How to cancel repeat orders on amazon

You can cancel items or orders that haven't entered the dispatch process by visiting the Your Orders section in Your Account.

If the order has already entered the dispatch process, you can't change it. If it hasn't entered the dispatch process yet, cancel an item or an entire order, by visiting Your Orders:

To cancel items, go to

Your Orders

To cancel orders that aren't dispatched yet:

  1. Go to Your Orders.
  2. Select the item you want to cancel and click Cancel items.
  3. Provide reasons for cancellation (optional).
  4. Click on Cancel Checked Items.

To cancel an order that has already been dispatched:

  1. Go to Your Orders.
  2. Select the Request cancellation option and proceed further.
  3. The item(s) will be returned to us for a refund (if the payment is already made).

Note: In case you're still contacted for delivery, please refuse to accept it.

To cancel Amazon Fresh orders:

For Amazon Fresh and Watsons orders ,the option to cancel individual items from the order is not available. You can choose to cancel the entire order if it is hasn't entered the dispatch process. If you want to cancel the entire order, select all of the items.

After we've been able to successfully process the order cancellation request, we'll send you a confirmation message to the e-mail address on your account.

You can also confirm that the order was cancelled by visiting Your Orders. If you see the order in the Cancelled Orders section, it was successfully cancelled.

To cancel orders sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller:

When an order is placed with a seller, you can cancel the order yourself from Your Orders within 30 minutes. Select the order and click Cancel Items. After 30 minutes, and up until the time the order ships, you can still request a cancellation of the order. To request a cancellation, select the order from Your Orders and select Cancel Items. You should not request a cancellation via the Buyer-Seller Messaging Service but should make such cancellation request from Your Orders in your Amazon account. You should receive an email response from the seller within two business days if the cancellation is successful. Once the order ships, you will not be able to cancel the order.


  • If your order was sold and fulfilled by Amazon SG, or sold by a third-party seller and fulfilled by Amazon SG, and can't be modified, you can refuse the parcel or return it using our Returns Support Centre.

    If you've ever hopped on Amazon and found yourself filling your cart with stuff you don't really need but can't pass up at such a good price, you're not alone.

    Buyer's remorse is something we've all experienced at one point or another, but what happens when you realize you don't really need any of this stuff after all?

    Thankfully, if your order hasn't yet shipped and you placed the order pretty recently — within the past couple of hours, or up to 24 hours, depending on your chosen shipping speed — you may be able to cancel your order before it leaves one of the company's giant warehouses.

    Here's how to do it on the Amazon website or mobile app.

    How to cancel an Amazon order on the website

    1. Go to the Amazon website and log in to your account.

    2. Click Returns & Orders in the top-right corner of the homepage.

    Click "Returns & Orders."Stefan Ionescu

    Quick tip: You can also hover over Accounts & Lists and then click Orders in the dropdown menu.

    3. On the Your Orders page, find the order you want to cancel. Click the option to the right of the item that says Cancel items.

    Click "Cancel items."Stefan Ionescu

    4. On the next page, you may be told that your cancellation isn't guaranteed, but there's still no harm in trying. Click the dropdown that says Select Cancellation Reason, and select the reason for canceling the order.

    5. Click Cancel selected items in this order.

    Cancel the selected items.Stefan Ionescu

    6. From there, you'll be sent to a confirmation screen and an email will be sent to you detailing your cancellation request. You'll receive another email when it's determined whether or not your order could be successfully cancelled.

    Note: You'll be notified of your cancellation status generally within an hour or so, though the time varies depending on whether your item was sold by Amazon or by a third-party seller, in which case you would need to contact the seller to determine your order status.

    How to cancel an Amazon order on the mobile app

    1. Open the Amazon Shopping App on your iOS or Android device.

    2. Tap the profile icon bottom menu.

    3. Tap Your Orders.

    Tap "Your Orders."Stefan Ionescu

    4. Find and select the order you want to cancel.

    5. Tap Cancel order. 

    Tap "Cancel order."Stefan Ionescu

    6. Tap Cancel checked items.

    Cancel the items in the order.Stefan Ionescu

    7. Just like on the website, you'll then be sent an email confirming your cancellation request. When your cancellation is approved or denied, you'll be sent another email.

    Why can't I cancel my Amazon order?

    When you can't see the Cancel items button on the Your Orders page on the website, it most likely means the order has already been shipped by Amazon. That means you'll have to cancel the delivery instead.

    1. Go to the Amazon website and log in to your account.

    2. Click Returns & Orders in the top-right corner of the homepage. 

    Click "Returns & Orders."Stefan Ionescu

    3. On the Your Orders page, find the order you want to cancel. Click the option to the right of the item that says Track package. 

    Click "Track package."Stefan Ionescu

    4. Click Cancel order.

    Cancel the delivery.Stefan Ionescu

    5. Click Cancel selected items in this order.

    Quick tip: Can't cancel the delivery? Then your only other option is to go to the Online Returns Center and return the package.

    How to return an Amazon order if you can't cancel it 

    Of course, it's always possible that your cancellation request is unsuccessful. Order cancellations may be rejected if the package has already been shipped, or if the item is from a third-party seller that does not allow (or promptly respond to) cancellation requests.

    For the most part, Amazon has a pretty relaxed return policy, so you can always begin that process if your unwanted order does indeed get delivered to your door. If your order was sold and fulfilled by Amazon, you have up to 30 days (and longer during the holiday season) to return the item for a full refund.

    If your item was sold by a third party on Amazon, you'll need to check the seller's return policy on their seller page, or you can contact the seller. For more detailed information on Amazon's return policies, visit this Returns and Refunds support page.

    Jennifer Still

    Jennifer is a writer and editor from Brooklyn, New York, who spends her time traveling, drinking iced coffee, and watching way too much TV. She has bylines in Vanity Fair, Glamour, Decider, Mic, and many more. You can find her on Twitter at @jenniferlstill.

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    How do I cancel a repeat on Amazon?

    To cancel your Subscribe & Save subscription:.
    Go to Your Subscribe & Save Items..
    Select the Subscriptions tab..
    If you're logged in through a browser, click on the product image. ... .
    Select Cancel subscription..
    Select a cancellation reason from the dropdown menu..
    Click Cancel my subscription..

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    Review your recurring payments and subscriptions Go to Amazon Pay, click Sign in, and then select Check your Amazon Pay orders.

    How do I change my recurring delivery on Amazon?

    Change Your Subscribe & Save Delivery Schedule.
    Go to Your Subscribe & Save in Your Account..
    In the Subscriptions tab select the subscription for the item you want to change..
    Select Change your schedule or quantity..
    You can change the frequency, your next delivery date, or the quantity of items..
    Make your change..

    How do I cancel an Amazon order that won't cancel?

    Cancel order is not available If you do not see Cancel order besides the order you want to cancel, Amazon may have already shipped it. Go to Your Orders and select Track package, and then Cancel this delivery. If this option is not available, refuse the package or return it using Your Orders.


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