How to get rid of bad breath from tonsil stones

Have you noticed small white or yellow formations in the pockets of your tonsils? When you pick them out, they may have an unpleasant odor. These are most likely tonsil stones, and they can range from rice-sized to grape-sized. They rarely cause health problems, but since they can cause bad breath it’s a good idea to find out how to prevent them.

What Causes Tonsil Stones?

It’s easy for debris such as food particles, mucus, and saliva to settle into the tiny pits and crevices in your tonsils. When that debris gets trapped and hardens, it forms tonsil stones which bacteria and fungi like to feed on – resulting in really bad breath. Some people are more susceptible to tonsil stones than others, such as those who don’t brush their teeth often, those with chronic sinus issues, and those with large tonsils.

What Are Symptoms of Tonsil Stones?

Along with the hardened debris in your tonsils, tonsil stones are sometimes accompanied by bad breath, a sore throat, trouble swallowing, ear pain and a chronic cough.

How Can I Prevent Tonsil Stones?

Since tonsil stones cause bad breath, you should do all you can to keep them from forming. You can prevent them by:

  • Using your toothbrush to clean the bacteria off the back of your tongue
  • Quitting smoking
  • Staying hydrated
  • Gargling with salt water

How Should I Remove Tonsil Stones?

While tonsil stones themselves aren’t usually harmful, you’ll want to remove them to get rid of bad breath and pain, and to eliminate the possibility of an infection or abscess. It’s never safe to pick at your tonsils with your fingernail or a toothbrush, as this can cause damage to the delicate tonsil tissue. Instead, try these home remedies:

  • Gargle with salt water to dislodge the tonsil stones and get rid of the odor tonsil stones can cause. Use ½ teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water.
  • Use a water pick to gently spray the tonsil stones out of their crevices.
  • Cough to loosen the tonsil stones.

What If Tonsil Stones Become a Chronic Problem?

If stones tend to grow larger than most and cause a lot of pain, your ENT may recommend minimally invasive procedures to get rid of the crevices where stones tend to form. Laser tonsil cryptolysis uses a laser, while coblation cryptolysis involves radio waves that transform a salt solution into charged ions, and the ions cut through tissue to eliminate the tiny pockets.

Some doctors will use antibiotics to manage tonsil stones since they can lower bacteria counts that lead to their growth. In severe cases when no other treatment works, doctors may recommend a tonsillectomy. 

Talk to a Sound Health Physician if Tonsil Stones Are Causing Your Bad Breath

Find out how you can eliminate tonsil stones to make your breath smell better. Call our offices at (314) 729-0077.

The tonsils are small oval-shaped structures at the back of the throat and are part of your immune system. They help protect you from infections by filtering bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the mouth. Tonsil stones are little hard lumps that develop in the tonsils and can produce bad breath.⁵ They are generally painless and harmless and are also referred to as tonsillitis. Tonsil stones are usually small and can look like yellow or white pebbles. In most cases, you can treat tonsil stones at home, but they may need a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils in some cases, especially if tonsil stones keep reappearing.¹

What causes tonsil stones?

Tonsil stones can result from food particles, mucus, dead cells, and bacteria trapped in small pockets on your tonsils due to improper oral hygiene. When this debris builds up and then hardens or calcifies, tonsil stones can start to form and cause soreness or swelling. Such complications happen mainly to those who have long-term tonsils inflammation (chronic tonsillitis) and get tonsillitis more often than normal. Other potential causes include poor dental hygiene, having large tonsils and chronic sinus issues.²

Symptoms of tonsillitis

People often confuse tonsillitis with having a cold or severe flu that causes tonsils inflammation. Here are some of the main symptoms of tonsillitis in children and adults:³

  1. Having a sore throat.
  2. Facing difficulty swallowing.
  3. Coughing and headache.
  4. Exhaustion and tiredness.
  5. High temperature above 38C.
  6. Earache.
  7. Bad breath.
  8. White pus-filled spots on the tonsils.
  9. Painful swollen glands.

