What diet is best for o positive blood type

— Written By Rashida Ruwa, RN

Updated on October 18, 2022

The O positive blood type diet is based on the idea that you can improve your health by eating certain foods suited to your blood type. It claims to improve health and reduce symptoms that link to certain medical conditions. There are four blood types: A, B, AB, and O, and each type may have different nutritional needs and requirements.

Peter D’Adamo, MD, a naturopathic physician, developed the blood type diet in 1996. According to him, certain foods could improve people’s health with each blood type.

While there is little scientific evidence to back up this claim, it is thought to promote healthy eating habits and can lead to intended weight loss in some people.

This article provides an overview of the O positive blood type diet, including its benefits and risks, and a sample meal plan.

What are blood types?

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Blood types refer to a classification system that describes the presence of antigens, or proteins, on the surface of red blood cells. These antigens determine whether you may be able to receive a blood transfusion from another person.

Your blood type, or blood group, depends on what types your parents passed down to you.

There are four main blood types:

  1. A
  2. B
  3. AB
  4. O

The presence or absence of antigens determines blood types. Blood type O positive is the most common.

The genes you inherit from your parents determine your blood type.

Learn more about blood types.

What do you eat if you have blood type O?

D’Adamo recommends certain foods for the type O diet. It focuses on lean meats, vegetables, and fruits and limits wheat, alcohol, and dairy, which may trigger digestive issues (see Sample Menu section below for meal ideas).

What are the benefits of the O positive blood type diet?

The diet for blood type O positive may have several health benefits, according to D’Adamo. However, more research is needed to understand if there is a true link between blood types and diet.

However, the diet does focus on lean meats, vegetables, and fruits, which may help overall health.

  • Cardiovascular health: A diet rich in healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats in olive oil, has been shown to improve cardiovascular health.
  • Improved digestion and nutrient absorption: The diet includes plenty of fiber-rich vegetables and fruits that help improve digestion and reduce constipation or loose stools.
  • Weight loss or maintenance: The diet for O positive blood type is low in carbohydrates, and a high protein meal plan may help you feel full for longer.

What are the risks of the O positive blood type diet?

The O positive blood type diet focuses on eating foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Though the diet for O positive blood type has purported benefits, it may cause some nutrient deficiencies by failing to provide sufficient amounts of certain vitamins and minerals.

It is always important to discuss with your doctor before making any significant dietary changes.

Does the O positive blood type diet work?

There is currently no strong scientific evidence that the O positive blood type diet works.

The theory behind the O positive blood type diet needs to be studied further before understanding its effectiveness.

Medical conditions linked to blood types

Several studies show how your blood type can increase your susceptibility to particular health conditions. For example, research has shown that people with blood type AB have a higher risk of stroke.

A 2014 study found that people with type AB blood have an increased risk of cognitive impairment, and another2015 study linked a lower risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus to people having the O positive blood type.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) suggests that people with blood type A have a higher risk of getting stomach cancer, although the reason for this is unknown.

Future scientific studies may reveal more about the link between blood types and certain medical conditions.

Here is a 3-day meal plan for the O blood type diet, focusing on high protein and low carbohydrates:


  • Breakfast: fruit smoothie with flaxseed oil and nonfat milk
  • Lunch: grilled chicken breast, sautéed spinach, and brown rice
  • Dinner: baked salmon with a side of broccoli


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with soy milk and raisins
  • Lunch: arugula salad with chicken breast, olive oil, and lemon juice
  • Dinner: chicken breast with brown rice and a cup of soup made with chicken broth


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with cinnamon, nuts or seeds, and berries
  • Lunch: soup made from vegetables and chicken broth
  • Dinner: a garden salad mixed with spinach or romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots dressed in olive oil and vinegar, along with grilled chicken breast or fish

In addition to these foods, you should also drink plenty of water throughout the day.


The O positive diet is based on the idea that you can improve your health by eating certain foods suited to your blood type.

It’s important to remember that there is no scientific evidence behind blood type diets — nor much research on the benefits of the O blood type diet — and it is best to speak with a doctor before making significant changes to your diet.

What Foods Should blood type O positive avoid?

What foods to avoid with blood type O.
kidney beans..
caffeine and alcohol..


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