How much do vet assistants make in florida


Veterinary Assistant

Southern Veterinary Partners

Ponte Vedra, FL


Veterinary Assistant/Veterinary Technician

NewDay Veterinary Care

Jacksonville, FL


Veterinary Assistant

Animal Care of Ponte Vedra

Ponte Vedra, FL


Veterinary Technicians

San Jose Beauclerc Animal Hospital

Jacksonville, FL


Kennel Assistant

Coastal Veterinary Hospital & Pet Resort

Jacksonville, FL


Veterinary Scrub Nurse

Pathway Vet Alliance

Jacksonville, FL


Veterinary Technician

Mission Veterinary Partners

Jacksonville, FL


Certified Veterinary Technician

Coastal Veterinary Hospital & Pet Resort

Jacksonville, FL


Certified Veterinary Technician

Southern Veterinary Partners

Jacksonville, FL

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How much does a VET Assistant make in Orlando, FL?

The average vet assistant in Orlando, FL makes $25,393 annually. The average hourly rate for a vet assistant is $12.21/hr. This compares to the national average vet assistant salary of $30,687. Below, we break down the average vet assistant salary in Orlando, FL by the highest paying companies and industries. You can also compare different types of vet assistant salaries in and around Orlando and a salary history chart that shows how the average salary for vet assistants has changed over time in Orlando.

VET Assistant Jobs Near Orlando, FL

Highest Paying Companies For VET Assistants In Orlando, FL

This chart shows how vet assistant salaries compare at nearby companies. To view companies in a different region, use the location filter below to select a city or state.

Highest Paying Companies For VET Assistants In Orlando, FL

Highest Paying Cities Around Orlando, FL For VET Assistants

Location can have a major impact on how much vet assistants get paid. This chart shows how vet assistant salaries can vary depending on where they're located in the United States.

Average VET Assistant Pay By Industry In Orlando, FL

The salary for a vet assistant can vary depending on what industry the job is in. Here is a breakdown of the average pay across different industries that vet assistants work in.

Highest Paying Industries in Orlando, FL

VET Assistant Jobs Near Orlando, FL

Average VET Assistant Salary Over Time In Orlando, FL

Compare the average vet assistant salary history for individual cities or states with the national average.

Average VET Assistant Salary In Orlando, FL By Year

What Is The Salary Range For a VET Assistant In Orlando, FL?

The salary range for a vet assistant in Orlando, FL is from $20,000 to $31,000 per year, or $10 to $15 per hour.

What Is A Liveable Salary In Orlando, FL?

A liveable salary in Orlando, FL is $25,400, or $12 per hour. That is the average salary for people living in Orlando.

What Is A Good Salary In Orlando, FL?

A good salary in Orlando, FL is anything over $25,400. That's because the median income in Orlando is $25,400, which means if you earn more than that you're earning more than 50% of the people living in Orlando.

What Is a VET Assistant's Salary In Orlando, FL?

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Becoming a Veterinary Assistant in Florida

Working as a veterinary assistant can be a rewarding career, especially for those who love animals and want to care for them.

Vet assistants in Florida have few educational and training requirements, making it easier to enter the workforce than most other professions. The following details can help you learn more about what it takes to become a veterinary assistant in Florida.

Education & Training

Educational Requirements

There are no official educational requirements for veterinary assistants in Florida.

However, it’s still important to have the proper training and knowledge to perform your job well and provide the right care.

Vet assistants can either learn their role via on-the-job training under a veterinarian’s supervision or attend a training program.

Some high schools in Florida offer students post-secondary courses, putting younger candidates on the fast track to their careers.

You can also attend a vocational or technical school to earn your education as well as invest in further studies by obtaining your associate degree as a veterinary technician instead.

Vet Assistant Programs in Florida

Those with little to no experience in animal care should consider attending a vet assistant training program. Florida training programs are available in person on various campuses and online.

Instructors give students a comprehensive education on the daily tasks of a veterinary assistant and other information necessary to prepare them for the job.

Courses You Might Take

While attending a veterinary assistant program, the courses you may take cover topics involving:

  • Emergency wound care
  • Pet nutrition and prescription diets
  • Animal behavior and handling
  • Body systems
  • Terminology
  • Surgery and x-ray prep
  • Physical examinations
  • History of vet sciences and domesticated animals
  • Animal diseases
  • Proper medication administration

What is an Approved Veterinary Assistant?

Schools accredited by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians (NAFTA) provide students with the opportunity to become qualified as Approved Veterinary Assistants (AVA).

To do so, students must accomplish one of the following:

  • Complete an approved veterinary assistant training program and work at a full-service vet practice for 20 hours a week
  • Earn experiential learning as a vet assistant already employed at a full-service practice for 20 hours a week
  • Complete an externship with hands-on instruction if not currently employed at a vet practice

By meeting one of these requirements, you qualify to take the exam that allows you to earn national certification as an AVA.

To take the test through NAVTA, there is a $100 fee. AVAs must renew their certification every two years for a $10 fee and have evidence of taking 10 continuing education credits.

