What is a 2008 mazda 3 worth

Mazda Resources:

2008 model year changes

For 2008, the popular Mazda3 sees an important safety upgrade: standard on all s trim cars will be front seat side-impact air bags, as well as full-length side curtain air bags. Superficial changes include new colors like Golden Sand, Copper Red, Stormy Blue, and Metropolitan Gray, while True Red is unique to the MAZDASPEED3. All five-door models feature a revised rear bumper, and Grand Touring models now have standard power seats. Coming later in 2008 will be a new trim level--i Touring Value, which replaces the i Touring. It will feature 17-inch alloy wheels, fog lights, a color-keyed grille, a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift lever, and an anti-lock brake/air bags safety package.

Competitive comparison

Fuel efficiency; sporty handling; flexible five-door body style; performance for the money (MAZDASPEED3).

Special features for 2008

The 2008 Mazda3 is one of the most nimble, best-handling small cars on the market, and the five-door models especially stand out among competing models for their sporty silhouette and hatchback convenience. Both the i and s models have impressive fuel economy and the MAZDASPEED3 is one of the most powerful front-wheel-drive cars available, as well as one of the fastest cars in its affordable price range.

Available in a broad range of trim levels, in either a four door Sedan or Hatchback body style, the 2008 MAZDA3 is a sporty compact offering plenty of positives as economy cars go. In addition to responsive power under the hood and a solid build, the MAZDA3 comes equipped with a base 148 horsepower 2.0-liter 4-cylinder or a 156 horsepower 2.3-liter 4-cylinder with adequate comfort and convenience features like air conditioning, front bucket seats, steering wheel audio controls and AM/FM/CD/MP3/Satellite radio. Safety features include front and side-impact airbags.

Mazda Resources:

2008 model year changes

For 2008, the popular Mazda3 sees an important safety upgrade: standard on all s trim cars will be front seat side-impact air bags, as well as full-length side curtain air bags. Superficial changes include new colors like Golden Sand, Copper Red, Stormy Blue, and Metropolitan Gray, while True Red is unique to the MAZDASPEED3. All five-door models feature a revised rear bumper, and Grand Touring models now have standard power seats. Coming later in 2008 will be a new trim level--i Touring Value, which replaces the i Touring. It will feature 17-inch alloy wheels, fog lights, a color-keyed grille, a leather-wrapped steering wheel and shift lever, and an anti-lock brake/air bags safety package.

Competitive comparison

Fuel efficiency; sporty handling; flexible five-door body style; performance for the money (MAZDASPEED3).

Special features for 2008

The 2008 Mazda3 is one of the most nimble, best-handling small cars on the market, and the five-door models especially stand out among competing models for their sporty silhouette and hatchback convenience. Both the i and s models have impressive fuel economy and the MAZDASPEED3 is one of the most powerful front-wheel-drive cars available, as well as one of the fastest cars in its affordable price range.

^ Price Guide:

Price When New (EGC): Price shown is a price guide only based on information provided to us by the manufacturer and excludes costs, such as options, dealer delivery, stamp duty, and other government charges that may apply. When purchasing a car, always confirm the single figure price with the seller of the actual vehicle.

** Private Price Guide: Represents what you may expect to buy or sell this vehicle privately. It may vary to a dealer's retail price because the dealer may prepares the vehicle more thoroughly, both mechanically and aesthetically, and may provide a consumer warranty.

Price Range: Refers to an estimated range of prices that the vehicle may be available for sale (utilising both Price When New (EGC) and Private Price Guide prices, where available).

* If the price does not contain the notation that it is "Drive Away No More to Pay", the price may not include additional costs, such as stamp duty and other government charges. Please confirm price and features with the seller of the vehicle. Optional extras may also be subject to additional Stamp Duty costs when there is no Drive Away Price displayed.

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How many miles is a 2008 Mazda3 Good For?

According to Vehicle History, you can expect a Mazda3 to last upwards of 200,000 to 300,000 miles on average. In fact, there are even some Mazda3 owners with over 350,00 miles on the odometer and their cars are still going strong.

How much is a Mazda3 worth?

2021 Mazda 3 Value - $15,599-$33,798 | Edmunds.

What problems do Mazda3 have?

What Are Common Mazda 3 Problems?.
A failure for the trunk release to activate..
Engine misfires..
Rattling noises and vibrations originated in the rear of the car..
Brake problems..
Malfunctioning Infotainment system..
Faulty thermostat..
Air bag warning light issues..

Are Mazda 3s reliable cars?

Is the Mazda3 Reliable ? The 2021 Mazda3 has a predicted reliability score of 74 out of 100. A J.D. Power predicted reliability score of 91-100 is considered the Best, 81-90 is Great, 70-80 is Average, and 0-69 is Fair and considered below average.


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