How to make sure i have twins

How to Conceive Twins Naturally: can you increase your chances of having twins without fertility treatments?

Most of the time, upon learning that I have twins, I’m met with unpleasant commentary. “Better you than me!” “You’ve got your hands full!” or “Double trouble!”

If I were to generalize, I’d definitely say that the general consensus (at least at the Target checkout line) is that twins are NOT something to try for.

However, I am told by the rare “Oh, I always wanted twins!” or “were you trying for twins?”

Trying for twins? What the what?

How on earth do you try for twins? How to better your chance of having twins? Is this even a thing? Is it possible?

The question “how to get pregnant with twins naturally” seems to have increased lately, so I thought I’d do a bit of research and write a super informative article on how to conceive twins naturally.

*Post contains affiliate links.

‘Natural’ Conception Vs. Fertility Treatments

First of all, let’s get one thing straight. Nothing I’m about to tell you is 100% backed by science! Not one single drop of it.

There have been a few studies that ‘suggest’ certain things may increase your odds of having twins, and you know what? If youreeaallllyyyywant twins, it doesn’t hurt to try these methods!

I am the queen of “it doesn’t hurt to try!” So if you want to read a few ideas of how to raise your chances of having twins, then read on!

The second thing we need to get straight is that it’s rude to talk about whether or not babies are conceived naturally. All babies are natural. This phrase will tick off a lot of the twin mom community.

So, why did I make it the title of my post “how to conceive twins naturally?”

Because I know it’s a common phrase that everyone will understand. When you read it, you will know I’m talking about how to conceive twins without fertility drugs or other fertility treatments.

Even though I know it’s not a nice term to use, it is a term that is widely understood.

Don’t forget to start taking prenatal vitamins while you are trying to conceive! These are my absolute favorites because they are made with organic, whole-food ingredients, they’re affordable, and they’re easy to take while you’re dealing with first-trimester morning sickness and food aversions.

So, what are you supposed to say?

Spontaneous. The politically correct way to say “how to have twins naturally” is “spontaneously”.

How to have twins spontaneously. You could also say “how to conceive twins without fertility drugs.” Straight and to the point, although not a question you should ask someone.

Twins conceived without fertility treatments (also known as assisted reproductive technology) are considered to be conceived spontaneously.

The most common way to conceive twins is with fertility treatments.

I won’t get into too much detail about that, because the focus of this postis ways to increase your chances of having twins naturally (aka without reproductive medicine).

Read –> Preparing for Twins: 7 Important Things to Consider

How Twins Are Conceived

Before we get into ways you can boost your chances of having twins, let’s talk about how twins are conceived. The oddsof apositive pregnancy test resulting in twins relies entirely on the mother.

It doesn’t matter how strong a man’s sperm is, it can’t force two eggs to drop. It just doesn’t work that way. I know men like to think that their sperm is super powerful, but powerful sperm will not increase chances of twins.

Sorry, men!

The process of conceiving twins is about the mother’s body either dropping two eggs at once or one egg that splits into two.

Identical Twins

Identical twins are conceived when a single egg that has been fertilized by a single sperm splits into two.

It is completely random and there is no way to increase your odds of having identical twins that anyone can prove.

There aren’t even any old wives tales that I can throw at you!

No, if you want to actually try to have twins, you have to try for fraternal twins.

Fraternal Twins

Fraternal twins are conceived when two separate eggs are fertilized by two separate sperm at the same time.

Fraternal twins share the same amount of DNA as regular siblings… of course with the bond of sharing a womb and life together!

Interested in more information about identical vs. fraternal twins? Click to read!

Other Posts You Should Read…

What Are the Chances of Having Twins

Twins account for about 3.35% of live births. The chance of having identical twins is even lower, at .45%.

The chance of having triplets or more is even less, at .1%!

So, how to increase your chances of having twins? Let’s begin!

How to Conceive Twins Naturally: Increase Fertility for Twins

Here are all of the natural ways that you can increase your chances of having twins!

