Mothers day message to my pastors wife

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I love my wife and I really do believe that God brought us together!  As I got thinking about mother’s day this year I thought of all the things that Kerryanne does, not only as a mother, but also as a mother who happens to be a pastor’s wife.  Here’s some things:

  • Prays for me (this is a big deal for me!)
  • Helps me pick out what to wear (I am absolutely NO good at matching clothes and dressing appropriately – if you ever see me wearing something bad it’s probably because Ker wasn’t around to help me…)
  • Endures the stares of people when our children are being kids at a time when some think it’s inappropriate (and maintains her cool!)
  • Gets all four of our children fed, dressed, and ready for church on Sunday’s while I have left early to accomplish what I’m responsible for there (if you think it’s easy for her, I DARE you to say that to her… 😉 )
  • Arrives at church and ensures that all our children get safely to their Sunday School classes.
  • After service while I’m being pulled in a thousand directions – Ker usually rounds up the gang (I try to help when I can) and gets our kids off home and makes lunch (sometimes for others who are coming over to join us as well!)

Of course, there’s much MUCH more that I know I’m missing in this short list.  Let me suffice to say that I truly am grateful for Kerryanne both as my wife and the mother to my children.   And to all of you pastor’s wives out there – thanks for all that you do to help your husband serve God as He has called them to!

« What I “tweeted” 2009-05-03 What I “tweeted” 2009-05-10 »

To the casual observer, the pastor's wife may seem relegated to the shadows, but in actuality, nothing could be farther from the truth. Pastors have complex jobs. They must write sermons and create a faith-based curriculum for parishioners. They must also pray over sick lists, visit the homebound and keep an eye on administrative duties. And when they get called to the church at an odd time or have yet another after-hours commitment, it's often the pastor's wife who keeps the home fires burning and provides much needed emotional support. Words of encouragement for pastor's wife are essential when recognizing the first lady of the church with a gift. And we've got a trove of curated material to help you come up with the perfect pastor’s wife appreciation quote for gift plaques.

Don't get frustrated if you can't settle on just one sample first lady appreciation day appreciation message. They are so many sources of inspiration; scripture, song, poetry or a quote. A sample minister's wife appreciation bible verse would look absolutely beautiful engraved on a piece of naturally reflective crystal appreciation gift. Pastor's wife appreciation poems would also be right at home there. And just in time for Mother's Day, we've hand-picked a special Mother's Day appreciation message for pastor's wife. Remember, as long as you're using something straight from the heart to get the brain-storming started, the sky really is the limit! Some examples of pastor’s wife appreciation quotes for gift plaques are listed below.

Sample First Lady Appreciation Message & Scripture

"He will not forget your work..."
Hebrews 6:10

To Our Beloved First Lady

When we thank God for our pastor,
we must give Him thanks for two.
For when your husband came to us,
God also sent us you.

Your presence blesses all of us
who know you from day to day.
As our pastor’s wife, you are serving
God in a fine and worthy way.

Congratulations on Your Fifth Year Anniversary!

Sample Pastor's Wife Appreciation Poems

With Love, Honor & Appreciation


You have stood Faithfully along the side
of the Man of God with Love, Support,
Encouragement and Faith setting
an example of true commitment to him
and the Work he has been called to do. 

The wife of a Pastor is no ordinary role,
it’s not for the jealous nor timid soul.
So I take this moment without further ado,
to say we celebrate you.  Though demands
are never ending & recognitions are few,
your smiles are ever present, never stale,
each one new. You’re an example to the sister
and encourager to the brother, while obeying
Christ’s command that we serve one another.
You’re gloriously appreciated as an enhancer
of life. You’re not just a Queen...
You’re a Pastor’s Wife.

Celebrating 18 Years of Commitment and
Love of Our Lord in Ministry!

Sample Minister's Wife Appreciation Bible Verse

With Our Greatest

We Hereby Honor Our First Lady

He will not forget your work and
the love you have shown Him as
you  have helped His people and 
continue to help them.
~Hebrews 6:10

With Love, Honor and Appreciation, 
from your church family


Mother's Day Appreciation Message for Pastor's Wife

To Our Caring Pastor’s Wife

“She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.”
Proverbs 31:25

As we celebrate this holiday for all mothers,
may the peace, beauty, and grace of this
special day brighten and fill your life. 

Happy Mother’s Day!

You are a great role model for all mothers!

Words of Encouragement for Pastor's Wife

Presented in
Sincerest Love and Gratitude to

Our Pastor’s Wife

Your Loving Support
Strengthens His Word By
The Positive Example You Give.

Your Tireless Work Inspires Us All,
And Teaches Us How To Live. 

From Your Church Family

Pastor Appreciation Day 2015

Sample First Lady Appreciation Day Appreciation Message

To Our Caring Pastor's Wife

We honor you this day to show our appreciation
for all of your hard work and dedication.
Being our First Lady is a Blessing
that is not unspoken. May God continue
to Bless and keep you standing in the gap
for our Beloved Pastor, because behind
every good man there is a good woman.

In Sincere and Humble Gratitude for Faithfully,
Compassionately and Lovingly Serving God's People

Celebrating 20 Years of Excellence

Pastor's Wife Appreciation Quote - Virtuous Woman

Pastor's Wife

To Our Caring Pastor's Wife

A virtuous woman
is wise & kind, 
clothed with
dignity & strength.
She is
a comfort
& encouragement
to those
around her.
She loves God
and shall be blessed.

For all the years of service, dedication, and love 
given freely to all without measure. We thank you!

What should I say to my wife on Mother's Day?

I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, and I hope you know how much I appreciate you and the love you have given me. Happy Mother's Day! You're the best mom in the world, and the best wife I could ever think to ask for. I'm so proud to call you my wife, and so thankful to call you the mother of my children.

What should I write in a Mother's Day card to my wife?

Mother's Day Messages for Wife I am eternally thankful for the work you put in every day for being such a wonderful mother and a wonderful partner. Every day your superhuman patience, support, and love for our children amaze me. I could never do this without you love. We've kept the kids alive for another year!

What do you write in a religious Mother's Day card?

#8 Mom, I thank God every day that you are my mother. Thank you for laughing with me, comforting me when I cry, and supporting me through thick and thin. May you be blessed by God's infinite grace on this day and for the rest of your life. Happy Mother's Day.

What should I write in my mother's day message?

Things To Write In A Mother's Day Card.
Remind your mom of fond memories..
Share a special lesson she taught you..
List some major things you're thankful she's done for you, and some specifics..
Tell her what she means to you..
Tell her you love her..
Don't forget to say “Happy Mother's Day.”.


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