Is the book it ends with us appropriate for 13 year olds

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The graphic below is to help with reading order as well as the recommended age level for each of Colleen’s books. When it comes to which book(s) are appropriate for what age, we do understand each child is different. However, this is Colleen’s recommendation and ultimately, the decision is yours as a parent/guardian.

If you have more questions or need specifics about a book(s), please email and Stephanie will be able to help you out.

*It Starts With Us will release in October 2022.

Is the book it ends with us suitable for 12 year olds?

This book is one that is for readers above the age of 18, as it contains a lot of adult material. There is a ton of sexual content within the novel (detailed below), and the book centers around the topic of domestic abuse. Abuse scenes are graphically described and can be disturbing at times.

What age rating is the book it ends?

This Is Where It Ends 4.4 out of 5 stars. Read reviews for average rating value is 4.4 of 5. ... Product Details..


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