What is the difference written in scientific notation 0.00067

Real number to scientific notation calculator

Type in a value in decimal or 'e' notation
Examples: 1.67, 0.01, -0.00001602, 1e10, 1.380649e-23. etc.

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How do you express a number in scientific notation?

A scientific notation is a way to represent very large or very small numbers concisely, where a number is written in the form of power of 10, following the formula below:

m × 10n


  • m, the mantissa, must be between 0 and 9.999 ...
  • n, the exponent, is a positive or a negative integer, including 0

To convert any number to scientific notation, we must follow these two rules:

  • The decimal will be shifted to the left whenever the given number is 10 or greater and the power of 10 is positive.
  • The decimal will be shifted to the right whenever the given number is smaller than 1 and the power of 10 is negative.

Let's learn through examples:

Example 1: How do you express 0.0005 in scientific notation?

This number 0.0005 can be written as 0.0005 × 100 in powers of 10.

So, according to the first rule, to convert 0.0005 × 100 to scientific notation, we will shift the decimal to right and multiply with negative powers of 10 until the number comes between 1 and 10.

Thus, the scientific notation for 0.0005 is 5 × 10-4

Example 2: How do you write 427,000 in scientific notation?

This number 427000 can be written as 427000 × 100 in powers of 10.

So, according to the first rule, to convert 427000 × 100 into scientific notation, we will shift the decimal to right and multiply with positive powers of 10 until the number comes between 1 and 10.

So, the scientific notation for 427000 is 4.27000 × 10-4

More Examples Chart

0.005 in scientific notation 5 × 10-3 5e-3
100 in scientific notation 1.00 × 102 1.00e100
427 thousand in scientific notation 4.27 × 105 427 × 103
0.001 in scientific notation 1 × 10-2 10 × 10-3
1 trillion in scientific notation 1 × 1012 1 × 1012
80,023 in scientific notation 8.0023 × 104 80.023 × 103
0.1588 in scientific notation 1.588 × 10-1 158.8 × 10-3

What is the difference written in scientific notation? 0.00067-2.3 * 10-5



Grade 8 · 2021-05-26

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What is the first step in writing 0.0006 in scientific notation?

Step-by-step solution Move the decimal point to make 0.0006 a new number between 1 and 10. Because our original number is less than one, we move the decimal point to the right. Drop any zeroes in front of the number. Keep track of how many times we move the decimal point.

How do you write 50000.0 in scientific notation?

To write 50000 in scientific notation, we will have to move the decimal point four points to left, which literally means dividing by 104 . Hence in scientific notation 50000=5×104 (note that as we have moved decimal four points to left and thus divided by 104 , we are multiplying by 104 to compensate.

What is the correct way to write scientific notation?

The proper format for scientific notation is a x 10^b where a is a number or decimal number such that the absolute value of a is greater than or equal to one and less than ten or, 1 ≤ |a| < 10. b is the power of 10 required so that the scientific notation is mathematically equivalent to the original number.

How do you read a number in scientific notation?

What Is Scientific Notation? The letter a stands for a decimal number, and the letter b stands for an exponent, or power, of 10. For example, the number 300 is written in scientific notation as 3.0 × 102. The number 0.03 is written as 3.0 × 10-2.

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