Should i get lipo before pregnancy

Should i get lipo before pregnancy
What impact will a future pregnancy have on liposuction outcomes is a significant concern for many women. However, women can be assured that pregnancy will not have a permanent impact on their body contouring results achieved through liposuction plastic surgery.

No Change

Women who become pregnant after liposuction and put on weight but subsequently lose the weight after delivery typically experience a return of their original liposuction physical stature. These types of patients often appear as if they have not gone through a pregnancy after liposuction at all.

Ideally, women should seek liposuction if they do not have any future plans to become pregnant (and if they feel they need it of course). But it does not matter if they do plan on becoming pregnant again or for the first time since liposuction surgery is no threat at all to any woman.

Moreover, stretch marks, cellulite, and sagging skin on the breast, abdomen, breast, and thigh areas may be an outcome of pregnancy. But these cosmetic concerns are beyond the scope of liposuction.

Liposuction is an effective procedure for body contouring. But it is not meant for cellulite or stretch mark removal, creating an enhanced skin texture, or tightening sagging skin.

The Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery (VIPS), led by board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton M. Sundin and Dr. Reps B. Sundin, provides liposuction to patients in Richmond, Fredericksburg, Tysons Corner, Northern Virginia, Washington DC, and surrounding locations.

Permanent Fat Cell Reduction

Liposuction will eliminate the fat cells in the treated areas permanently, and these cells will not re-grow. The adult body is incapable of producing new fat cells even if an in

Posted on March 9, 2017 by: Dr. Ronald DeMars

Should i get lipo before pregnancy

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed today. As such, there are a lot of questions surrounding the procedure. Many women interested in liposuction in Portland have hopes of having children in the future and want to know if undergoing the procedure will affect their ability to bear children. In this blog post, Portland plastic surgeon Dr. Ronald DeMars answers this question in detail.

Pregnancy After Liposuction

First and foremost, liposuction does not affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant. Liposuction targets small deposits of fat on the body and poses no risk to a woman’s reproductive organs or other organs for that matter. However, if you are contemplating having children in the near future, Dr. DeMars advises that you wait to have liposuction. In most cases, the weight gained during pregnancy will not affect the long-term effects of liposuction. Because liposuction permanently destroys fat cells in the treated area, they cannot return. However, if a patient does gain weight in the future, it will accumulate in other body areas. For instance, liposuction in the abdomen will not prevent fat from accumulating in the buttocks, arms or thighs following pregnancy. Keep in mind that if the abdominal skin becomes overly stretched by pregnancy, Dr. DeMars may recommend a tummy tuck procedure to regain a tighter abdomen.

If you choose to get pregnant after liposuction, Dr. DeMars advises you wait until your body is fully healed from the procedure. Every patient’s healing process is different but the doctor recommends waiting a minimum of six months after having liposuction before getting pregnant.

More About Liposuction

Liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. During the procedure, Dr. DeMars will make a tiny, strategically placed incision in the treatment area and insert a small cannula (thin tube). He will use the cannula to break up the fatty tissue in the area before gently removing it via suction. Once Dr. DeMars is done removing the fat, he will close the incisions and place a compression garment around the area to help the tissues heal.

Liposuction is often paired with lift procedures (e.g., arm lift, thigh lift, body lift) to produce smoother and firmer body contours. Dr. DeMars can make recommendations on an appropriate treatment plan for you after your initial consultation.

Learn More About Liposuction

To schedule a one-on-one liposuction consultation with Dr. DeMars, please call his Portland office at (503) 253-3458.

What happens if you get lipo and then get pregnant?

The short answer is no. Pregnancy does not permanently alter the results of liposuction. If a woman has liposuction and then becomes pregnant, gains weight, gives birth, and finally loses the excess weight of pregnancy, her original liposuction improvements will return as they were before the pregnancy.

How long after lipo can you get pregnant?

Answer: Pregnancy and tummy liposuction Good for you.In general, it is best to wait for 6 weeks after surgery before trying to get pregnant.