taurine, glucuronic acid, malic acid, and other ingredients in its “Energy Blend.”

Is 230 mg of caffeine a lot?

For healthy adults, up to 400 mg/day is considered safe. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised to consume no more than 200 mg/day. People with cardiovascular health issues should also consider limiting their caffeine intake.


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