Verse about concern for the family and future generations

There are so many ways to say a simple prayer for your family. Praying for your family is a powerful way to express love and gratitude towards your loved ones. There are countless reasons why we need to pray over our families daily.  For starters, we live in a world filled with pain, evil and suffering. We need to continually over our family members in prayer so that they can be strengthened by the word of God as we go through life’s difficulties.

In this world we experience sin, death, sickness, illness, arguing, and fighting–these things can create a wedge of division in our families.

But a family that prays together stays together.

We can powerfully pray for our families, that our loved ones will be beacons of light and hope to a dying world in desperate need of a Savior. Through our prayer for our family, generations are impacted in the future, and all glory goes to our great God!

Verse about concern for the family and future generations

How do I Pray for My Family?

Saying daily prayers for your family may seem like a daunting task, but it is a wonderful opportunity to go before the presence of God each day on behalf of your loved ones. There are many different ways to say powerful prayers for your family. My favorite way to pray for my family is by using Scripture. Praying God’s Word for your family is a great way to pray because you never have to worry about running out of things to say!

Here are four simple steps on how you can pray Scripture over your family each day:

Step 1: Choose a Scripture to Pray for your Family

When choosing a Scripture passage to pray for your family, choose some of your favorite Scriptures that give you hope and encouragement. I love using the Psalms to pray for my family. You can also check out this blog post here with 100 FREE Scripture cards with inspirational Bible verses that you can use to pray for your family!

Step 2: Write down the Scripture in your Own Words

After you have chosen a Scripture passage to pray for your family, you can write down that passage in a journal page in your own words. This is a great way to hide God’s Word in your heart and meditate on the Scripture passage. Writing down the Bible verse also helps you remember the Bible passage.

Step 3: Write (or say) the Scripture as a Prayer for your Family

Once you have written the Scripture down in a notebook or prayer journal, you can write down or say a prayer for your family using that Scripture passage as a guide. If you choose to pray parts of Psalm 23 as a prayer of guidance for your family, you might pray something like, Lord, I ask that you will lead and guide my family in your paths of righteousness (Psalm 23:3).

Step 4: Insert your family member’s names into your prayer

As you pray fervently for your family, insert their names into your prayer. Pray for each person in your family, and lift them up before the Lord. This is a powerful way to make your prayers personal, and to pray for each person specifically by name.

Verse about concern for the family and future generations

What is a Good Bible Verse to Pray for my Family?

Here are Bible verses specifically related to family and and the church that are great Scriptures to read when you are looking for Bible verses to pray for your family:

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” Psalm 122:8

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10

For this reason I kneel before the Father,from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:14-19

He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. 1 Timothy 3:4

How to Pray a Blessing Over your Family

Did you know that you can pray a blessing over your family? The word blessed in the Old Testament was defined as genuine happiness (source). When we pray a blessing over our families, we are asking the Lord to extend his grace, mercy, and love and protection over our families, and that we experience true joy and happiness in him.

 Let’s take a look at a passage that talks about blessings in Psalm 128.

This is a specific Psalm of blessing for families, and passage that we can use as a family mission statement to powerfully pray for our families each day! This Psalm of blessing covers at least six areas that you can pray for your family.

Praying Psalm 128 as a Blessing for your Family

1. Pray for your Family to Walk in Obedience to God

Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. Psalm 128:1

It is very important our children understand from a very young age the blessing of obedience.  Even as adults, we as parents and children must submit to the authority and leadership of God and obey his Word.  Pray that your children honor and revere the Lord, and to walk in obedience to his commands.

Prayer: Lord, I pray for my family today. Thank you for the tremendous blessing that they are in my life. I pray that they will walk in reverent honor and respect of your name, and that they will walk in obedience to your Word. Amen.

Verse about concern for the family and future generations

Praise God that we serve Jehovah Jireh, who will richly supply our every need in Christ Jesus!

2. Pray for God to Provide for your Family

You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Psalm 128:2

It is very important for our children to know that God is our provider, our Jehovah-jireh. Pray on a regular basis that the Lord will continue to provide for the physical needs of your family. 

Pray that the Lord will establish the work of his hands, and that the fruit of your labor will bring abundance and prosperity into your home, that you can be a blessing to others. If you also work inside or outside of the home, pray that the Lord will grant you the wisdom and grace of the Proverbs 31 woman–who graciously provided for the needs for her family.  