Taking Folic Acid Before Trying to Conceive

Folic acid supplements are essential to a healthy pregnancy, whether it’s a singleton or twin pregnancy.

Taking folic acid a month or so before you try to conceive can increase your chance of getting pregnant with twins.

Age: Advanced Maternal Age

The older you are, the higher of a chance you have for having twins. As my OB put it, the body gets sloppy, therefore it drops two eggs instead of one.

That was quite rude of him, but perceptive nonetheless.

A woman over the age of 35 has increased estrogen, increasing the odds of hyperovulation, or releasing multiple eggs at once…. therefore increasing your odds of falling pregnant with twins.

Basically, our bodies get sloppy as we age. Thanks, Dr. Teteris… eye roll.

Read –> The Realities of a Singleton Pregnancy After Twins

Consuming Dairy

There are studies that show that consuming a lot of dairy can be a fertility booster for twins.

Possibly due to all of the hormones fed to cows? I’m not sure. But cheese and ice cream are delicious, so this is an excellent place to start to increasing chances of twins.

Birth Control

If you’re looking for how to get pregnant with twins and you don’t like dairy and aren’t of advanced maternal age, try to get pregnant right after you get off of birth control.

Your body will be going through a phase as it adjusts to hormones, and can you can likely hyperovulateand drop two eggs at once!

Body Mass Index

Some studies claim that heavier women with a higher BMI have a higher chance of having twins.

I mean, you’re going to be gaining weight with a twin pregnancy anyways, why not start early if you really want twins? (kidding…)

Taller women also have been shown to conceive more twins… but there’s nothing you can do in that situation.

Yams, Sweet Potatoes and Nigeria Cassava

Women who live in areas where yams, sweet potatoes, and Nigeria cassava are a staple in their diet conceive more twins. These are all considered to be food to increase fertility for twins.

Sweet potatoes are delicious, so it’s totally worth a shot!


For some reason, women of African-American ethnicity have a higher likelihood of having twins than any other ethnicity.

Family History

If you have a family history of twin births, then you have a higher chance of having twins. Obviously, this isn’t something you can control though!

But if the maternal mother or grandmother had twins, then it is likely that they pass down the gene of hyperovulating, therefore conceiving fraternal twins.

Sex Positions for Conceiving Twins

Are you wondering about the best position to get pregnant with twins? No, guys. Just no. This doesn’t work…. like AT ALL.

There is no sex position out there that can increase your odds of having twins. I have to draw the line here!

Key Take Away: How to Increase Chances of Twins Naturally

  • The main foods to eat to try to increase your chances of having twins are dairy, sweet potatoes, cassava, and yams
  • No sex positions can help you get pregnant with twins!
  • Trying to conceive after you’ve just gotten off the pill can increase your odds
  • The older you are, the higher your chances are
  • Having twins on the maternal side can improve your chances
  • Higher BMI can be helpful for twin conception
  • Taking folic acid can help

P.S. Make sure you’re following me on social media to keep up with our family and all the twin cuteness! I am on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest!

How can I increase my chances of conceiving twins?

Factors that increase the chance of twins include: consuming high amounts of dairy foods, being over the age of 30, and conceiving while breastfeeding. Many fertility drugs including Clomid, Gonal-F, and Follistim also increase the odds of a twin pregnancy.

Is there a trick to have twins?

Clomiphene and gonadotropins are commonly used fertility drugs that can increase your chances of having twins. Clomiphene is a medication available only through prescription. In the United States, the brand names for the drug are Clomid and Serophene.

Can I conceive twins naturally?

It is estimated that 1 in 250 natural pregnancies will naturally result in twins. While twin pregnancies can happen by chance, there are some factors that may increase your odds of having two babies at the same time. Let's learn about twins!

What foods help conceive twins?

Foods naturally rich in folic acid like avocado, spinach, broccoli, liver, and legumes also have the tendency to increase one's chances of conceiving twins. According to a study, consuming extra folic acid while trying to get pregnant can raise the chance of giving birth to twins slightly higher.


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