Spiritual meaning of earwig in house

Spiritual meaning of earwig in house

Today marks the 4th day that a pincher bug (earwig)

has crawled up into my bombilla (straw)…

I’ve never had a bug go inside my yerba mate gourd or bombilla-

and I’ve been drinking this stuff for almost 10 years!

So why in one week do I have 4 different pincher bugs

greet me so early in the morning in this way…?

We have them all over outside,

but they’ve come in to sip tea with me…?

We ‘ve had a couple in the shower here and there…

but it seems they’ve taken a liking to me,

or really want to keep trying to tell me something…

I’ve been reasoning with them, and talking to my friend about this…

but still, it’s strange… and I haven’t quiet grasped why pincer bugs of all creatures-

keep showing up in my home and in my mouth!

(yes I tried to keep them out and I’ve cleaned my straw…)

They started showing up right before I took this short break-

from blogging and making things late into the night…

I needed to stop and listen, and stop talking so much…

If they taught me anything it was to be flexible and accepting

and to just stop for a minute and be quiet for a while…

I read some where that if your dream of pincher bugs it’s a warning that something bad will happen to someone you know… well, I wasn’t dreaming, but one of my old friend’s house burnt down the day after this happened… then I got news that my cousin Lori’s

cancer has spread to her lymph nodes…

We are going to visit her and her family on our road trip…

I don’t tend to think of omens or signs as negative, or to be feared…

rather I’ve been reminded of the feminine power within and all around me,

and metamorphic energy of the insect realm…

Spiritual meaning of earwig in house

Susan Seddon Boulet’s Animal Spirit Knowledge Card

says insects symbolize spirituality, feminine power, and renewal…

Yes. Wings… flying… did you know pincher bugs have wings?


I wrote this part last night,

but had trouble formatting the pics…

so here it is…

Spiritual meaning of earwig in house

Out in the backyard today I found my first “Stinkhorn” fungi…

Most domestic earwigs prefer moist soil areas with adequate cover and food source. Frequently, people will find earwigs in their home or apartment and ask, “Why do I have earwigs inside?”

Apartments and homes become an unintentional host to earwigs for two reasons. These insects can invade by accident though human activities or they can actively seek to escape inclement outdoor conditions in our space.

How Did They Get Inside?

Earwigs enter homes by crawling inside through cracks, gaps and holes that lead inside the structure. These common entry points include gaps around poorly sealed doors and windows; through crevices and gaps in the areas where foundations meet siding; through unscreened attic and foundation vents; and through access doors leading into crawl spaces. In addition, earwigs readily enter structures through homeowner activities. For example, earwigs may get inside with bundles of newspapers, boxes, lumber, books and plants that are moved inside a home or business. It is also common for earwigs to move inside from their outdoor habitats and locations when lights attract them.

Also, earwigs might have been brought in accidentally. If boxes were stored in a wet garage area, for example, and earwigs found those boxes hospitable, they might have infested the boxes and when those boxes are brought inside, earwigs could surprise the homeowner. Another way for earwigs to be brought in is if they are living under plants between a plant pot and the saucer. If people bring these in for the winter, earwigs will be brought inside.

Weather Conditions

If conditions outdoors become inhospitable, earwigs will enter our living spaces. One example would be if temperatures drop and the earwigs invade, seeking warmth. Another possibility would be if conditions start to dry in the earwigs' normal shelter. If there is a damp basement area with perhaps much clutter and even leaves that have blown in, there can be an abundance of moisture and cover. Wet basement walls can drip onto the floor and create hospitable conditions for earwigs. They are also protected from winter weather in this manner. It is also common for earwigs to move inside from their outdoor habitats and locations when lights attract them.

Earwigs do not typically prefer to thrive in our space, but through human activity or lack of good maintenance via screens, doors or conditions leading to excessive moisture, these insects can come into our apartment or house.

What does an earwig symbolize?

The meaning of the word earwig somehow later evolved to also mean “whisperer” (more appropriate for a harmless little insect), which, if it has anything to whisper to us, would tell about motherhood.

What does it mean if you find an earwig in your house?

Because earwigs are attracted to damp or moist and dark areas, if you find them in your home that means that they are satisfying this living condition somewhere inside. You may have water damage affecting your home's structure.

Should I be worried about earwigs in my house?

Earwigs inside the house do not cause any harm or destruction. They are an annoyance or nuisance because of their presence. If disturbed, earwigs may produce a noticeable foul odor. Earwigs found inside the house can be swept or picked up and discarded.

What do bugs mean spiritually?

For example, birds are often symbolic of the soul, while insect symbology is often associated with change and transformation. Native American mythology sees swarms of insects as a sign of bad luck, but smaller individual insects symbolize meekness and humility — highly revered traits.