Additional Tips

You might also want to look for a vet assistant training program in Florida that offers certification under the Florida Board of Veterinary Medicine. These accreditations make you feel confident in your training and education.

Also, look for a program that’s affiliated with local vet facilities so they can easily connect you to the right externship.

Cost & Length of Vet Assistant Training in Florida

To attend a vet assistant school in Florida, you can expect tuition to cost under $1,000 or as high as $4,000, depending on your program.

This price usually includes supplies, books, and the cost of any certifications you might earn. Online programs are often more affordable, as well.

Vet assistant programs in Florida usually take less than a year to complete, with many schools advertising as little as seven months to become certified.

Typically, the time spent in a classroom is separate from your externship, which may last up to eight weeks.

Florida Vet Assistant Requirements

There are no educational standards or state-sponsored licensing for vet assistants in Florida. A veterinary assistant certification in Florida is also not required, but the education and training provided are crucial to the role.

Having a certification or earning your title as an AVA can also boost your chances of landing the job you want.

Often, employers have their own standards for the people they want to hire as vet assistants. For example, most clinics, hospitals, and other animal care agencies prefer to hire individuals with at least a high school diploma or GED.

They also look for candidates experienced in animal care, which you can obtain by attending a hands-on training program.

Without prior experience working as a vet assistant or inside an animal healthcare facility, you might want to try volunteering at a clinic, shelter, or humane society.

Entry-level vet assistants typically receive on-the-job training whether or not they attended a program.

Job Description

Vet assistants are vital to the animal healthcare industry. They provide critical support services to veterinarians and vet technicians.

Most of their job revolves around office administration, working directly with pet owners, and hands-on work with dogs, cats, livestock, and other animals.


Often, veterinary assistants have the most contact with the animals inside a clinic or animal hospital. They play a meaningful role in the lives of pets and their owners, ensuring day-to-day operations run smoothly and clients, both human and animal, feel comforted.

They make it easier for veterinarians to perform their roles, as well, by providing important services like:

  • Scheduling appointments and vaccines
  • Answering phone calls
  • Managing patient records
  • Explaining procedures to pet owners
  • Feeding, grooming, and exercising animals
  • Cleaning equipment
  • Assisting with aftercare
  • Keeping track of inventory
  • Filling prescriptions

While this work is ideal for people who feel passionate about animal welfare, it can also be emotionally and physically demanding. Assistants often must deal with sick pets and worried owners while also restraining animals when they get out of hand.

Where Do Vet Assistants in Florida Work?

Veterinary assistant jobs in Florida are available in multiple work environments. Most vet assistants work inside veterinary offices, clinics, animal hospitals, shelters, zoos, and research laboratories.

Employers may have specific requirements for different jobs involving education, training and certifications.

Vet Assistant Salaries in Florida

Vet assistants in the United States make, on average, $29,780 annually, or $14.32 hourly, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The average vet assistant salary in Florida is slightly higher with workers earning closer to $29,990 a year or $14.42 in hourly wages. This rate varies by experience level and location. It can also increase with the more training and certifications you possess.

How Much Do Vet Assistants Make in Florida?

The amount you earn working as a vet assistant in Florida depends on where you live and your training, education, and experience. The following city salary data illustrates how much you can earn as a vet assistant in different areas of the state:

Orlando $30,475
Sarasota $38,210
Gainesville $35,271
Tampa $36,272
Fort Lauderdale $35,335

Career Outlook

As of May 2021, Florida has the second highest employment rate for vet assistants, with more than 6,700 employed. Nationally, the job outlook for this career is faster than most occupations with a 14% expected growth rate before 2030, which equates to about 19,800 vet assistant job openings each year across the United States.

While demand for veterinary assistant jobs in Florida is high, some individuals might be interested in similar careers. Those who still want to work with animals may look for programs in laboratory animal care, animal training, or working inside a zoo.

In vet assistant school, you learn tasks that relate to the same duties as a phlebotomist, radiology technician, or surgical technician, too.

How much does a certified vet assistant make in Florida?

How much does a Veterinary Assistant make in Florida? The average Veterinary Assistant salary in Florida is $30,617 as of September 26, 2022, but the range typically falls between $24,669 and $36,931.

Where do veterinary assistants make the most money?

Highest paying cities for Veterinary Assistants near United States.
New York, NY. $18.38 per hour. 23 salaries reported..
Seattle, WA. $17.82 per hour. 142 salaries reported..
Chicago, IL. $17.22 per hour. 30 salaries reported..
Denver, CO. $16.92 per hour. 46 salaries reported..
Portland, OR. $16.51 per hour. ... .
Show more nearby cities..

Can you make a living being a vet assistant?

No, you can not make a living as a vet assistant. Working as a vet assistant earns you, on average, $28,000 a year ($13.50 an hour) with a modest range between $20,000 a year ($10.02 an hour) to $38,000 a year ($18.27 an hour).

What is the top pay for veterinary assistant?

How much does a Veterinary Assistant make in the United States? The average Veterinary Assistant salary in the United States is $32,228 as of September 26, 2022, but the range typically falls between $25,968 and $38,874.


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