What over the counter medicine is good for throat infection

Sore throats are very common and usually nothing to worry about. They normally get better by themselves within a week.

How to treat a sore throat yourself

To help soothe a sore throat and shorten how long it lasts, you can:

  • gargle with warm, salty water (children should not try this)
  • drink plenty of water
  • eat cool or soft foods
  • avoid smoking or smoky places
  • suck ice cubes, ice lollies or hard sweets – but do not give young children anything small and hard to suck because of the risk of choking
  • rest

If you have a high temperature or you do not feel well enough to do your normal activities, try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until you feel better.

How to gargle with salt water

  1. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water (warm water helps salt dissolve).
  2. Gargle with the solution, then spit it out (do not swallow it).
  3. Repeat as often as you like.

Video: how to treat a sore throat

This video shows you how to treat a sore throat.

Media last reviewed: 1 June 2020
Media review due: 1 June 2023

A pharmacist can help with sore throats

You can ask a pharmacist about ways of relieving the pain and discomfort of a sore throat, such as:

  • paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • medicated lozenges containing a local anaesthetic, antiseptic, or anti-inflammatory medicine
  • anaesthetic spray (although there's little proof they help)

You can buy these treatments from a supermarket or from a pharmacist without a prescription.


Call your pharmacy or contact them online before going in person. You can get medicines delivered or ask someone to collect them.

Find a pharmacy


You do not normally need antibiotics for a sore throat because they will not usually relieve your symptoms or speed up your recovery.

They'll only be prescribed if a GP thinks you could have a bacterial infection.

Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:

  • your sore throat does not improve after a week
  • you often get sore throats
  • you're worried about your sore throat
  • you have a sore throat and a very high temperature, or you feel hot and shivery
  • you have a weakened immune system – for example, because of diabetes or chemotherapy

A severe or long-lasting sore throat could be something like strep throat (a bacterial throat infection).

Immediate action required: Call 999 if:

You or your child:

  • have difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • are drooling – this can be a sign of not being able to swallow
  • are making a high-pitched sound as you breathe (called stridor)
  • have severe symptoms and are getting worse quickly

Sore throat symptoms

If you have a sore throat you might have:

  • a painful throat, especially when swallowing
  • a dry, scratchy throat
  • redness in the back of your mouth
  • bad breath
  • a mild cough
  • swollen neck glands

The symptoms are similar for children, but children can also get a temperature and appear less active.

Causes of sore throats

Sore throats are usually caused by viruses (like cold or flu) or from smoking. Very occasionally they can be caused by bacteria.

A sore throat can also be caused by:

  • laryngitis
  • tonsillitis
  • strep throat (a bacterial throat infection)
  • glandular fever

Page last reviewed: 05 February 2021
Next review due: 05 February 2024

If you still have a sore throat after seven days, make an appointment with your doctor.Cold and flu season is here, and with it comes a host of uncomfortable symptoms including the dreaded sore throat.

Sore throats tend to be caused by a virus and often occur just before the start of a cold or flu, but can also be due to irritation from coughing or mucus running down the back of the throat. Sore throats can also be caused by bacteria called Streptococcus.

While a scratchy throat can be uncomfortable and at times debilitating, the good news is you can take fast-acting over-the-counter remedies without having to visit your GP.

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How do I cure my sore throat?

Sore throats are self-limiting and tend to get better on their own in about three to seven days. Antibiotics are not usually required.

🤒 If you still have a sore throat after 7 days, make an appointment with your GP.

Medicines available from the pharmacy can help to relief the symptoms of a sore throat, including lozenges, syrups, throat sprays and painkillers.

Our resident pharmacist Rita Ghelani recommends the following over-the-counter medicines:

Lozenges for sore throats

➡️ Throat lozenges: if you have a mild sore throat,sucking on a lozenge can help to lubricate the throat, as the sucking action helps to produce saliva. Also, ingredients such as lemon and honey in these products can help to relieve irritation and stop the throat feeling dry.

Syrups for sore throats

➡️ Syrups: if your throat is dry and scratchy, using a syrup of linctus containing glycerine, honey and lemon can help soothe a sore throat by providing lubrication.

Sprays for sore throats

➡️ Throat spray: if you have a sore throat that is very painful and making it difficult for you to swallow, using a throat spray containing a local anaesthetic could be a good option. These work quickly and as the spray is directed to the exact point of pain at the back of the throat and it works by numbing the pain.

Painkillers for sore throats

➡️ Pain killers: for extremely inflamed sore throats, ibuprofen tablets will help. Gargling with soluble aspirin (300mg strength) is also an option, as this targets the inflamed areas at the back of the throat.

Which medicine is best for throat infection?

Doctors most often prescribe penicillin or amoxicillin (Amoxil) to treat strep throat. They are the top choices because they're safer, inexpensive, and they work well on strep bacteria.

What is the fastest way to get rid of a throat infection?

Regardless of the cause of your sore throat, these at-home care strategies can help you ease your or your child's symptoms:.
Rest. ... .
Drink fluids. ... .
Try comforting foods and beverage. ... .
Gargle with saltwater. ... .
Humidify the air. ... .
Consider lozenges or hard candy. ... .
Avoid irritants. ... .
Stay at home until you're no longer sick..

How do you get rid of an infection in your throat?

In most cases, antibiotics will quickly wipe out the bacteria causing the infection..
Get plenty of rest. ... .
Drink plenty of water. ... .
Eat soothing foods. ... .
Gargle with warm salt water. ... .
Honey. ... .
Use a humidifier. ... .
Stay away from irritants..

Can you clear a throat infection without antibiotics?

Strep throat typically goes away in three to seven days with or without antibiotic treatment. However, if you don't take antibiotics, you can remain contagious for two to three weeks and are at a higher risk for complications, such as rheumatic fever.


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