How to record a phone call on iphone 2022

Are you trying to find a way to record your phone calls on an iPhone call, say, for an interview? Unfortunately, there’s no native feature or app that allows you to do that in a straightforward manner given the potential legal repercussions Apple could face. Thankfully, though, there are a few ways to get around that obstacle.


  • Why we can’t record mobile phone calls — and why we should be able to

Assuming you have permission from the person on the other end of the call that you’re recording (depending on where you live, you could be breaking the law if you don’t!), we found three ways you can do so.

Use the Voice Memos app

There are a few ways you can record phone calls from your iPhone if you’re comfortable using an external device and a recording app. For example, if you have a second iOS device like an iPhone or an iPad, you can use the free Voice Memos app (or any free recording app) to record your conversation using your phone’s speaker setting.

Voice Memos typically comes preinstalled, though you can install it for free from the App Store if necessary. Here’s how to use it.

  • First, make sure the second device is as close as possible to your iPhone. (Remember, you’ll be using it as a speakerphone.)
  • After opening the Voice Memos app, click on the red record button before you start the call.
  • Be sure to click Speaker on your iPhone so that the Voice Memos app will be able to hear and record the conversation. It’s a good idea to turn the phone volume up as much as possible so the app better picks up sound.
  • When you’re done with the phone call, click on the red record button once again.
  • You can then share the file with yourself via text message, AirDrop, email, or Google Drive. Just tap the file, click on the button with three dots next to it, and select where you want to share it.


    After opening the Voice Memos app, click on the red record button before you start the call.

    How to record an iPhone call using the Google Voice app for iOS

    If you don’t want to use a second external device, you can download the Google Voice app. The Google Voice app will let you make calls for free and record them, though you’ll have to use a Google Voice number to do this. The downside to this is that you can only record incoming, rather than outgoing, calls.

    • Download the Google Voice app for iOS from the App Store.
    • If this is your first time using Google Voice, you’ll be asked to choose a free phone number and specify which device you are going to make the call from.
    • Head on over to Settings on the Google Voice app. Under Calls, Toggle on Incoming call options.
    • Once the call has started and everybody’s on it, click on the number four on the keypad to start the recording. An announcement will be made that the recording has begun.
    • To end the recording, either click the number four on the keypad or hang up.
    • Once the call is over, you’ll get a pop-up from Google Voice with the recording. If you don’t, you can also head on over to the Voicemail tab to find the recording.


      Download the Google Voice app for iOS from the App Store.

      How to record an iPhone call using the Rev Call Recorder app

      Alternatively, you can use the Rev Call Recorder app, which is also free to download in the App Store, to record conversations. Rev Call Recorder gets around the issue of recording by becoming the third member of a three-way call — in other words, when you use Rev Call Recorder, you will be sharing a call between you, the other party, and Rev’s service.

      • Download the Rev Call Recorder app from the App Store.
      • When prompted, type in your cellphone number and then verify it with the verification code you will be texted.
      • After that, click on the phone call button. Type in the number and select Start Call.
      • Once you finish the call, the recording will show up in the main menu.
      • Click on the square Share button to the left of Transcribe to share it via the service of your choice.
      • Tap on Share Recording and choose where you want to share the recording.


        When prompted, type in your phone number.

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        Can I record a phone call conversation on my iPhone?

        For incoming calls, you can go to Settings > Calls > Incoming Calls and then toggle the incoming calls record option. Once everyone is on the call, press the number four (4) on the keypad to start and end the recording. The call will end up in the record menu option after it ends.

        Can I record a phone call on my iPhone free?

        Rev Call Recorder is the only iPhone app that allows you to record calls in just one simple step. No more fumbling over call merging with other apps. To top it off, call recording is completely free with absolutely no limits for incoming & outgoing calls.


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