I can change lake street dive lyrics

Hate casts a long shadow
I know that I lie in it
And let it rule my mind from time to time
Escapin' an old battle
That clings on like a vine to me
Whispers dirty lies in my ear

I know we didn't start this fight
And I won't let it rule my heart tonight

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

Tracin' an old pattern
Drawing the lines from where I am and from where I wanna be
Forget that old adage
That history continues to keep us from a world we wanna see

I am scared that I won't get it right
But fear won't rule my heart tonight

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

Lyrics taken from /lyrics/l/lake_street_dive/i_can_change.html

The Lyrics for I Can Change by Lake Street Dive have been translated into 1 languages

Hate casts a long shadow I know that I lie in it And let it rule my mind from time to time

Escaping an old battle Clings on like a vine to me Whispers dirty lies in my ear (ahh-I) We didn′t start this fight And I won't let it rule my heart tonight I can change I can change I can still change I can still change Tracing an old pattern Drawing the lines from where I am, and from where I wanna be Forget that old adage The history continues to keep us from the world we wanna see I am scared that I won′t get it right But fear won't rule my heart tonight I can change I can change I can still change I can still change I can change I can change I can still change I can still change I can change I can change I can still change I can still change I can change I can change I can still change I can still change

Writer(s): Mike S Olson, Bridget Kearney, Michael Daniel Calabrese, Rachel Claire Price

1 Translation available

Hate casts a long shadow
I know that I lie in it
And let it rule my mind from time to time
Escaping an old battle
Clings on like a vine to me
Whispers dirty lies in my ear (ahh-I)
We didn't start this fight
And I won't let it rule my heart tonight

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

Tracing an old pattern
Drawing the lines from where I am, and from where I wanna be
Forget that old adage
The history continues to keep us from a world we once knew
I am scared that I won't get it right
But fear won't rule my heart tonight

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

I can change
I can change
I can still change
I can still change

Watch: Lake Street Dive Goes Behind the Scenes of "I Can Change" Video

Publish date

Friday, April 20, 2018 - 09:00


Lake Street Dive has shared a behind-the-scenes look at their video for the track "I Can Change," from their forthcoming album, Free Yourself Up. "It's about a person who's looking at various things that are going on in the world and feeling a lot of frustration and a lot of anger over it," says singer Rachael Price. "And instead of giving in to those feelings, they're choosing to look inside themselves and say, 'Well, I have the ability to change myself.'" Watch the making-of and the official "I Can Change" videos here.


Lake Street Dive, whose new album, Free Yourself Up, will be released on Nonesuch in just two weeks, on May 4, has shared a behind-the-scenes look at their recent video for the album track "I Can Change." The intimate video for the song puts singer Rachael Price front-and-center as she is carefully put through numerous wardrobe changes, emphasizing the physical and metaphorical changes she sings about in the song's lyrics.

"It's a song that Bridget [Kearney] and I wrote. It's about a person who's looking at various things that are going on in the world and feeling a lot of frustration and a lot of anger over it. And instead of giving in to those feelings, they're choosing to look inside themselves and say, 'Well, I have the ability to change myself.'"

You can see what she has to say about the making of the official video for "I Can Change" in this behind-the-scenes video made by Robert Edridge-Waks:

Watch the original "I Can Change" video, created by filmmaker Claire Marie Vogel, here:

To download the song "I Can Change" and another album track, "Good Kisser," head to the Nonesuch Store, where pre-orders of Free Yourself Up on CD and vinyl include instant downloads of each song, plus an exclusive print autographed by the band. You can also hear the songs on Spotify and Apple Music.


Lake Street Dive: "I Can Change (Behind the Scenes)" [video]

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  • Watch: Lake Street Dive Goes Behind the Scenes of "I Can Change" Video

    Lake Street Dive, whose new album, Free Yourself Up, will be released on Nonesuch in just two weeks, on May 4, has shared a behind-the-scenes look at their recent video for the album track "I Can Change." The intimate video for the song puts singer Rachael Price front-and-center as she is carefully put through numerous wardrobe changes, emphasizing the physical and metaphorical changes she sings about in the song's lyrics.

    "It's a song that Bridget [Kearney] and I wrote. It's about a person who's looking at various things that are going on in the world and feeling a lot of frustration and a lot of anger over it. And instead of giving in to those feelings, they're choosing to look inside themselves and say, 'Well, I have the ability to change myself.'"

    You can see what she has to say about the making of the official video for "I Can Change" in this behind-the-scenes video made by Robert Edridge-Waks:

    Watch the original "I Can Change" video, created by filmmaker Claire Marie Vogel, here:

    To download the song "I Can Change" and another album track, "Good Kisser," head to the Nonesuch Store, where pre-orders of Free Yourself Up on CD and vinyl include instant downloads of each song, plus an exclusive print autographed by the band. You can also hear the songs on Spotify and Apple Music.

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