How to say well done in spanish

Translation of well done – English–Spanish dictionary

Translation of well-done | PASSWORD English–Spanish Dictionary

Examples of well done

well done

The editors' brief explanations for some of the documents are generally well done, although it is not always clear why many of the documents lack such explanatory preambles.

I think it is clear that unless this work is well done it may do more harm than good.

The man likes his meat rare, not well done.

I sincerely hope that his sons become geologists showing the same amount of commitment as their father to a task well done.

Much of it, indeed most of it, appears to be well done.

As regards the last part of the question, the work could be equally well done by home service men if such men were available.

Giving up physics after the war took away the gratification that comes from the sense of mastery and accomplishment in work well done and the accompanying pride.

So, well done to the rapporteur and to those involved in this report in bringing it to the stage it is at today.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Translations of well done

in Portuguese

muito bem!, parabéns!, bem passado / bem feito…

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in Italian

iyi pişmiş, Aferin!, Çok iyi!…

dobře propečený, výborně!…

gennemstegt, godt gjort!…

matang benar-benar, selamat!…

wypieczony, dobrze ugotowany, brawo…

gut durch (gebraten, gebacken), gut gemacht!…

gjennomstekt/-kokt, godt gjort!, god innsats!…

добре просмажений, молодець!…

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today for the whole team, and I just wish I could have been out there with him!

carreras de hoy para todo el equipo, y me gustaría haber estado ahí con él!

And to say well done for making a fortune flogging something that occurs naturally

and therefore can't belong



Y decir"bien hecho" por hacer una fortuna vendiendo algo que ocurre naturalmente

y por tanto no pertenece a nadie.

I don't want you


be beaten, and then have to say,"well done", or


wear such a yoke of shame.

No quiero que te peguen y que tengas que decir"bien hecho" o que lleves un yugo tan vergonzoso.

Sr. Callen, la Secretaria Naval ha llamado para decir que buen trabajo.

The fraky karess, that means you


well done.

Before I kick your ass, let me just


well done.

That's not to say I have not

done well

in my career.

Esto no quiere decir que me fue mal en mi trayectoria profesional.

Results: 5215, Time: 0.0748

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1. Estoy contento/a. Literally, “I am content.” You can use contento/a depending on your gender to express general happiness or satisfaction.

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