While tonsil stones are not contagious, it is usually the result of an infection that is contagious; like a cold or flu. Hence, it is recommended to follow standard hygienic practices to stop infections from spreading when you feel any of the symptoms mentioned above.³

Tonsil stones treatment

Even though tonsil stones can be harmless, they can cause discomfort, bad breath, and other irritations in many cases. Also, large tonsil stones can damage normal tonsil tissue, leading to severe swelling, inflammation and infection. Here are some of the ways one can deal with tonsil stones or remove tonsil stones if necessary:¹

  • Gargling with salt water can help your throat feel better and dislodge tonsil stones. It can also help you get rid of bad breath or any foul taste associated with tonsillitis.
  • Medications like antibiotics prescribed by your healthcare provider can treat tonsil stones; while they don’t treat the underlying cause of tonsil stones, they help in cases that develop a bacterial infection.
  • Tonsil stones surgical removal is another treatment method if symptoms are too disturbing. Your GP may refer you to an ENT, an ear, nose and throat specialist to discuss the surgical options available depending on your case. Tonsil stone removal is recommended in cases like large tonsil stones, severe pain and recurrent sore throats or tonsil infections.
  • Tonsillectomy means having your tonsils removed completely, and it is necessary if tonsil stones keep coming back and are causing repeated infections. Note that removing the tonsils does not affect your immune system.
  • Cryptolysis is a procedure in which medical professionals use a laser or a radiofrequency wand to scar your tonsils and reduce potential tonsil stones.

Prevention of tonsil stones

The best way to prevent tonsil stones and many other oral health issues including bad breath is by following proper oral hygiene to protect your mouth from bacteria and avoid food buildup. Here are some oral health tips to help you maintain good hygiene routine:⁴ 

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly two times a day or after every meal.
  2. Floss daily between the teeth to remove dental plaque and prevent food particles buildup.
  3. Rinse regularly using a mouthwash, gently swishing alcohol-free mouthwash around your mouth helps kill bacteria and loosen tonsil stones.
  4. Clean your tongue regularly by brushing or scraping it.
  5. Avoid smoking or using any tobacco products.
  6. Drink plenty of water.
  7. Visit your dentist every 6 months for a regular checkup.

Complications of tonsil stones

Tonsillar stones are common findings and are a known cause of bad breath (halitosis). However, the development of large tonsillar stones is rare, with only a few cases reported. A large tonsil stone is considered a complication that needs immediate attention. A large-sized tonsil stone can cause difficulty breathing and can require elective stone removal and tonsillectomy.⁴ Another form of tonsillitis complication is developing a pocket filled with pus (known as an abscess) between the tonsils and the wall of your throat. If you have any of these symptoms, get immediate medical attention:³ 

Does bad breath go away after removing tonsil stones?

Also called tonsilliths, these stones can begin to release sulfur, causing bad breath that can only be eradicated by removing the stones and preventing their recurrence. Read on to learn how to prevent tonsil stone formation and how to remove them once you have already developed them.

Does tonsil stones make your breath smell bad?

Tonsil stones, also called tonsilloliths, are small lumps that form in your tonsils. The main symptom of tonsil stones is bad breath. Methods for tonsil stone removal at home include using a saltwater gargle or a water pick. If the tonsil stones keep coming back or bothering you, your provider may recommend surgery.

Why do tonsil stones have a foul smell?

Because tonsils stones are composed primarily of bacteria, this is known to produce a foul-smelling sulfide. You will notice this both when the stone is in your tonsil and when it is dislodged and visible outside your body.

What is the fastest way to dissolve tonsil stones?

Gargling with warm salt water may help loosen tonsil stones. A person can prepare this by adding half a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water. They can gargle the liquid for several seconds and repeat if necessary. Saltwater gargles may also help relieve a sore, scratchy throat.


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