How to make slime without using borax

What kid doesn’t like slime? It’s ooey-gooiness is a draw for most; plus, the act of making slime is a fun experiment! But one of its typical ingredients, borax, can cause skin sensitivities, and another, glue, can just be plain messy.  Read below for some recipes to make slime without either of those activators. 

Slime with Shampoo


  • 2 Tbsp Suave Kids 3-in-1 Shampoo (thicker shampoos work best, and you can choose a fragrance that you like)
  • 2 Tbsp Shaving cream
  • 1 tsp Salt


1.  Pour 2 Tbsp of shampoo of choice into a bowl (you can always add more shampoo later).

Put shampoo in a bowl.

2. Add in 2 Tbsp of shaving cream (foam) to the shampoo and mix.

Add  shaving cream into the bowl.

3. Add 1 tsp of salt, and mix everything together thoroughly.

Add salt into the bowl.

4. Put mixture into the freezer for approximately 15 minutes.

Mix shampoo, shaving cream, and salt and put in the freezer for 15 minutes.

5. Remove from the freezer and play! If your slime becomes runny, just pop it back into the freezer for a few minutes to keep the fun going.

Slime with Body Wash and Cornstarch


  • 2 Tbsp body wash (thicker works better)
  • 2 Tbsp cornstarch
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Splash of water


1. Pour 2 TBSP of body wash into a bowl.

2.  Add in cornstarch and mix well.

3. If desired, add in food coloring at this point.

4. Mix ingredients together thoroughly. You may have to add a little more body wash to obtain the right consistency. Knead, and enjoy your slime!

Slime with Toothpaste


  • 2 Tbsp toothpaste
  • 2 – 4 Tbsp lotion
  • 1 tsp baby oil
  • Food coloring (optional)


1. Squeeze approximately 2 Tbsp of toothpaste into a bowl and stir.

2. Heat up toothpaste in the microwave for 10 seconds at a time (make sure to give it a stir between each check) until you reach a sticky slime-like consistency.

3. Add in 2-4 Tbsp of lotion and baby oil to create a more malleable and stretchy slime.

4. Knead, and play with your slime!

*Check out our other slime recipes: Fluffy Slime, Stretchy Slime, Clear Slime, Edible Slime, Cloud Slime, Crunchy Slime, Jiggly Slime, Iceberg Slime, Butter Slime, Magnetic Slime

Do your kids want slime that stretches for miles? Discover how to make stretchy slime with an awesome slime recipe that DOES NOT USE liquid starch or borax powder.  What I love most about this recipe is the super stretch you get with your slime! We love making homemade slime!


I was super excited to try out this recipe that my friend in Canada came up with after doing some trial and error of her own. In the U.K. and Canada, liquid starch is not sold, so it’s impossible to make our slime with liquid starch.

Also in Canada, borax powder is not suggested for use in kids activities, and in the UK and Australia it is not readily available.

So what can you use instead of borax?  The good news is that it is easy to make slime with eye drops (eyewash or saline solution) and glue, if the eye drops contain boric acid or sodium borate.

As a rule of thumb, we have to double the number of eye drops used compared to the saline solution. See our homemade dollar store slime kit with eye drops!

Want to make slime without borax or eye drops? Check our list of taste safe, completely borax free slime recipes!


Did you know that slime is science too! Kids love to play with slime, and its also a great way to encourage your kiddos to learn more about science.  Liquids and solids, Non-Newtonian fluids, polymers, and so much more.

Read up on basic slime science here, and share it with the kids next time you make a batch of slime.

You will definitely want to make this stretchy slime in a few colors! We made three batches because we love the way slime looks when the colors swirl together!

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Fun Science Experiments for Kids 

Of course, a large batch of slime will add to the all over amount of stretch you can get out of the slime. Grab a ruler and see how long you can stretch it before it breaks. Here’s a hint, stretch slowly, pull gently, and let gravity help you out!


This slime gets better with time. It requires you to spend some extra time kneading it but you will have an awesome feeling stretchy slime when you are done.


  • Approximately 2 tbsp of Eye Drops (make sure boric acid is listed as an ingredient)
  • 1/2 to 3/4 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup White or Clear PVA Washable School Glue
  • Food Coloring {optional but fun}
  • Mixing Bowl, Measuring Cup, and Spoon


STEP 1:  First measure a 1/2 cup of your glue into a mixing container.

STEP 2:  Add food coloring. For a deeper shade, because the glue is white, I like to use anywhere from 10-15 drops of food coloring. Stir to combine!

STEP 3:  Add 3/4 teaspoon {I did not level my 1/4 tsp exactly, so this may be closer to a full tsp worth of baking soda}. Mix it up!

Baking soda helps to firm and form the slime.  You can experiment with your own ratios! We have found clear glue slime usually doesn’t need quite as much baking soda as white glue slime!

STEP 4: You can start by adding a full tbsp of eye drops and see how you like that consistency, you may need to add more. You can also follow our method below if you want to fine-tune the consistency to your desired texture.

Adding too much slime activator (eye drops) can lead to a rubbery and too firm slime. 

Now for the eye drops! Add 10 eye drops and mix. Add 10 more and mix. You will start to see some consistency changes. Add 10 more drops and mix.

Even more, change is happening. Add 10 more drops and you should be seeing a pretty thick and stiff mixture. You can probably grab it and start to pull it away some but it’s still really sticky.

Add 10 more and mix.

STEP 5:  Now, it gets fun. {You have added 40 drops so far.} Put a few drops of the eye drop solution on your fingers and pull out the slime.

It should come out nicely but still feel slightly sticky. The eye drops on your hands will help. Start working the slime and kneading. My husband says I look like I am pulling taffy.

Get slime on clothes? Check out how to get slime out of clothes and hair.

Additionally, I will add 5 more drops to the slime while it’s in my hands. Just keep kneading and pulling and folding it for a good five minutes. {In the end, I have used 45-50 drops of our eye drop solution}

Kneading is an extremely important part of making slime! It will improve consistency considerably!

This is a good view (below) of how it comes together at the point where you are going to remove it from the container to start kneading it.

There’s nothing better than a huge pile of slime to play with any time. This stretchy slime made with eye drops and glue was just as much fun the next day.

No more having to print out a WHOLE blog post for just one recipe!

Get our basic slime recipes in an easy to print format so you can knock out the activities!



Here are a few of our favorite slime recipes! Did you know we also have fun with STEM activities?

  • Fluffy Slime
  • Galaxy Slime
  • Gold Slime
  • Liquid Starch Slime
  • Cornstarch Slime
  • Edible Slime
  • Glitter Slime


Click on the link or on the image below for more awesome slime recipes.

What can I use instead of borax for slime?

If you're worried about the safety of slime that contains borax, you can use Arm & Hammer baking soda in your slime recipes instead. Baking soda slime is a good alternative to slime containing borax.

Can slime be made without borax?

All you need to make safe slime at home without borax is glue, baking soda, contact solution, and a little glitter. It's a fun and safe activity for kids.

How do you make quick slime?

How to Make Slime With Glue.
Pour 1 cup of white glue into a mixing bowl..
Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda..
Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly..
Add more or less glue depending on your desired consistency..


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