What to do if you dont know what to do

After the graduation celebrations have died down and you have moved back in with your parents or into a new apartment, whether you are applying for jobs or are about to start a new job, it is not uncommon to feel a bit lost and unmoored. Some graduates have no idea what career they want to pursue, and some are moving to unfamiliar surroundings where they do not know anyone, and are trying to figure out who they are in this new chapter of their life. If you are feeling lost and like you’re not sure what to do post-graduation, here are a few things you should do when you are not sure what you want to do with your life:

Let Things Go

There are certain things that are not in your control, such as the job application process. You have to learn to work hard, do what you can, then let it go. Control what you can, then let it go. When bad things happen, view them as opportunities to turn them into something positive. Everything will never be in our control, so learning to let things go and go with the flow is key to coping with uncertainty and maintaining your sanity.


One healthy way to temporarily get rid of anxiety is to sweat it out. Doing your favorite kind of exercise, whether it is dancing, running, yoga, lifting weights, hiking, etc. One thing you have control over is how regularly you exercise, and if you are struggling with feelings of depression, stress and anxiety, exercise if a great way to work off some of the extra energy. Exercising helps alleviate stress and improves your mental and physical health, so if you’re struggling make sure you’re getting some exercise in every day.

Mitigate Distractions & Procrastination

Binging on another TV show or scrolling through social media for hours will not help you address the issues or obstacles you are struggling to overcome. Stop enabling distractions and excuses. The sooner you confront your problems, the sooner you will solve them.

Start Asking Yourself The Right Questions

If you are not sure what profession you want to pursue, ask yourself, “What do I love so much I would do it for free?” If you’d like to “find your passion,” start with that question and then consider what comes to mind. Then ask yourself, “What does my dream job look like?” Is it in a big city, the suburbs or in a rural area? Is it a small business or a large company? Do you work with a team, independently or both? What are your skill sets? Will you need to go back to school? These are the sorts of questions you need to ask yourself when you begin your job search.

Seek Help

If you are really struggling, reach out to a therapist and/or a career coach. If you need some guidance and someone to help you work through this time of transition, do not hesitate to seek help. You do not have to go through this alone, you can ask for help.

These are 10 simple tips you can use whenever you start to feel stuck for the day. We all have days where we wake up and have no clue what to do with ourselves. I actually used six of these tips for myself while creating this article. Hopefully, some of these can help you too!

Number 1. Just stop and don't do anything!

What I mean by this is to not literally just drop to the floor but to give yourself a moment to relax your mind. Start with laying or sitting down somewhere comfortable. Close your eyes and just breathe. In that moment don't worry about anything. A moment of silence can help your mind have a little reboot to figure out your next move.

Number 2. Make a list of everything you can accomplish for the day!

This list is going to consist of things that should better you. It can be something simple like putting away the dishes or more detailed like creating a new resume and applying for that job you always wanted. Make sure you add in details. For example, instead of just writing down "clean house," narrow it into categories. Your start off could be parts of the house like the bathroom. Then narrow it down further to cleaning out bathtub and toilet, wiping counters, add clean towels, etc...

Number 3. Go for a nice walk!

I personally love going on nature walks. It just brings a natural peace to me being able to breathe fresh air and listen to the Earth itself with no distractions. This can relate to number 1 in the sense that you let your mind relax. If you live in an area where you don't have parks or the weather is just nasty just take a small walk around your home. It may sound silly if you live in a small place but it can help to stretch the body.

Number 4. Work out!

Working out can be done in so many ways and can be done anywhere. You can work out at the gym, obviously, in bed or outside. Whatever you decide to do its good to get the blood flowing. Sometimes I like to workout for about ten minutes before a shower. I do some basic crunches and leg lifts. If you ever feel stuck, YouTube is extremely helpful in learning new moves.

Number 5. Learn a new skill!

This is a huge category. This can be from learning a new craft like sewing to learning how to code online. The internet has all the information you need to learn where to start on whatever you choose. Like number 2, you can make a list of things you would like to learn and interest you. The hardest part is just starting because you will never know how much you love or hate something until you try!

Number 6. Writing!

I am old school and absolutely love writing with pen and paper. I'll admit over the years I have hoarded so many journals but almost using none because they were too pretty. I have about ten random spiral notebooks around my house filled with random information. I write down my thoughts on how I feel in the moment, things I want to accomplish in the future, or ideas I have. Even if you do not like writing, it can be good to jot down your thoughts and reread them and really study how you think as a person.

Number 7. Get yourself a good meal!

Good food is one of the best things in the world, especially if you have had a crummy day but you know you have an amazing meal waiting for you at home or a great restaurant that has something that makes you forget about your worries. Eating doesn't have to be expensive. Sometimes the hole in the wall places are ridiculously affordable or if you like cooking, you can create a beautiful dish for a fraction of what places would charge. Getting something nutritious or delicious in your body can help you power up.

Number 8. Call some friends!

If you don't know what to do and don't like being alone, call up someone. Just having another person around you can help you feel good and excited and you usually end up figuring things out to do for the day. If you're sociable you can always go out and meet new people. It can be a great learning experience to listen to a stranger's point of view.

Number 9. Listen to music!

Music is life! That is a fact! Music can change the mood you have. It can be fun, happy, sad, chill... You can spend hours listening to and finding new music. Most of my favorite songs I have found by accident just surfing through YouTube! Just listening to some good stuff and start dancing!

Number 10. Do nothing!

Similar to number 1, but more of a long haul tip. It's okay to just stay home and chill. Growing up people make such a fuss about getting into a good college, getting a great job, then marriage, and kids. Sometimes you need to have a lazy day for yourself and just relax. Just because it may be the weekend it doesn't mean you have to be hustling every single minute. (If you do hustle, it is respectable.) Just take the day or a few hours for yourself and relax. Watch some movies or sleep.

Thank you for reading this article! This is the very first of more to come!

What to do if I do not know what to do?

10 Things to Do When You Don't Know What To Do.
Take it easy on yourself. Pressuring yourself to have all the answers won't trigger you to have an epiphany on what to do. ... .
Accept Discomfort. ... .
Realize you aren't alone. ... .
Go with the flow. ... .
Stop procrastinating. ... .
Ask yourself the right questions. ... .
Help someone out. ... .

What to do if you dont know what you feel?

Here are five ways to practice being more aware of your emotions:.
Notice and name your feelings. To start, just notice how you feel as things happen. ... .
Track one emotion. Pick one emotion — like feeling glad. ... .
Learn new words for feelings. ... .
Keep a feelings journal. ... .
Notice feelings in art, songs, and movies..

Is it OK to not know what you want in life?

So, it is okay not to know what you want to do with your life. In fact, perhaps it's even preferable for a time. Deciding to live on your own terms, following your own intuition and living as honestly as possible is the most important decision of all. It's also important to briefly look back every now and then.

What do I want out of life?

Spiritual/Emotional Things.
Have at least one true best friend..
Feel relief from social judgment..
Reconcile with an enemy..
Be remembered in a positive way after death..
Know that you made a difference in someone else's life..
Feel important to others..
Know yourself and feel centered..
Live each day without regret..


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