Praise God that we serve Jehovah Jireh, who will richly supply our every need in Christ Jesus!

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for providing for the physical needs of our family. I praise you that you are Jehovah-Jireh–our Mighty Provider. I trust that you will continue to supply all of our needs according to your riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Amen.

3. Pray for your Family to Abide in Christ

Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Psalm 128:3

How powerful is it to be fruitful vines within our homes!  Vines provide fruit, sustenance and refreshment to others. In order to remain fruitful as wives, mothers and women of God, we must stay connected to God, the ultimate Gardener of our home!  

Jesus in John 15:4 says that He is the vine and we are the branches. In order to continue to bear fruit, we must remain in him and daily draw from his strength by abiding in him. 

Prayer: Lord, I pray that we as a family will abide in you each day. You are the Vine, and we are the branches. Help us as a family to remain in your Word, and help us to bear spiritual fruit that will allow us to flourish each day in you. Amen.

Verse about concern for the family and future generations

You can also download a printable version of this prayer by clicking on the link below:

Download the printable version of this prayer by clicking HERE.

Verse about concern for the family and future generations

4. Pray for your Family to Serve the Lord

Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord. Psalm 128:4

Pray for the men in your family to be strong men of God. Whether you are praying for your husband or praying for your son, you can pray that he will continue to fear the Lord and honor God’s commands.  Pray that the men in your family will seek the Lord for wisdom and direction, and that your home will continue to be blessed!

Prayer: Lord, I pray for the men in my family. I pray for my husband and for my son. Help them to grow in their relationship with you, and to grow as godly men who fear the Lord and walk in your ways. Amen.

5. Pray for the Generations Coming After You

May the Lord bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life. May you live to see your children’s children– peace be on Israel. Psalm 128:5-6

Not only should we pray for our children, but we can pray right now for their future spouses and for their future children. If you are already a grandmother, you can pray for your great-grandchildren.  

The legacy of faith that we establish within our homes right now will have long-lasting effects on our families for generations to come. Pray that the Lord’s peace be upon you, and your entire household!

Prayer: Lord, I pray for my children’s children–and for the many generations who will come after me. I pray that as my family serves you today, that future generations will also be blessed because of our obedience to you. Surround my family with your favor and grace, and bless our family for generations to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

6. Pray for the Lord’s Peace to Cover your Family

Peace be on Israel. Psalm 128:6

Have you ever done a prayer walk throughout your home? Walk through your home, and pray that the Lord’s peace cover your entire household. Walk throughout each room and boldly declare God’s peace over your home. A home that is blessed by the Lord is filled with his peace. This does not mean that our families will never experience conflict or disagreements.

But the peace of Christ can remain firm and secure in your home, even in their midst of the storms of life.

Prayer: Lord, I ask that you will cover our family with your peace today. May the peace of Christ rule in our hearts and reign in our home. I pray against strife and disunity, and ask that you will fill our home with your unity, love, kindness and peace. Amen.

A Prayer of Blessing Over your Family-Free Printable

Use this free printable and hang it up somewhere where you can see it on a daily basis. Allow the words of this psalm to guide your prayers for your home, and continue to pray for your family each day! This free printable is a copy of Psalm 128 to display in your home to remind you to pray powerful blessings over your family each day!

You can download this printable of Psalm 128 by clicking here!

Verse about concern for the family and future generations

In Conclusion

Praying for your family doesn’t have to be a menial chore or a burden. We can use these powerful verses to pray over our families, that the Lord will cover each of our homes with his favor, protection, and blessings!

35 Scriptures to Pray over your Husband

35 Scriptures to Pray Over your Children

Seven Powerful Scriptures to Pray over your Daughter

The Power of Praying God’s Word

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Verse about concern for the family and future generations

Verse about concern for the family and future generations

What the Bible says about future generations?

Take a look at verses 5-6: “He [God] commanded our fathers to teach … their children so that a future generation—children yet to be born—might know.

What is the concern for the family and future generation?

In the developmental literature, concern for and care of the next generation is referred to as generativity.

What does the Bible say about concern for the future?

1. Jeremiah 29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

What is a good Bible verse about family?

"Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity." "Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." "Honor your father and mother."