Invalid package name name can only contain url-friendly characters

invalid package name babel-core name can only contain url friendly characters

All the characters in the package name must be lowercase i.e., no uppercase or mixed case names are allowed. Package name can consist of hyphens. Package name must not contain any non-url-safe characters (since name ends up being part of a URL). Package name should not start with . or _.

npm err! code einvalidpackagename

Possible temporary npm registry glitch, or corrupted local server cache. Run npm cache clean and/or try again later. This can be caused by corporate proxies that give HTML responses to package.json requests. Check npm’s proxy configuration. Check that it’s not a problem with a package you’re trying to install (e.g. invalid package.json).

could not find a package json are you in a node project

But, if for some reason you are installing express globally, make sure the directory you are in is the directory where Node is installed. On my Windows 10, package.json is located at. C:\Program Files odejs\node_modules pm Open command prompt as administrator and change your directory to the location where your package.json is located.

Creating a new package.json file. You can create a package.json file by running a CLI questionnaire or creating a default package.json file. Running a CLI questionnaire. To create a package.json file with values that you supply, use the npm init command. On the command line, navigate to the root directory of your package.

The package.json File. All the npm packages contain a file (usually in the project root) called package.json(Javascript Object Notation) in which all the relevant information about the project is stored starting from its name, its author name, its dependencies, version number, description, license, configuration, etc.

npm install Node@8 (saves Node 8 as dependency in package.json) Your app will run using Node 8 for anyone - even Yarn users! This works because node is just a package that ships node as its package binary. It just includes as node_module/.bin which means it only makes node available to package scripts. Not main shell.

It can also contain other metadata such as a project description, the version of the project in a particular distribution, license information, even configuration data - all of which can be vital to both npm and to the end users of the package. The package.json file is normally located at the root directory of a Node.js project.

Figure 1 The npm modules defined in a package.json file are downloaded and installed into the application’s node_modules folder when you run the npm install terminal command. npm will install each package into its own subfolder because each one is effectively a Node package in its own right.

npm start project

Running "npm test" will launch our test runner in watch mode. Thus, every time we make updates to any test file, it would re-run our tests. This is exactly the same behavior as npm start, which recompiles our source code when any of our source files are updated.

Michael and Peter introduce npm, showing how to install packages in local and global mode, delete, update and install package versions, and manage a project’s dependencies.

npm init <initializer> can be used to set up a new or existing npm package. initializer in this case is an npm package named create-<initializer> , which will be installed by npx , and then have its main bin executed – presumably creating or updating package.json and running any other initialization-related operations.

Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.

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name can only contain URL-friendly characters NPM Install @@angularplatform-browser

Questions : name can only contain URL-friendly characters NPM Install @@angularplatform-browser

2022-09-15T10:18:04+00:00 2022-09-15T10:18:04+00:00


I have a project and I'm trying to give npm anycodings_npm install, but it is giving the following anycodings_npm error:

npm ERR! code EINVALIDPACKAGENAME npm ERR! anycodings_npm Invalid package name anycodings_npm "@@angular/platform-browser": name can only anycodings_npm contain URL-friendly character

I tried uninstalling nodejs and npm, deleted anycodings_npm node_modules,npm cache clean and nothing is anycodings_npm working.Any suggestions would be really anycodings_npm appreciated.

Total Answers 2


Answers 1 : of name can only contain URL-friendly characters NPM Install @@angularplatform-browser

In your package.json rename the anycodings_npm dependency @@angular/platform-browser to anycodings_npm @angular/platform-browser


2022-09-15T10:18:04+00:00 2022-09-15T10:18:04+00:00Answer Link



Answers 2 : of name can only contain URL-friendly characters NPM Install @@angularplatform-browser

The scoped packages usually contain @ at anycodings_npm the beginning. It is anycodings_npm @angular/platform-browser, instead of anycodings_npm @@angular/platform-browser.

Just change above in package.json and anycodings_npm npm install. It should work.


2022-09-15T10:18:04+00:00 2022-09-15T10:18:04+00:00Answer Link
