How to say hospital in germany

Hospital in German is Krankenhaus

Example Sentences

  • In der Nähe befindet sich ein Krankenhaus.

    There is a hospital nearby. Source

  • Ich habe viele Patienten im Krankenhaus gesehen, von denen einige schwer verletzt waren.

    I saw many patients at the hospital, some of whom were badly injured. Source

  • Niemand hat mich je im Krankenhaus besucht.

    Nobody ever came to see me in the hospital. Source

  • Ich bin im Krankenhaus. Ich wurde vom Blitz getroffen.

    I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning. Source

  • Sie ist gerade im Krankenhaus.

    She's in the hospital now. Source

  • Er fürchtete sich davor, dass er Weihnachten würde im Krankenhaus verbringen müssen.

    He dreaded having to spend Christmas in the hospital. Source

  • Ich arbeite in einem Krankenhaus.

    I work for a hospital., I work in a hospital. Source

  • Sie arbeitet in einem Krankenhaus.

    She works for a hospital. Source

  • Sie liegt seit einem Monat im Krankenhaus.

    She has been in hospital for a month., She's been in the hospital for a month., She's been in hospital for a month., She has been in the hospital for a month. Source

  • Sie fuhr mit dem Taxi zum Krankenhaus.

    She went to the hospital by taxi. Source

  • Was hast du im Krankenhaus gemacht?

    What were you doing at the hospital? Source

  • Wenn du so fährst, dann wirst du im Krankenhaus landen.

    If you drive your car like that, you'll end up in hospital. Source

  • Ich war eine Woche lang im Krankenhaus.

    I was in the hospital for a week. Source

  • Sie liegt schon zwei Monate im Krankenhaus.

    She has been hospitalized for 2 months already. Source

  • Das Krankenhaus, welches es dort gibt, ist nicht riesig.

    The hospital there is not huge. Source

  • Ich besuche einen Freund von mir im Krankenhaus.

    I'm visiting a friend of mine in the hospital. Source

  • Ich ging ins Krankenhaus, um meinen Onkel zu sehen.

    I went to the hospital to see my uncle. Source

  • Er ist im Krankenhaus.

    He is in hospital., He's in the hospital. Source

  • Er soll in jenen Tagen im Krankenhaus gewesen sein.

    They say that he was in the hospital in those days. Source

  • Du wirst hier im Krankenhaus gebraucht.

    You're needed here in the hospital. Source

Looking for something a bit more visual? Check out our infographic on Hospital in German with example sentences and translations.

How to say hospital in germany

  • WordReference
  • Wiktionary
  • LEO
  • Google Translate
  • Tatoeba
  • Glosbe
  • Linguee

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Hopefully, you will never need to use words and phrases in this lesson, especially a hospital in german! However, if an emergency does happen it always pays to be prepared! Today's lesson delivers lots of really useful words and phrases if you are in or come across a medical emergency!

How to say hospital in germany

How to pronounce hospital in German

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How do German people say hospital?

How to say "Hospital" in German (Krankenhaus)

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hospital, el ~ (m) Noun..
clínica, la ~ (f) Noun..
sanatorio, el ~ (m) Noun..

How do you say cat in German?

It is very simple to translate cat into German. The universal word is (die) Katze, pronounced [ˈkatsə] in the IPA transcription. Don't forget that it is feminine (die). Even a male cat is referred to as die Katze in German unless you need to specify the gender (more about that later).

What is German Krankenhaus?

Krankenhaus Noun. Krankenhaus, das ~ (HospitalSpitalLazarettHospiz) hospital, the ~ Noun. ‐ a health facility where patients receive treatment.