What is not alive but has five fingers

Looking For What has 5 fingers but is not alive Tricky Riddle Answer?

Then you land on the right page.

Many people are frustrated because they couldn’t figure out the riddle What has 5 fingers but is not an alive answer?

This question is simply a sort of muddled-up question to see what people will answer.

This riddle is very interesting and remembers the riddle is to test your creative skills.

You can ask this riddle to your family and friends for fun because this riddle has a clever or amusing answer.

This riddle is tricky and a brain teaser meant for any school-level student and also for every individual of any age group.

The answer of What has 5 fingers but is not alive? Riddle is a Glove.

What has 5 fingers but is not alive? “A Glove”
I Have Five Fingers But I Am Not Alive What Am I? “A Glove”

I hope you understand this tricky riddle What has 5 fingers but is not alive?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Riddles?

Riddles are tricky questions that you can ask your family and friends for fun that have a clever or amusing answers.

What are the benefits of riddles?

Riddles help you to use your brains differently. tricky questions create critical thinking and problem-solving skills which actually help raise IQ.

What has 5 fingers but is not alive?

The answer is a Glove because a glove has 5 fingers and it is a nonliving thing.

What has many keys, but can’t even open a single door?

The answer to this riddle is a piano because the piano has many keys in it but cannot be opened.

I Have Five Fingers But I Am Not Alive What Am I?

The answer to this riddle is a Glove.

Im Not Alive But I Have 5 Fingers Riddles To Solve

Solving Im Not Alive But I Have 5 Fingers Riddles

Here we've provide a compiled a list of the best im not alive but i have 5 fingers puzzles and riddles to solve we could find.

Our team works hard to help you piece fun ideas together to develop riddles based on different topics. Whether it's a class activity for school, event, scavenger hunt, puzzle assignment, your personal project or just fun in general our database serve as a tool to help you get started.

Here's a list of related tags to browse: Clean Riddles 5th Grade Riddles Impossible Riddles Confusing Riddles Object Riddles Who Am I Riddles Who Am I Riddles Clever Riddles 3rd Grade Riddles

The results compiled are acquired by taking your search "im not alive but i have 5 fingers" and breaking it down to search through our database for relevant content.

Browse the list below:

I Have Five Fingers Riddle


A glove.

Did you answer this riddle correctly?

The Number Of Fingers Riddle



Did you answer this riddle correctly?

Hint: Determine what "Today" is, then work backwards until you determine the day in question.

MONDAY. "Today" is Sunday. Now, starting at Sunday and working backwards (from "the day before yesterday"), we have the following: - 2 + 3 -2 + 1 + 2 - 1 ...So, we go from Sunday to Fri. to Mon. to Sat. to Sun. to Tues. to MONDAY.

Did you answer this riddle correctly?

I Have Five Fingers Riddle


A glove.

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Poke Your Fingers In My Eyes


A pair of scissors.

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If Pilgrims Were Alive Riddle


Their age!

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Many Rings But No Fingers


A tree!

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500 Pound Canary Riddle


Anywhere it wants!

Did you answer this riddle correctly?

The 500 Pound Monster


On a diet!

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Donald Trump Immigrant Riddle

Classic hangman joke with Donald Trump as our victim. Can you save Mr. Trump from being hanged?

Hint: He definitely plans on doing it per individual.

Juan by Juan

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Fingers And A Thumb Riddle


A Glove

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Fingers And A Thumb Riddle


A Glove.

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Flies Alive Riddle


A Snow Flake

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Important To Both Human Beings And Animals


A scent or smell. A scent is important to both humans and animals and both search for scents (for different reasons). A scent travels through the air to benefit humans and animals, again, for different reasons.

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Alive Without Breath Riddle



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Pointing Without Fingers


A clock

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Add Your Riddle Here

Have some tricky riddles of your own? Leave them below for our users to try and solve.

What has a thumb four fingers but is not alive?

Q: What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive? A glove.

What is not alive?

inanimate Add to list Share. Inanimate describes a non-living thing. Chairs, baseballs, sofa cushions and sadly, snowmen, are all inanimate objects.

What has a thumb and forefinger but no hand?

The answer to the above riddle is a glove.

Are all five fingers of your hand equal What does this refer to?

This is a Persian expression meaning that all of our 5 fingers in one hand have different size, shape and orientation and all of them are unique. But all these discrepancies make hands the crucial part of the body with the highest performance.


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