Let never day nor night unhallowed pass meaning

Mrs. Kim is a minor character on Gilmore Girls but she has some of the most lively quotes throughout the series. Her tight grip on Lane and dedication to a traditional lifestyle made Mrs. Kim judgmental but loving at the same time. And somewhere in between her love and her judgments were some hilarious lines.

Some of the best lines Mrs. Kim said throughout the series were when she was interacting with Lane, Lorelai, or any boy that looked Lane's way. When it comes to Mrs. Kim's daughter and her antique store, she doesn't play around, which resulted in some epic quotes.

10 "You Can Go To The Prom, But You Cannot Get Married."

The love story between Lane and Dave was one of the best in the series because Lane had to keep her relationship with him a secret from her mother. Not only did Mrs. Kim not want Lane dating but she couldn't stand Layne dating someone who wasn't Korean. For Mrs. Kim, dating of any kind was unacceptable unless it was with a boy she approved of. Eventually, Dave faced his fears and expressed his feelings for Lane to Mrs. Kim. All he wanted to do was take her to prom. It took Mrs. Kim a day or two to think about, and when she did, her response was hysterically reasonable. It was subtle, but it was a sweet moment for Mrs. Kim and Lane because it proved that she trusted her.

9 "Who Are All These Unwashed Boys?"

Mrs. Kim wasn't the only one who didn't know about Dave and Lane's relationship at first, neither did Hep Alien. When Mrs. Kim saw Dave in the car with Zack and Brian, Dave pleaded with them to go along with whatever it was he said because he didn't want Mrs. Kim thinking differently of him. In general, Mrs. Kim didn't trust most men, especially boys Lane's age.

When Mrs. Kim approached Dave, Zack, and Brian, she very plainly asked Dave who "all these unwashed boys" were. Mrs. Kim held Dave in high regard and didn't care about insulting them because being blunt was who she was. The term "unwashed boys" was legendary.

8 "I Like To Goof Off Now And Then Too, You Know.”

When Dave asked Mrs. Kim if he could take Lane to the prom, the only thing Mrs. Kim could say was, "Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done." Dave had no idea what Mrs. Kim was talking about and assumed it was a message within the Bible. Mrs. Kim was incredibly dedicated to her religion and needed Lane and Lane's potential partner to be as well.

He spent all night reading the Bible and showed up at Mrs. Kim's door the next day dazed from a night of reading and no sleep. Mrs. Kim admitted the passage wasn't from the Bible — it was from Shakespeare. "I like to goof off now and then too, you know," she told him, insinuating that Shakespeare is a joke compared to the Bible. As small as this moment was, fans loved watching Mrs. Kim's reaction.

7 "Fries Are The Devil's Starchy Fingers."

Lane and Kyon didn't always get along but the longer Kyon was in Stars Hollow, the more she started morphing into Lane. It was a long-running joke that Lane would change into clothing that wasn't Mama Kim approved. Likewise, Kyon started changing clothes behind Mrs. Kim's back, she became interested in Brian, and she even stopped by Luke's Diner for food. But when Lane offered Kyon some French fries, she refused at first. "But Mrs. Kim, she says the fries are the Devil's starchy fingers," she told Lane.

Eventually, Kyon gave in, threw Mrs. Kim's rules out the window, and ate the fries. The idea of Mrs. Kim comparing French fries to the Devil's fingers tracks for her character because like the Devil, French fries are tempting.

6 "Hopefully, If You're Lucky Like Me, You'll Only Have To Do It Once."

On Lane's wedding day to Zack, Mrs. Kim wanted to have a serious conversation with Lane before she walked down the aisle. Lane saved her virginity for marriage and Mrs, Kim wanted to warn her about the deed before the night came. The topic of sex was always taboo in their home and they never had the conversation.

Mrs. Kim said, "You're going to have to do it with this boy, Lane." Uncomfortable, Lane begged her mom to stop speaking. "You're just going to have to do it. Hopefully, if you're lucky like me, you'll only have to do it once." The idea of Mrs. Kim only sleeping with her husband once and getting pregnant on the first try was humorous mainly because the same thing happened to Lane in future episodes.

5 "Boys Don't Like Funny Girls."

As great of a friend and influence as Rory was to Lane, Mrs. Kim was always wary of the Gilmore ladies and had a small problem with Rory. For Mrs. Kim, she always associated Rory with her mother, who had a reputation for dating around town.

In the pilot, Rory made a comment that Mrs. Kim didn't like her very much, but Lane assured her it was only because she didn't trust unmarried women. Mrs. Kim walked in when the two were cracking a joke and she very dryly reminded them that "boys don't like funny girls." Rory's response of "noted" was equally as funny.

4 "I Didn't Throw Away The Key... It's In The Kitchen."

Even though Lorelai was a mother, Mrs. Kim didn't always trust or respect her decisions. Lorelai was an unwed, teenaged mother after all; it went against everything Mrs. Kim stood for. But there were those rare occasions where Lorelai would give Mrs. Kim her two cents about parenting. Sometimes Mrs. Kim listened and other times she judged her. In one scene, Lorelai gave Mrs. Kim some advice on raising Lane, and her response of "I didn't throw away the key. It's in the kitchen," proves that she took Lorelai's words too literally.

3 "I See All!"

It wasn't just Rory who hated the fact that Lane and Dean were study buddies after they had broken up, Mrs. Kim disliked it as well. Even though Lane and Dean were strictly friends and helping each other with science homework, Mrs. Kim put the fear of God into both of them to keep things academically sound because she "sees all." When it comes to her daughter being alone with a teenaged boy, Mrs. Kim was not a fan (but her one-liners are iconic).

2 "You Dirty, Filthy Devil Boy!"

When Mrs, Kim heard that something was brewing between Zack and Lane, she became incensed. The thought of her daughter being with someone like Zack was too much to handle. The anger she felt overcame her when she eventually saw Zack out and about. Instead of ignoring him, she ran up to him and called him a "filthy Devil boy" and that he'll "swim in the sludge with Satan's hell-dogs." Zack was taken back by Mrs. Kim's words and didn't know what to say. He later told Lane what happened and begged her to keep her mom away from him.

1 "It Was Commonly Known That James Madison Liked Big Knockers."

Mrs. Kim isn't much of a jokester but in this scene, she was intentional with her joke. She's more of a serious, earnest kind of woman instead of the comedic type like Lorelai or Sookie. However, when Mrs. Kim told Lorelai, "Seeing as how it may have belonged to James Madison. It was commonly known that James Madison liked big knockers," Lorelai couldn't help but laugh but didn't feel comfortable explaining her laughter. Shockingly, Mrs. Kim responded to her laughter by saying "It's a double entendre. I've been in this country 20 years. I get things." Mrs. Kim may be a serious woman but it's moments like these that prove how low-key hilarious she was.

NEXT: 10 Problems Fans Have With Lorelai from Gilmore Girls, According To Reddit

What did Mrs Kim say to Dave?

Mrs. Kim : [to David, in response to his request to take Lane to the prom] "Let never day nor night unhallowed pass, but still remember what the Lord hath done."

What the Lord hath done Shakespeare?

KING HENRY VI Poor soul, God's goodness hath been great to thee: Let never day nor night unhallow'd pass, But still remember what the Lord hath done.


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