Not your mothers curl talk deep conditioning curl masque


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Not your mothers curl talk deep conditioning curl masque

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Not your mothers curl talk deep conditioning curl masque

Back in January I wrote about how healthy my hair looked and felt after using the Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector three times and while I thought I had glowing curls then, they were nothing compared to my hair today using the Not Your Mother’s Curl Talk Deep Conditioning Masque! I’ve been using the Not Your Mother’s line since last May (first talked about here) when I had far fewer curls and far more frizz. I haven’t always styled and diffused my hair the way I do now and in fact, I didn’t diffuse at all until around one year ago. Before then, I applied a small amount of the Mixed Chicks Leave-In Conditioner and topped it all off with the La Bella Super Hold Styling Gel I used since I started college. That combination of products was terrible for my curls and left them stringy and extremely frizzy. My biggest complaint about my hair is the frizz I quickly and easily accumulate, so I wanted to work on hydration with the Deep Conditioning Masque. In the shower I’ll wash my hair with my regular Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Shine Shampoo and then apply the Deep Conditioning Masque from ends to roots and leave on for about 10 minutes while I do the rest of my shower routine. The Deep Conditioning Masque is thick and coats every strand of hair without having to sit for 30 minutes. I love how well it hydrates my curls and eliminates most of the frizz I’d have without this product. What also helps is that I’m drying my hair with a tool that completely changed my curl routine for the better (post to come) and pairs wonderfully with supple and moisturized strands! I highly recommend this masque for anyone who wants deep deep hydration for an affordable price!

How do you use not your mother's Curl Talk hair mask?

Apply evenly on wet hair and massage through to the ends. Leave on hair for 5-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Use as often as needed.

What does Curl Masque do?

A deeply hydrating hair mask that curls of all types can drink up. This rich formula helps to provide strength and suppleness to the hair fiber for super soft and nourished locks while Sunflower Seed Extract moisturizes curls without the weight.

What does not your mother's Curl Talk do?

Not Your Mother's Curl Talk Defining Cream is your answer to achieving clearly defined curls and added bounce within your day-to-day styling routine. Along with maximum definition, it seals in moisture, manages frizz and adds shine.