What temperature should my freezer be set on

What’s the temperature inside your refrigerator and freezer? There is a narrow temperature range where your food will stay fresh – and safe – longest. Find out how cold to keep your refrigerator and freezer, how to check, and why it’s important.

What Should My Refrigerator Temperature Be?

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Your refrigerator is a very important part of food safety in your home. The temperature inside your refrigerator needs to be cold enough to inhibit bacterial growth, and warm enough so the food doesn’t freeze. Refrigerators should be set to 40 degrees F (4 degrees C) or colder. A good temperature range for a refrigerator is between 34-38 degrees F (1-3 degrees C).

Monitor the temperature inside your refrigerator with an appliance thermometer. Refrigerator thermometers are designed to be more accurate at lower temperatures (compared to a meat or oven thermometer that is designed to be more accurate at higher temperatures). Even if your refrigerator has a temperature indicator, it’s a good idea to purchase an appliance thermometer. This one even has the “safe zone” labeled, so you don’t have to think about it! Refrigerators often have warm and cool spots. Move your thermometer around in your refrigerator for a couple of days to get a “map” of the temperature fluctuations. When you’re organizing your refrigerator, keep things like milk, other dairy products, eggs, and meats in the colder areas. Save the “warmer” areas of your refrigerator for produce, condiments, or other items that have a longer shelf life.

Temperatures between 34-38 degrees F (1-3 degrees C) will not kill bacteria and mold. Temperatures between 34-38 degrees F slow bacterial growth, but do not kill bacteria. But (as I’m sure we’ve all seen) food will still spoil in a refrigerator. Spoiled food or leaking fluid from raw meat or poultry can quickly contaminate a refrigerator, any surfaces they come in contact with, and any food they touch. Any spoiled food should be immediately thrown away. Any spills should be immediately cleaned. Good refrigerator organization can help to decrease the chances of cross-contamination of other foods in the refrigerator. Always keep raw meats and poultry inside a lipped container, and on the lowest shelf of the refrigerator to reduce the risk of accidental cross-contamination. Find more tips for organizing your refrigerator here.

Read this post on The Real Farmwives of America & Friends for some more tips to keep your refrigerator cold.

What Should My Freezer Temperature Be?

Your freezer should be kept at 0 degrees F (-18 degrees C) or lower. Temperatures below 0 degrees F do temporarily inactivate bacteria or mold, but do not kill them. While the food is frozen, there will be no damage to the food, no rot, and no multiplying bacteria. Most foods can be kept for an extended period of time in the freezer. Over time, frozen foods may start to dry out, causing freezer burn or a loss in quality. These foods are still safe to eat, but may not taste good.

Once frozen food is thawed, the bacteria and molds that were frozen are also thawed, and can now multiply and grow. Once food is thawed, it should be handled like any fresh food. (Check out this post for more information about thawing meats, and this post for information specific to thawing turkey.)

After frozen foods are thawed, they can be refrozen. Follow these guidelines for frozen food safety:

  • Thawed foods, in the refrigerator – use or refreeze within 2-3 days
  • Thawed foods, kept at room temperature – refrigerate or refreeze within 2 hours
  • Thawed foods, cooked then refrigerated – use or refreeze within 3 days

If your freezer loses power and food thaws, the food inside may be edible. Keep an appliance thermometer in your freezer so you know what the temperature is. As long as the temperature is below 40 degrees F (4 degrees C), the food will be safe to eat (following these refrigerator guidelines) or refreeze. Once the temperature rises above 40 degrees F, the food should be thrown away.

Printable Cheat Sheet for How Cold Should My Refrigerator & Freezer Be?

Do you want an easy way to remember how to set your refrigerator and freezer temperatures? Click here to download your free printable cheat sheet!

The environment around your freezer can affect how cold you should set it. If it’s in a garage or basement, you may need to adjust the temperature to account for humidity or outside temperatures. Only make small changes and wait at least 24 hours between changes to allow your freezer to adjust.

Power outage tip: If you lose power, don’t open your freezer door unless the outage is expected to last over 24 hours. A full freezer can usually stay cold enough for around a day. Keep in mind that a freezer filled with meat stays cold longer than one filled with baked goods.

What setting should a freezer be set at?

How cold should a freezer be? Freezer temperatures should be set at 0ºF (-18ºC) to conserve the quality of your frozen food. A range of -1ºF- 1ºF is still acceptable, though to help minimize freezer burn, it's better to have your freezer on the colder end of the spectrum.

What is the correct and standard temperature for freezer?

Keep your appliances at the proper temperatures. The freezer temperature should be 0° F (-18° C). Check temperatures periodically.

What temperature should a freezer be set at in winter?

and for the freezer it should be set at -18 °C. Each degree below these temperatures makes no difference as to how well the food is preserved, but it does increase energy consumption by approximately five per cent.

Can a freezer be too cold?

Yes, your freezer can actually be too cold. It should, of course, be cold enough to keep your food frozen, but having it set too cold could result in freezer problems.


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