How to make a soccer ball out of plastic bags

If you have a game, but no ball, and the closest sporting goods store is miles away, what are you going to do? Make one, of course! Check out this video to learn how to make a soccer ball using plastic bags and other readily available items.

[via afrigadget]

6 thoughts on “DIY plastic bag soccer ball

  1. Willie says:

    Innovative. I’ll have to try it.

    1. Einstein says:

      Very innovative and useful but ill be damned if Im blowing into a condom….. I suppose ill have the misses make one. :)

  2. alandove says:

    Very creative, and worth trying. I expect a balloon would work just as well as the condom, and would make it a better project to do with the kids. Unless, of course, your kids are teenagers, in which case a condom would be a great choice, providing you with a convenient excuse to leave some extra ones sitting around in their rooms.

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Tagged How it's made reuse soccer sports Toys and Games

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I found this tutorial on vimeo that demonstrates how to make plastic bags footballs, apparently very common in Africa (there are 2 tutorials, I recommend the second one starting on 03:30).  

Remember this tutorial next time you are in need of a ball.

How to make a Plastic Bag Football from Send a Cow on Vimeo.


Introduction: Soccer Ball / Football

This instructable will be a detailed step-by-step plan that teaches you how to create your own football.

Step 1: Materials

In order to create the football you will need the tools and materials shown above.

The list is as follows:


- 25 garbage plastic bags

- 1 ball of string

- 1 old piece of cloth that is at least 30 by 30 centimeters

- One roll of painter's tape

- Spray paint in any preferable colour (Optional)


- Scissor

- Black Marker (Optional)

Step 2: Making the Core of the Football

You will be making the core of the football first.

Begin with unrolling a plastic bag and unfolding it. Unfold 25 more plastic bags. In total you will have 26 unfolded plastic bags. Take one of the 26 and stuff the other 25 bags into it as shown in the picture above.

Step 3: Making the Core of the Football

Close the plastic bag full of plastic bags and twist the end to make the bag as tight as possible. Watch out to maybe poke some holes into the plastic bag in order to let air escape. Try to press the ball as tight as possible. Tie a piece of string around the twisted part and cut it off.

Step 4: Securing the Core With String

Tie a loop around the ball. After having done so, use the string attached to the loop, to wrap the plastic bags as tight as possible. Try to give the football a better round shape, through wrapping the plastic bag in strategic areas. After the ball has a fairly round shape, you can tie the end of the string securely to another piece of string wrapped around the bag.

Step 5: Making the First Layer

Now make use of the first piece of cloth.

Place the ball in the middle of the cloth. Wrap one corner over the ball and tuck it below the ball. Do the same with the next corner. The last corner will have to be laid over the first two corners. After having done so, secure the cloth in place with some painter's tape.

Step 6: Making the Second Layer

The layer of cloth, was there to add size, weight, and something for the next layer to hold on.

The next layer will consist of pure painters tape. This layer is there for you to mold the shape of the ball and to make it as round as possible. Place srtaps of tape around the ball in strategic areas. When you are satisfied with the shape, cover the rest of the areas of cloth with some more tape.

This layer will protect your ball and make it a bit more sturdy.

Step 7: Adding Design Elements

This stage is purely the design of the football.

Spraypaint your football in the colour you want or add cool lines.

The video will show you how I did it.

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How do you make plastic bag balls?

Scrunch up some newspaper for the centre of your ball. Place the paper in the first bag. Shape the bag around the paper and then twist the small ball you've made. Now that you have twisted the ball, hold the twisted bag and use the rest of the bag to cover the ball again by turning the bag over the ball the other way.

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Collect recycled materials from around your home..
Crumple up newspaper and other recycled paper into a ball about six inches across..
Wrap the ball a plastic bag, compress all the air out, and knot the bag as tightly as possible..
Start wrapping old clothing, wrappers, plastic, string, shoelaces, etc..

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Fold a 5 in × 4 in (13 cm × 10 cm) piece of black paper in half horizontally. ... .
Pull 1 flap back, creasing it on the diagonal, then repeat on the other side. ... .
Fold in the 2 outside edges and the bottom edge to make a diamond. ... .
Tuck the 2 folds facing each other into one another..


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