Summer storm 2004 full movie online free

"Summer Storm" is a very well written German production about the lives of several teens involved in a rowing competition. Tobi, the crew captain of his team, struggles with the deep love he has long felt for his best friend Achim. He fears their friendship will be forever changed as new love blossoms in Achim's life, and can't imagine life without his constant companionship. Achim on the other hand is naive and oblivious to Tobi's feelings for him, although Tobi has tried to show him in many ways. He has vowed that nothing will ever come between their friendship, but will he still feel the same when the truth of Tobi's heart is revealed?

The team is sent to summer training camp, where they are pitted against an all-gay team of rowers. They are all forced to face their desires, jealousy, fears, pride, hidden longings and prejudice as bad weather and tough competition ensues, in and out of the water. Tobi's feelings are intensified as Achim and his girlfriend Sandra fall deeply in love and move on to the kind of physical relationship Tobi has so longed for with Achim. As he sees the openly gay team members express their desires without difficulty, the storm inside of him begins to rage.

The lead actors, Robert Stadlober (Tobi), and Kostja Ullmann (Achim) give flawless performances in their roles. Ullmanns character goes from humor, sweetness and sensativity, to anger, hurt and hatred without so much as flinching. Stadlober's performance is shining as he runs the gamet of emotion that is typical for a teen faced with the various storms of tender youth and self discovery. The casting of this film, in my opinion, was superb, without exception.

The real star of this story for me, was the character of "Leo", played by an unnamed actor. A quiet, self assured member of the "queerstrokes", Leo quickly relates to Tobi's secret struggle and is instantly drawn to him to offer support, tender affection and unconditional love. While he secretly falls in love with Tobi, he gently pushes him to self acceptance, to help him come to terms with his love for Achim and the reality he must face. The young actor who played this part, was without doubt, one of the best I've seen. He "becomes" the character he portrays, and acts with such smoothness and realism. His eyes and expression of tender emotion make it appear that he and his character are "one".

Each viewers personal feelings are well represented by at least one particular character. As you find the one you most relate to, you are sure to fall in love with at least one of them. If you like films like "Beautiful Thing", you are gonna love "Summer Storm". Sound and video quality are excellent, the storm sequences are realistic and all filmed on location in a beautiful setting to make this production top notch all the way.

The downside to this film is without doubt, the subtitles. Any film with subtitles makes it more difficult to follow, especially when the dialogue moves along quickly. It IS however a German film, with a german speaking cast, therefore the language is of course the same. So if you speak english, you will get nothing from the film WITHOUT the subtitles. It is however a film worth putting up with subtitles to view. If english speaking filmmakers would produce more films of this quality, we would not have to look to foreign films for what "Summer Storm" offers it's viewers, with the english translation.

As stated on the DVD cover, with a quote from Jan Stuart of Newsday, "They don't come any sweeter or more appealing than this". I give this film a definate two thumbs (and a couple big toes) UP!

Summer Storm (2004) Full Movie

  • Release Year: 2004
  • Runtime: 98 min
  • Genres: Comedy, Drama,
  • Country: Germany,
  • Language: German,
  • Director: Marco Kreuzpaintner,
  • Writer: Marco Kreuzpaintner, Thomas Bahmann,
  • StarCast: Alexa Maria Surholt, Alicja Bachleda-Curuś, Hanno Koffler, Joseph M'Barek, Jürgen Tonkel, Kostja Ullmann, Marlon Kittel, Miriam Morgenstern, Robert Stadlober, Tristano Casanova,
  • Producer: Jakob Claussen, Jens Oberwetter, Simone Bär, Thomas Wöbke, Ulrike Putz,
  • Synopsis: Tobi and Achim, the pride of the local crew club, have been the best of friends for years and are convinced that nothing will ever stand in the way of their friendship. They look forward to the upcoming summer camp and the crew competition. Then the gay team from Berlin arrives and Tobi is totally confused. The evening before the races begin, the storm that breaks out is more than meteorlogical...

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